How to know FOR SURE that you are not the narcissist

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Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance, a need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. And here I discuss my own personal experience living with narcissistic personality disorder. Including the symptoms and behaviors associated with this disorder, as well as how it has affected my life. I also share some of my coping strategies and how I have been able to manage the disorder, along with helping you understanding your loved ones and their behaviors that may seem almost incomprehensible and potentially hurtful. Hopefully, my channel will provide insight into what it's like to live with narcissistic personality disorder, as well as what it's like for your loved ones. Thank you for watching!

If you wanna keep updated on Pathological narcissism and NPD, check out my other social media.

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Sometimes the people can have narcissistic traits but they are not full narcissists


Thank you for the come to Jesus moment, comment! That’s how I see my mother and my ex. It’s a STARTING place! I recently found out what I’m sick with, it will be a rough road, but it’s a starting place! I want all narcs to do better and to be better, and I want all people to understand each other. ❤🎉


what "equal" in relationship means is that we treat each other with same respect - that we have same rights and requesting something from the other person means we would accept such request from them. this is the most problematic thing with narcissism. it is related to what people call "empathy" but actually is more related to longterm stability relational outlook.


Autistic perspective on these 3 in case anyone is tossing up the two possible diagnoses:
1. Genuine emotions: sometimes have these if I understand and can relate to what’s happened. Sometimes I fake it or don’t know how to react so avoid. With some things- like other peoples random achievements- I feel more like “this isn’t relevant/interesting to me but I better pretend to be excited.” But I don’t feel contempt or care about it.
2. I feel like the question of relative worth isn’t important because the human race collectively benefits from diversity via evolution and the economy benefits via capitalism. Human worth is defined practically not socially. I rarely notice or respond to markers of high or low status, sometimes leading to embarrassment/conflict.
3. Loving myself- I think I’m okay, I like some of the things I can contribute, I think I have limitations and weaknesses too but I try to grow and learn. I wouldn’t say I “love” myself but I think I am fundamentally valuable and have potential, just like everyone else.


The irony I see in the common narcissism ‘help’ videos is the lack of compassion they show and create toward the narcissistic people.

Your videos are helping me to understand my partner in a transformational way that is positive.

Thank you.


Thank you for this... Neurotypicals need to know we are prone to toxic behaviors occasionally too, everyone needs to do shadow work on themselves


The way you talk about your NPD is how I feel about my ADHD. Obviously these are completely different psychological issues. But at first I was terrified of having ADHD. But then after some contemplation I felt relieved that I finally knew what was going on and preventing me from reaching my fullest potential. I now had community and support. Yes ADHD comes with social malignment amd negative stereotypes but at least now aI have a framework for support and self-actualization. People often deride labels especially those relating to mental helath or neurological illness but people seem to forget just how empowering they can be


I definitely think I have narcissistic traits, not even going to lie I do have thoughts similar to narcissistic traits but maybe they’re just intrusive thoughts that I over analyze .


Also, again I want to point out that your channel is hugely helpful for me and many other people to take perspective, like, I was so anxious about being narcissistic because of these labels and the guilt and shame that comes with these behaviours, because let's be honest, this content that we see on the internet about narcissism isn't meant to be tailored specifically for one case, it's meant to justify the anger of people who have had relationships with shitty people, and to capitalize on that for views. It's not very helpful or honest, and it's kinda toxic because of that.

And on that note, I wish you recovery and mental health, and all the best for you, that hopefuly, someday, you and every NPD can be treated with the right tools so that you can heal your trauma and live better. Peace.


Wow you actually gave me proof I’m not which dating a few has made me think maybe I was. Thank you 🙏🏼 ❤


My emotions were genuine, also I did 8 months therapy, have his abuse recorded, I know he cheated and he discarded/kicked me out on a weekly basis yet he still tells his friends I’m the narcissist 🤷‍♀️ the friend was shocked to hear the vile abuse! He never thought he’d be capable of that. Wolf in sheep’s clothing they are. He literally tortured me. Like a cat plays with a mouse - not kill it just have it half dead, exhausted, suffering - he took huge pleasure in me living out of a suitcase in Airbnbs.


Your videos are really interesting and informative. Thank you for being so open and honest.

I think I have the opposite issue… I’m too emotionally reactive and feel others issues too much. They’re crying, I’m crying…. I actually really care deeply about them and what they’re going through. So much so, that it can be consuming, like I’m absorbing their hurt…. It’s like I’m on the opposite end of the spectrum and it is emotionally exhausting.


I have been on the "am I a narcissist death spiral" lately and this honestly helped me a good bit. I highly supect myself of having ASD/ADHD, and I realized that some of the presentation of symptoms between the two disorders can be somewhat similar for entirely different reasons. From my understanding of it (I could be wrong), pwNPD tend to exhibit narcissistic traits as a result of defence mechanisms or just plain genetics, while people with ASD tend to exhibit such traits as a result of a neurological deficit rather than a baked in defence mechanism to trauma. Lastly, the ADHD leads to all sorts of forgetfulness/lack of focus, which further lessens my ability to understand the effects of my actions on other people and leads to more narcissistic behavior.

There are also some key differences in symptoms/personality traits that I notice in myself being different from NPD.

For example, like a pwNPD, I tend to not understand how my actions can affect others and often hurt people's feelings as a result (mostly by being aloof and or solitary). On the contrary, I have very strong emotional reactions (affective empathy) to things that I connect with, especially media such as video games and movies. I also can react in a similar manner to other people an animals, but to a noticably lesser degree.

For the longest time I thought that I was the narcissist, but I am starting to realize that it is most likely my mother. Now, there is a caveat to this, as I also suspect her of being neurodivergent, but she has the history of narc abuse trauma (which I believe to be at the hands of her most likely narcissistic mother) to boot. All of her narcissistic traits and the abuse she has done upon me are definitely on a lower level compared to some stories or narc abuse, but those traits are so prevalent throughout the majority of the interactions I have with her that I believe NPD might still be to blame. For example, she almost never takes fault, and will only take fault/apologize when it is beneficial to her to keep the peace. She is completely unreceptive to any sort of criticism and will get angry if you try to tell her. She also invalidates my emotions regurarly by saying "oh its fine" or "you just need to look on the bright side", even when I tell her something that is clearly concerning me. Lastly, she has also inflicted emotional wounds on me in the past by telling me things that cut right into my deepest insecurities during a fight, although these events are somewhat rare.

Overall, the level of abuse she has inflicted upon me is not very high, but it surely has left its mark by slowly destroying my self-esteem and turning me into a chronic people pleaser. If you don't read all of this, don't feel bad bc it is really long and stuff. Peace :)


I asked myself this question a lot in the beginning of my therapy. Turns out, I‘m the other side of the trauma bond. But today I know why I was asking myself that question. In my opinion (and I‘m not a professional) all these diagnosis (NPD, BPD, DPD, AVPD etc) come from trauma. It‘s just different ways we ‚learned‘ to survive an environment that felt hostile. And all those ways are maladaptive and it‘s good to get help. There was a time I was glad I could put the label of narcissist on those ‚evil people‘. Today I still think, the way they treat people when they are triggered is not ok, but I can see it as a defense mechanism rather than an attack. But it’s the ‚loudest‘ one of the survival mechanisms, that’s probably why it gets the most bad reactions. So thank you for being open about it, this might help others to fight through their own shame and get the help they need.


Been trying to understand this concept for years and never heard it so clearly stated. Well done and thank you!


Excellent video once again!! NO ONE PROVIDES THESE ANSWERS. You’re the man, man.


I loved your vulnerability and honesty. That took guts. And everyone deserves help and hope.


Thank you for making that point, it should be a relief to know why your relationships are falling apart. And now you know why and you can get help


God bless you for your honest insight. You are helping so many people understand the true nature and depth to narcissism. Thank you.


Bruh I can never get used to my deepest internal monologue being broadcasted in your videos😂
