Major Changes to Keto in 2025 - New Guide to Lose Fat and Build Muscle

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Timestamps ⏱

0:00 - Intro
0:49 - The Basics
2:01 - Fat Loss
5:18 - Protein
6:00 - Fats Sources
9:13 - Gut Health
10:24 - 25% off Your First Order of SEED
11:04 - Fully Commit to the Adaptation Period
12:44 - Saturated Fat & Dairy
15:23 - Carbs
16:27 - Sweeteners
17:38 - Keto "Cheat" Food
18:30 - Supplements
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64 years old lost 80 lbs. low carb/Fasting. walk everyday 45minute-1 HR. went from 40 waist to 34. feel better now than I have in 20 years. no diet, Life style Change. Weight has been off 2 years now never going back. feel too good. Alc went from 5.7 to 4.6. lipid panel better than when I was on Stains. LDL 159 doc says too high I don't agree Triglycerides 80. Stop taking 7 different prescription drugs. Doctors want tp throw meds at everything. would never recommend life style change. Intermittent fasting accelerates weight loss. I rarely Eat before 1PM. up at 6 am and walk. usually eat between 1-6PM. 5 hr window . works great for me.


I'm an 80 yo female, retired RN, fairly new to practicing Keto. I'm learning so very much from whom I think are the best influencers. I like the science behind it all but I still have questions on fat/protein ratios etc. I am insulin resistant (15 insulin level) but because I've lost about 18-20 lbs in aprox 3 months I only have 2 markers for metabolic syndrome: (A1c 5.7 fasting blood glucose 87) and waist 37. My lipid panel is thru the roof, except for Triglycerides....63! and HDL 64. NO STATINS FOR ME...they're toxic. I'm eating low to sometimes no CHO, depends on what I feel like eating. I fast 18-20 hours average and I'm not hungry. My clothes are falling off me. I feel good. I'm loving it! But I wish someone would address MY generation specifically, because I'm sure we have some slightly different biological/ response needs, here and there. My kids and grandkids are proud of me but they also think I'm slightly crazy because I totally love learning the scientific reasoning behind how Keto works. Can you address the "elderly" generation....I don't think of myself as being elderly. I live on a farm and do my own chores...husband recently passed away. But I'm still going and don't intend to stop!


58 yrs here. I need to thank you for all the wisdom. I started my health journey in may 2023 and I’ve lost 130 pounds so far, in large part thanks to you and Bobby.


How did Thomas knew I'm going back to my beloved Keto?

Did very strict keto for 5 years, OMAD, I.F, then one year carnivore. The changes in my life, so many!
Moved to another country, was weak to temptation, took things for granted, fell from grace.

Today was my first day of going back to the path, this time, if successful, will be for good.

Brain fog, inflammation, low energy, etc, is not for me.

Had to remind myself how bad this was, to now return with increased appreciation.

Thomas was the first one I watched way back then. And, unexpectedly, he's the first one now.
Proactive nostalgia is my current fuel.


Thanks for the updates on the keto plan I started out with from your channel. When I started out, I was at 409lbs and by following that former plan, I went down to 299lbs.
Unfortunately I had a really rough year last year, so I wasn't able to keep doing keto and with even eating what is normal food for most people, I gained lots of that back.
So luckily I'm now at a point I'm able to get back into keto again. And even with starting out with the 'old' plan, my brain is already less foggy. Haven't looked at my weight yet, but first getting back into it is my goal. So I'm gonna take a look at the link you put in here and see what's new with that.
Thanks for being so clear on things and all your tips.


I did keto years ago for weight loss and loved it. I'm back after a cancer diagnosis, thank you for this update.


Thomas, I lost 103 lbs watching you in 2019-20. Major problems in ‘21, so I gained it back. I’m back on and lost 45 lbs already. Screw the haters.


That cycling low fat high fat keto is exactly what I just started because I stopped being able to lose weight on keto. First week in doing that and scale is finally moving.


Wish me luck at the beginning of a clean keto journey! I have 90 pounds to release from my life.


Great info - thx so much!!🥰

Im 58 post menopausal and been Keto/paleo consistently for 3 years now. Seen big improvements in reduction of autoimmune symptoms, severe gut/digestive problems, brain fog, and chronic joint pain I’d delt w/ for decades. 🥳

Main foods are sheep milk yogurt, raw milk kefir (though sadly raw milk is now unavailable in my area of CA 😢) pecorino romano, manchego, raw goat milk cheddar, pastured eggs, grassfed ground beef or lamb, sardines, macadamia, avocados. Also have 1 TBS of grassfed butter, MCT and honey in my am coffee. Eat 1/4-1/2 cup sauerkraut or other fermented veggies with every meal.

This way of eating has kept me at ideal bodyweight w/ no cravings. Eat 2 meals/day and fast some but not strict w/ it. I exercise daily with combo of HIT, walking and resistance training.

Labs have gotten much better too w/ Triglycerides around 60, HDL 125, A1C 5.3 (still want to get that down!) excellent vitamin D and B12. Crp is 0. Only negative labs are HDL has now gone up (214) and lipo-b is a tad over normal.

Now working on improving metabolic health and getting more deep/REM sleep. My waking body temps are about 96, and I feel too cold a lot of the time. I struggle in eating enough calories and not able to eat very big meals when I do eat. Makes me wonder if I should increase the carbs??

Maybe you’ll do a video on improving metabolic health especially for us post menopausal women?

I will try some of your recommended supplements and thanks so much for always putting out such helpful content! I really appreciate your work!


Please add some charts to your videos to make it clearer and easier to remember! Thank you Thomas


So glad to see this update❤️! I’ve been on a long ride- gluten free, to paleo, to keto, to ketovore, and this past year have gone completely rogue(sourdough toast every morning with my cottage cheese or eggs😩). Weight has never really been an issue but I’m needing to drop 6-8 and want my highly functioning brain back! I’m 65, female, lift slow/heavy 2xweek, with Tabata rowing sessions interspersed. Just this morning jumped back into keto. Great info that I would have been behind on. Love your content, Tom!


Would love to have a little summary of your eating protocoles. Akin to a summary of your videos, maybe regularly updated. it would really help with meal prep and diet planning


This is my introductory video to your channel and I’m a subscriber now! Wow- there is so much info here- thank you! I’ll take a walk through your other vids now. I’m hoping you’ve talked about the role menopause and age has on a person’s success using a keto diet and what, if any, changes or guidelines you’d recommend. ❤ I know it’s always best to speak with a medical professional- but my doctors tend to just fall back on the same recommendations that my mother received at my age. I don’t want to follow in her footsteps and die of breast cancer at age 69!


Thank you for doing this one, Thomas! I've been following you for about 5 years now lost lots on keto felt great. Got into dirty keto, that's slowly let me back to not caring as much put weight back on. Now I'm back on keto as of Monday and I sure needed this video to pump me up!! Love your channel Keep the good stuff coming please❤


My story so far. Over three months into the carnivore diet with daily intermittent fasting, and the results are life-changing! Here are my numbers:
* Weight: Down 30 pounds
* Blood Pressure: Improved from 139/90 to 117/73
* Fasting Glucose Levels: Dropped from 123 mg/dL to 79-86 mg/dL on average.
* Ketones: Now at 2.7 mmol/L
* GKI (Glucose Ketone Index): 1.7
This combination has truly transformed my health and my life!


Thank you, Thomas! I am coming back after a bad few years. Ruptured Achilles, then COVID led to a terrible slide backward. I appreciate this summary and what's new to Keto. I appreciate you!


Now this is the Thomas we have been missing.


I have ever done PSMF a few time and had great success with it. I did 4 days per week keto and 3 day as PSMF so Mon/Wed/Friday Under 10 total carbs, low fat and rest as under 20 total carbs reg keto


A totally different video this time.The one weeks ago was not this detailed. Thanks Thomas!
