Would You Have Joined the American Revolution?

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Would You Have Joined The American Revolution?

It may seem obvious, but only 40-45% of colonists supported the cause. It's not as simple as it may appear!

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Instagram: @pbsoriginofeverything

Written and Hosted By: Danielle Bainbridge
Graphics By: Noelle Smith
Edited By: Linda Huang

Works Cited:
Newman, Debra L. "Black Women in the Era of the American Revolution in Pennsylvania." The Journal of Negro History 61, no. 3 (1976): 276-89.
Howard Zinn A People’s History of the United States
Catherine Allgor Parlor Politics: In Which the Ladies of Washington Help Build a City and a Government
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As a Canadian (which I guess didn't exist yet), I most likely would have been welcoming all the loyalists who were moving up here. But as an Asian woman, I'm not sure if I would have been allowed on this continent yet lol.


Fundamentally, if I were born in the 1750's, I would not be who I am today. I mean, even more so than most people—my turn to atheism (which was triggered by philosophical concepts that weren't common and scientific knowledge that wasn't known) and the effects it had on my relationships with family and (former) friends were a major force shaping my adolescent years, and most of the things I want to/enjoy doing were even more nonexistent. That's not getting into how my political beliefs would have changed, growing up in different time periods!
All that said...I think I'd probably want to try and stay out of it. Find some place away from the fighting, try to avoid conscription without breaking the law. I'm one of those guys who thinks that _both_ parties are flawed in their own ways, and I'd probably think much the same about Royalists and Republicans.


I don’t think any of my family was here during the American Revolution. I think most of them arrived about a century later. I wouldn’t be a fighter, but possibly a cook, nurse, or seamstress. I really enjoy these history lessons. Please keep them coming.


Can you explain how Puerto Rico is part but not part of the USA. Love the channel, I have learn a lot.


This was really interesting! Are there going to be more videos like this in the future? I really like learning about the lives of normal people throughout history, I'm an anthropology major of course which makes me even more interested.


My family was divided by this war. One side came to Canada as loyalists and the other side became revolutionary heroes. I would love to do more research into why. And also to have been a fly on the wall for those family dinners!


This is a fantastic series that requires ten times as many subscribers and views that it gets


My family that joined the war were Palatine Germans in Germantown, NY. I would love to research what drove their decision to join up. What did they have to gain/lose?


Not subject related. Just wanted to say that you are a great presenter. You're very engaging! Look forward to watching more of these videos. Great topic.


Loved this! I have been researching my family's part in the revolution . I am very proud that my ancestors took part, but I don't know If I personally would have. It really is food for thought


It was such a complicated time. I would like you to do another 50 videos on it, as this one was amazing. Just rename the channel :)


Being Scottish the genral opinion of Scotland at the time (and mostly still is) was feeling disconnected from the British parliament only joining with the English parliament in 1707 after Scotland went broke trying (and failing) to set up their own colony. Most felt as unrepresented as the Americans but there wasn't that much they could do about it without another round of braveheart. So I think had I lived at the time I wouldn't care either way as long as I had food in my stomach and a roof over my head.


I love how you did this focusing on POV


We’ll Done! Thank you! My family was #5, so we were Patriots ☺️


Well, it's hard to say if I would have joined or not. But, I am eternally grateful to several of my ancestors for doing so, on the Patriot side of course. The only notable one was James Potter of Pennsylvania who rose to Brigadier General under George Washington. I am proud to be 9th generation American, and have researched my family tree for 25 years and counting.


Interestingly enough, this ties in well with yesterday's episode of Adam Runs Everything.


Our 5th grade class voted 12 to 9 saying no we would not have joined the Revolutionary cause. It was too risky and without knowing how it would all end it was too difficult to choose the right side. If you chose the losing side you could lose everything...all you had, freedom, your life.


Excellent video! I never thought about this and now it makes perfect sense.


In a college history class I took, it was put forth that the revolution was fought, not over taxation (though that was part of it), but for religious freedom. The english monarch was the head of the church. When the monarchy changed, the citizens of the faith favored became entitled while citizens of other faiths became oppressed. So having separation of church and state was a driving force for many.

That said. I don't know. On one hand, I'm Irish Catholic and the reigning monarch was church of England. On the other hand Irish Catholics were discriminated against in the U.S. until well into the 1900s. It was common for NINA to be part of job & housing ads. No Irish Need Apply. My father fought in WWII. He was a medic and was treated with extreme prejudice by the non-Irish patients in the hospital he served in.

As a woman though, it is likely I wouldn't have had a choice as i probably would have been a bond servant and coerced to assisting one side or the other.


I probably wouldve tried to become a woodland warlord fighting all sides
