How to Know FOR SURE He Has NOT Changed...

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I have never met a man in my entire life who ever changed. If they hurt you, they meant to do it and are just mad because you called them out.


Never will I ever get stressed out over someone who doesn't even care about my well being


How to know for sure he hasn't changed: When you keep having the same conversations and he keeps coming with the same answers without action!


If his actions and words are not aligned, leave him alone...for good. #teamjaxn


My ex used to try to flip the script anytime I would try to address an issue.


Rejection, is God's protection. Jah bless.


Their excuse is always "if you go looking for it you'll find it " when it shouldn't even be there for me to find. No matter how hard I look. #teamjaxn


I never go backwards. Once the relationship ends it's over. He's an ex for a reason I'm not looking for change


Most men never change..they just don't like when you pull the rug from under them when they weren't done with you yet. #Teamjaxn


If you don't trust him you have nothing.If he is to secretive do him the same way and just leave him alone completely Don't any Grown Woman have time for a boy.


He's changed but it's too late...I no longer care he had a million chances


Derrick, he accused me of cheating, so I did some digging, and I found him on a dating website, and now he is mad, called me a stalker. So he is on full block. I wish him well & I hope he finds the woman of his dreams online.


To my dear women out there; dating is hopeless. Never mind the mental gymnastics, men do not want relationships, they want sex with multiple women. I don’t mean to be negative but it seems to be true. The media/programming/Hollywood has gotten a good grip on the way men perceive women. We are replaceable, under valued, never good enough etc. Why delude ourselves? LET THEM BE, DO YOU, build a relationship with the most high, be the absolute best you can be. Decide WHO you want to be for yourself. If God has a good man for you trust and know that you will be with him. The rest is futile. The truth is harsh but SO LIBERATING. Its ok to be alone, we came in this world alone and we leave this world alone-FACT. Much love to all you amazing beautiful ladies. Stay strong.


"It's an emotional high. Real change takes time."



Men change when they want to change. Many times women think they can "mold" men into what they want them to be, but at the end of the day they're just going to do what they want. I ain't worried about them #TeamJaxn


So grateful for this confirmation! The pain of dealing with a narcissist was overbearing. Thought I made the wrong decision but this just proves I didnt. I trust that God has something better in store for me no matter how long it takes. I know my worth and I will always stand for what I deserve 💪


This is why I stay single, no kids and happy with my life right now. No stress #TeamJaxn


I’ve learned to never make someone a priority, when to them you’re just an option.


Feelings do change after a person takes so much pain.


Excellent Word Derrick! You said that.
You shed light on how to tell if a man has changed. Many times, when a woman finds out that her man cheated or did something disrespectful that caused her to end the relationship, she often questions why he did this to her. When she sees him with another woman, appearing in a happy relationship, she wander’s why he is treating that other woman better. Well Derrick, whether you know it or not, you answered that question as well. If that man does not take full accountability for his disrespecting ways to you and tries to bring it back to something he thinks you did wrong, then he has not changed. He will 99% take that same attitude into another relationship. When that other woman does something he does not like, he will disrespect her and point the finger at her too. That displays his selfish nature and lack of accountability. Thank you for the word
