8 Hour Sleep Hypnosis to Be Your Most Powerful Self - Dark Screen

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You can be your most powerful self and sleep hypnosis is an easy tool to help you achieve that quickly. This 8 hour hypnosis helps you drift off into sleep and remain deeply asleep as you empower yourself to:
- Discover you are powerful
- Take back your power
- Step into your power
- Increase your power
- Let go of the past and successfully move forward
- Feel confident
- Feel in control of your life
- Stand up for yourself
- Feel the courage to speak your voice
- End toxic relationships
- Discover new relationships that honor you and sustain your wellbeing
- Neutralize negative energy, people, situations and relationships
- Realize new and empowering thought patterns
- Feel free, feel happy and enjoy peace of mind
- Be The Most Powerful Version of Your Self

You will experience a profound dreamlike state between wake and sleep that empowers you to receive these benefits. As your conscious mind quiets down, and your body prepares for sleep, your subconscious mind is paying very close attention. It's this moment that is so powerful as you experience positive messages that will shift how you think, feel and choose to behave. You will shift yourself into experiencing and enjoying being your most powerful self.

As your body relaxes and you continue to sleep, the gentle music and powerful affirmations will continue to play throughout the night. Not only will you awaken in the morning feeling relaxed and feeling positive, you'll notice yourself choosing into more powerful and empowering behaviors that sustain you being your best self, living your best life through this powerful sleep hypnosis.

This video is also a black screen that contributes to your being able to sleep with complete dark in your room.
00:00:00 - Introduction, PreFrame, Relaxation
00:50:00 - Sleep Deepener
01:14:00 - Affirmations
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Рекомендации по теме

Its taken me 42 years to let go . Dont be me . Let go. You are not your past or other people's actions. You are amazing and strong . And the only you this world will ever have. When you think this / know this. Love this . You my brother/ sister can be at your best ever version of you . Let no one take tour power. Even your past self. X


The best place on the internet. These comments are so beautiful. I wish it could be like this everywhere. I love you all


Had an ADHD burnout/meltdown after my first day at a new job today, had suicidal thoughts and everything, the whole package and reading these comments from this community has been overwhelmingly helpful. I'm going back tomorrow and not giving up all of you beautiful souls have helped me immeasurably I love you all sincerely. Crying as I write this, god the divine creator is good. you all remind me to love life because it gets better if you have the courage to command it to be better. Good night all you beautiful and special souls, might not be here without you all. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Whomever is reading all the things you want and desire will come. You’re a special person and you have purpose.


Sending so much love, light and positive energy. May the heavens rain down greatness on everyone that reads this comment.


I don't know if this video has anything to do with it, but I listened to this last night and I had the most amazing day today (Jan 17, 2022). Happy Full Moon in Cancer All.


Keep reprogramming until you undo the negative thought patterns!
It takes time but when it clicks in it becomes second nature! I wish you all EVERYTHING🙏🏽


Listened to this for the first time yesterday. This morning I got up before I absolutely had too (which in it self is a big thing these days). I did some yoga and had a big glass of water before finishing my school project.
I was like “what happened just now?!!” 🙈❤️


I listen to this almost every night and have noticed a huge change in my mood and mindset. I am more positive and feel lighter. Guided meditations seem to work better for me than frequencies. Definitely recommend listening to this. Peace and love to you all and I’m rooting for you on this journey ☺️


I beginning to notice a lot of negative thought patters, from the military, and years of addiction. The thoughts I don't want. Who wants to be in a cage of misery? This has made me realized I have the power to undo those patterns, and step in to the light, following my joy, surrendering the results. This is amazing.


If no ones told you this today, let me. I love you. I’m proud of you. Everything’s gonna be okay


Im trusting you with my brain while I sleep. Cheers Johno


Amazing. This morning, I received a letter on my door. Something that would have put me in a panic attack. Though listening to all of these vids, I "nothing" it and kept control. I sleep with these every night for last 2 months and now even listen to them at work. I see a major transformation. ❤ I know exactly how to solve it. You and your wife are beautiful people. Very good teachers. A thousand thank you. Sending love and light to all.


I’ve been listening to this guy for about 8 months, every night. My favorite is meeting my spirit guides. I’ve met 2 so far. With these nightly affirmations while I sleep, I’ve met my higher self. I thank John for that.


Please everyone pray for me send me good vibes, I’m letting go of a toxic relationship where all I get in return are lies when all I give is love and encouragement. I feel so depleted I need this to work so badly, I love you all.


I listened to my first reprogramming video last night and I woke up to a productive lovely day. I felt so beautiful I did a lot of things that I thought I wouldn’t have the energy for and really surprised myself with how hard I worked today.

One day at a time. ❤️ A 1% change. 1% more effort. This one choice makes a huge difference. I am honored to be guided here. Blessings and abundance to you all here 💗


This is POWERFUL! I listened to this last night before bed, woke up with revelations about major aspects of my life.


Hello ... I was brought here by my inner being.
Your video and this page is very warm, relaxing and welcoming. There is a lot of love 💘 here .... that makes me feel so connected. I bow to the spiritual beings that guide and give peace to all that transit through this portal.
May your journey be full of bliss and blessings May you be fulfilled and May you feel loved 🙏🏼


To whoever is reading this: Sending love and hugs to all of you. Remember that you are loved. You are not alone in fighting your battles. We are here for you and we love you. The universe got your back. Trust in the divine process of life. You will definitely find peace, strength, love, and happiness. Stay safe ❤️


I listen to you every night. You are fantastic. It has been about 3 months and I definitely see a positive shift in the way I entertain life. I love who I am, finally.
