I Joined The #1 Cheer Team In America

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Special Thanks:

Assistant Producer - Carissa S.

Director of Photography - Dan Kusnir
Sound Mixer - Tyler Shields


Thumbnail designed by @venturepsd
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As a cheerleader I'm beyond SHOCKED at the skills Michelle was able to do in a bit over a week. Most cheerleaders practice for a decade before doing these stunts. It definitely helps a ton to have expert bases under you to learn, but still, this is extremely impressive.


I love how supportive your cheer partner was. he seems like such a nice guy


It’s the fact that she’s LITERALLY learning the skills for the first time on the sidelines while the other people are performing that blows my mind. Of course Michelle isn’t going to be on par with people who have been doing this since they were in single digits, but she has a determination and energy that you KNOW those coaches have to appreciate.


As a cheerleader myself, I am so impressed with you. Learning that so fast is so crazy. I’ve been cheering for 6 years and I’m just now doing the stunts your doing.


You did SO good 😭 and your partner was the sweetest. This was really inspiring


I’d like to take just a second to point out how great of a cheerleader Daniel is. I hope that he doesn’t think of himself solely as “Gabi’s stunt partner, ” because he is simply remarkable. I cheered in high school and college, and if I could have been even a tenth as good of a cheerleader as Daniel, I would have never given it up.


The genuine surprise on their faces when she did the 4 back handsprings and other moments when they were so impressed by how quickly Michelle was able to learn just made my day. They seem like really nice people to allow you to film while making these crucial decisions and it was obvious they were being as supportive and nice to you as possible.


i’m 22, i have crippling anxiety and depression and i respect Michelle so much. i just found your channel last night and you’re so incredibly inspiring.


As an extreme introvert I can’t imagine how much confidence it takes to try new things and potentially fail, not only in front of the people in the room but in front of the whole internet. I struggle walking into Muay Thai each week and it’s a medium sized class and here Meesh is trying new things in front of millions of people on the internet.


If I was in Michelle's position, I would have just cried and wet my pants...like Michelle doesn't realize how much of an inspiration she is ...looking at her trying new things and putting herself out of her comfort zone over and again is just amazing 👏


I did competition cheer, cheer, and gymnastics and she WAS IMPRESSIVE!!!! Learning to fly and go up in the air isn’t just a physical thing it’s mental too. And ALOT of trust


I love how Michelle is so loud, hype, and enthusiastic, and even more then anything brave and powerful


As someone who did competitive cheer for 10 years I AM BEYOND impressed. You did amazing and you gave me so much nostalgia seeing you give it your all and having a fun time. Great great video.


I think cheer leading is her calling. She always has a great attitude and she’s always hyping everyone up. I always feel enthusiastic watching her videos. Especially this one!


I was..."happy" that you didn't make the team. NOT because I thought you were bad or because i was rooting against you...only because it keeps the stakes and skill level really real. They didn't hand you anything just because of your vlogger status. This was a real audition and they were grading you just like they were grading everyone else. You learned and improved so much in what was probably a total of 2 weeks and that is TRULY amazing! Honestly, I think if you went at it full time you could absolutely make a cheer squad within a year if you kept up this level of intense training. You always show us that anything can be achieved with maximum efforts and that is priceless.


23:28 is the essence of cheer. Cheer is hard its just like gymnastics or the circus, you need to impress make it look easy and smile through it all. You may be the best person on the team but right before you get on that mat you have some type of overwhelming feeling whether it's fear anticipation or pure excitement. Even more so cause you only have one chance. Once you're done and you ace that performance or competition you feel proud you feel powerful. That nervousness or fear didnt effect you and you showed everyone how badass you are! You trained hard for it and you can finally say that the work was worth it, and that feeling of accomplishment and moment of pride that is cheer.


As a former cheerleader, I have to commend you Michelle, on all of your hard work, dedication AND skill. It's not easy to pull of what you did. Your energy was absolutely amazing. You must be so insanely proud of yourself and your performance.


As a past cheerleader and flyer, the skills you learned took me years to get down, this is very impressive. You should be extremely proud of yourself and thank you for giving a REAL glimpse of the mental/physical preparation cheerleaders experiences.


Only 10 days of training, yet it felt like you had the most spirit out of everyone. You were literally the light and joy out of all of this and it’s AMAZING AND STUNNING. Sure you couldn’t do all the stunts the professional and more experienced cheerleaders could do, but it was still so beautiful and amazing Michelle!!
