What Is Real? And Can We Ever Know For Sure?

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Can we ever know for sure what the universe is or how it works? Is there absolute truth underneath everything that we can access and understand? Perhaps the fact that we still need to ask this question is a good thing. Perhaps not knowing with certainty what absolute truth is or if it exists is why life is so amazing.
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A little bit of stress is a good thing, so long as you don't focus primarily on it and let it consume you. There's nothing wrong with wanting to start at a young age and its still possible to do so, and enjoy it arguably, there is no real, or right way to live life just to live in the moment experiencing it for what it is. A chaotic mess of perceived good and bad depending on how you see it. Just live in the moment which is never easy, butt nott impossible in reality you are life experiencing life and no one really has the answers, so long as you find joy and come to peace with the fact thatt the only thing we can actually control is ourselves, and our emotions. Even though we did nott choose them its important nott to gett caught up in the small things, butt rather look at the picture as a whole and appreciate the absurdity of it all


if anyone knew everything, they'd be bored. life would be more pointless, but having some level of ignorance is good cause it gives us stuff to strive for, that's what i got out of this anyway :)


I think that the "heaven" is the place where we will (could) exist in some sort of immaterial form (as some sort of tiny spark of consciousness), stripped of our flesh, and thus of our exhausting human desires, fears, self-limitations and doubts. Moreover, we won't get bored of such "empty" existence.
On the other hand I think currently we're actually in "hell", cause I can't imagine torture worse than not being able to find the meaning of all the sh... stuff happening all around you. We're here, in this purgatory, cause we were cursed with a "curse of flesh" and all of it's negative attributes, listed above.


Makes me wonder if our civilization has already reached a point of discovering everything, and realized it had nowhere to go from there, so It created this simulated reality so we could forget and re-experience discovery. But if that is the case, It's a puzzle why they would keep so much suffering in the simulation.


I have the answer, found it in meditation


"If there were an endpoint to our knowledge, what would there be to live for?"
I appreciate the sentiment, and please pardon my bluntness, but that sounds like either a rationalization or lack of imagination. Or both. The overwhelming majority of people do not remotely care about those questions. Even if you could prove with 100% absolute certainty how the universe is here, where we came from, what happens after we die, what the most fundamental law/s of physics is/are, etc and all the as-of-yet undiscovered ways to manipulate the very fabric of reality... buddhists would still meditate, artists would still create, thieves would still steal, politicians would still politic, etc... We don't live solely for the arguably futile pursuit of some endpoint to knowledge, though it's a fun quest. We live simply to live and experience life.


Disappointed...at first but really good try attempt to form the big question sooo it was not a big vaste off time:)😇
