Natural IBS Treatment - 10 Keys - Dr. Richard Hagmeyer - Naperville Institute

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In this video, Dr Hagmeyer explains the 10 underlying areas of interest when it come to correcting IBS. Getting to the root cause of IBS, SIBO, or any other GI disorder requires investigation. Without the proper investigation you will continue to suffer.
Many people have suffered from IBS and digestive disorders like you have found relief. You can regain your life once you find the cause.
10 Keys to Better GI Health
1. Altered levels of beneficial bacteria “Dysbiosis”
2. Presence of infectious bacteria, H.Pylori, LPS endotoxins, Yeast/Fungal overgrowth or parasites (Toxicity)
3. Lack of digestive enzymes for Proper Digestion (especially if you have lost your gall bladder or you take antacids)
4. Altered Bowel chemistry PH or SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) affecting motility
5. Leaky Gut- Breakdown in the integrity of the Gut Barrier (Can lead to auto immune disease such as Crohn’s disease, Hashimotos, Type I diabetes, Cancer)
6. Fructose or Sucrose Intolerance- Fructose/Sucrose Malabsorption or Histamine Intolerance.
7. Food Sensitivities/Intolerance to Dairy, Egg, Soy, Milk, Gluten, Carrageenan, Guar Gum, Xanthum Gum, or other foods
8. Cross Reactive Food Sensitivity (foods similar in structure to gluten that can induce damage to the body)
9. Inflammation-Inflammation poses many problems to people who suffer with diarrhea, bloating, cramping, constipation, gas, and GERDS. Inflammation is a major cause of tissue damage and pain.
10. Hormonal Imbalances- Hormone like Cortisol, Thyroid, Estrogen have a massive affect on how fast food moves through Gastrointestinal tract. Low thyroid hormones can cause constipation, while too little cortisol can impair healing of inflamed tissues. Estrogen can affect the gallbladder causing poor digestion of fats. Hormones imbalances can influence neurotransmitters like Serotonin, Dopamine, GABA, Acetylcholine affecting Gut Motility.