What We Know For Sure

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Today's message from Ezekiel 38, delivers the promise of things to come, with great confidence and peace to the followers of Jesus. The overwhelming indicators in our current global news of the return of Jesus Christ, our blessed Hope. Get ready. Be prepared.

0:00 - Introduction
32:37 - 1. All Eyes are On God
46:25 - 2. All Eyes are Off America
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“Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His Glory and Grace. Grace Grace God’s Grace, Grace that will pardon and cleanse within, Grace Grace God’s Grace, Grace that will pardon from all our sin.” This is an oldie but goody.


Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you." (Ephesians 5:13-14)


While we see all the evil that is happening, don't panic. GOD is still in control and We pray HE doesn't give us the Judgment we deserve BUT HE is wakening up many world wide who have been asleep too long. Pray with the Awakening that GOD will still give us MERCY and GRACE.


2 years ago... and STILL relevant - I shared it again - I pray people will see it - Thank you Pastor Jack


My eye has been on God for 50 years ( since I was saved ) ! Been watching and waiting for Him to come, now it’s about to happen !


I am learning so much & Love hearing the Word preached by Jack. You are truely blessed having his clear message to the world. Praise God for these messages and the relaxed enjoyable way he points us to understanding Gods Word. 🙏Australia


Thank you Jack. You brought encouragement to me today in a very dark UK. May the LORD Jesus Christ return today.


Oh my goodness, anybody hearing this message will be “BLESSED” praise Jesus!


Now this is what I call a solid message concerning The Word of God, and our current times. Jesus be praised now, and throughout eternity.


Lets all wake up and repent !!! The time is at hand.God in all his glory is in control! We worship you Holy Almighty God !


God bless all my brothers and sisters, keep the faith, read your bible.. also all non believers that may see this message, I pray that you come to the Lord and accept him as your Lord and Saviour! In Jesus name, Amen!


I pray that Jesus Christ raptures us extremely soon!


Why on God's green earth are ministers NOT preaching this kind of message in the pulpits today like Pastor Jack Hibbs? No really... It's all about self worth, your best life yet, how to get through it.... it's nauseating. THIS is the Biblical food we need!


Lord, I pray that YOU help me to focus on Christ Jesus, there are just too much noises in this world. Btw, before we come to Ezekiel 38, we shall be sensitive to know that lots of Jewish people have been called home back to Israel, a fulfilment of Ezekiel 37. All glory to GOD.


I love all your preaching Pastor Jack, i am not late to watch you on Bible prophesy because i love to be save together with my wife who is a Buddhist but believes Jesus Christ died in the Cross for our sins & awaiting for his second coming until the very end of this civilization. Amen🙏


My church "Legacy Church" here in Albuquerque, NM with Pastor Steve Smothermon is also being severely persecuted with bashing news articles, people telling members of the church that we are a "super spreader" and they hope we die, and we are also getting issued fines! We are staying open nonetheless! The people need God more than ever! And the doors need to stay open even in these trying times for those who are losing hope!


So important, as you pointed out, Pastor Jack—that we know and REVERE and ESTEEM the Name of the ONLY God—YHWH! HalleluYah!


When there is darkness faith grows when there is despair faith grows says the Lord!! The veil put over the nation will be lifted says the Lord!! All that is hidden will be uncovered says the Lord! The season will come when victory and glory will come! Humbly Pray to the Lord in Jesus’ name and have patience with the Lord Have faith and trust in God Thank him everyday for your blessings that you have and when you do this, what you prayed for will absolutely surely and positively get answered! I know I’m 67 years old and God has Always answered my prayers ! God bless America and Israel and the nations! 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️


Wow, great great sermon Pastor Jack. Here in Europe the same. We are looking up for His return.


You are NOT harsh, Pastor Jack. You speak the only Truth.
