'Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart: How to Know for Sure You Are Saved' by J.D. Greear

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Have you ever doubted your salvation? Can you give your life to Christ and still not be saved? Exploring the doctrine of assurance, Greear asks "What is faith?" "What is repentance?" and "Why does the Bible seem to warn us about losing our salvation?" to help you understand and rest in Jesus' promise.

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Please pray for me to strengthen my faith in God


So many sad comments here. All too often the message below is, "I'm still struggling with sin--how can it be true that I am really saved?" The Bible says that Jesus paid for ALL of our sin and that includes past, present, and future. We will struggle against our fleshly desires everyday on this side of heaven. Nevertheless, when we look to Christ's substitutionary atonement on our behalf, we trust that he paid the penalty for us and took God's wrath that we deserved. Instead of continuing to measure ourselves and quantify or qualify the sincerity of our faith, we need to take our eyes OFF of ourselves, and turn to the finished accomplishment of God in Christ. It is on the basis of HIS cross-work that we are saved. When we truly trust in that alone, our hearts will change over time and we will grow in love for him, ultimately leading to growth in Christlikeness, though not perfection. Stop looking to your own performance, whether before or after salvation, and look to Christ alone. As you abide in him, works will follow but they should not be the basis for your assurance--your assurance is in the quality of Christ's sacrifice, and it is perfect.


please stay in my life Jesus Christ of Nazareth!


This is a fresh breath of air to me. I always measured my assurance by "feeling, " I'm saved. Long story short I never felt saved, I always base it on my works. How long have I read my bible, just a task list and if I did not perform all then I felt I wasn't saved. I would say the sinner prayer daily and that never gave me peace. It as if the veil has been taken off and I see it not faith in works/ feelings it in Jesus Christ sacrifice. Believing in Jesus Christ finished worked for me, and that where I get trip up. It just hard for me to believe Jesus Christ did it for me and my part is believing and accepting it. The pastor puts a relief that I'm not the only one who struggles with this issue.


Amen Amen I prayed and A flash went in front of my eyes and a fire in my soul united and I'm an sure that I am saved by Jesus Christ amen hallelujah


u will know when u are saved u never forget that day that is your sealing u must preach the gospel the holy spirit God's spirit wouldn't have it no other way, WHEN saved u can't get out of your head how amazing God is


In short...Faith, without faith it's impossible to please God. Be blessed.


A lot of the time I keep having anxiety if I fully accepted Jesus as my savior. Sometimes it's hard to be at rest when you realize how horrible Hell is. Just a very thought and feeling of wanting Jesus to be your savior really shows that you have done it


Read your Bible(KJV) everyday and you won't doubt your salvation.
Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God.
Romans 10:17


thank you so much for the video... I find myself fearful like this because I feel like I lack fruit as a believer and don't think I have much spiritual conviction of sin. I hear christians talking about living a sinful lifestyle, saying "I can't even do it" because they have a conviction and hate for sin. Because they truly love God and despise the idea of dishonoring God...

Me, however... I don't really feel like that very often.. I dont feel that hate for sin, that conviction... Im full of just condemnation and fear. I often times feel love for God and am thankful for his sacrifice for me, but I have no lasting Godly sorrow. Even though I dont live a sinful lifestyle, I dont feel convicted if I imagine myself living in a sinful lifestyle. Just condemned.

I just want to know Im saved and a child of God, but I feel like I cant do it. I dont think like im a new creation and I carry around anxiety and burden over the fear of hell. I dont know what to do and just want to come to christ like everyone else. Maybe Im just overthinking it all... please pray for me.


This is my story too and I’m still struggling with it!

I probably received Jesus 100 times!


This is me. I try to rest on it, but then doubt sneaks in.


I wanna be addicted to Jesus ! I'm wanting to get closer to Him☺


I was only 10 yrs old when I was saved. I was very innocent, child-like, and under age of truly understanding. I didnt change much at all because I was so young and innocent when I asked God to save me.


Assurance I have found comes from knowing the Word. It isn’t dry, or antiquated, or unknowable or impersonal. I finally got that the Word is alive, and offers all the intellectual, spiritual and emotional salve to all the problems that beset me before I realised this was God taking to me through Jesus and the Word.
That no matter what happens, it’s rock solid and eternal. This is no believe just because scenario.

Anyway, that’s my understanding this far


And Jesus said:" Invite me into your heart and you will be saved." ( First Fiction Chapter One verse 3)


Praise GOD in The Name of The LORD JESUS I wanna cry for


I was 13 years old..I went to church with a friend of mine (I grew up Catholic) and to this day I won't ever forget that night it changed my world...
I was saved that night... I don't really know how I started the prayer to be saved but by the time I was done I was speaking in tongues... I have never done that before or since...all I know is that I was saved..I felt like my soul was wiped clean and the holy Spirit was inside me..I never wanted that feeling to end..it was unexplainable.. especially to a 13 year old..I'm now in my early 40's and I still to this day remember that night... I don't know what I was saying..but I know deep down it was the holy spirit in me .. and that Jesus blessed me that night...
Fast forward to today..I'm married for over 20 years..and every time I bring the subject up my husband says that wasn't the holy spirit but Satan..he says you started talking in tongues well and only the devil does that..I tried to explain to him no it wasn't Satan.. God was in my soul and the feeling I had the devil would of wanted no part of....
No matter how hard I pray I have never felt like that since... I don't care who tells me what I know deep down it was God spirit inside me.. I use to make fun of people who would be shouting and dancing around...but I know now it is God and his love..
I Know ppl thought for a long time that I was crazy but I didn't care who thought what..I knew in my heart I was saved and that the language I spoke wasn't of this world... You can't even mimic it..
So when ppl tell you that all "holy rollers" are crazy there not..they have God with them and when you stand by them you can feel how beautiful God really is and his LOVE for us!!!!


Romans 8:16 - "The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children." What's so hard about that?


Please anybody pray for me. I am engulfed in addiction. I want the strength to change myself. I'm sorry god. Please don't leave me in despair. My kids are moving further and further away from me. I'm a man who is broken.
