How to Fix a Toilet - Water Supply Valve Replacement - Part 1 of 2

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This is video #1 of a 3-part series. The videos are:

Water Supply Valve Replacement


Water Supply Valves and Hoses have a limited life span. Deterioration of the internal gaskets and corrosion between the metal parts may cause them to leak. If at any time a supply valve or hose is considered problematic, it should be replaced immediately in order to insure proper function and prevent water damage and leakage in the home.


The parts needed to replace the water supply assembly are a water supply valve, or angle stop, and a toilet tank hose, both of which can be purchased at hardware or plumbing supply stores.

To avoid confusion with the many different kinds of valves and hoses available, the 1/4-turn angle ball stop with a 7/16 to 1/2-inch slip joint outlet is recommended. This valve comes in either a 1/2-inch Nominal Compression inlet for copper pipe or 1/2-inch FIP inlet for iron pipe depending on the type of connection needed. For this valve a braided nylon or stainless steal toilet hose with a 1/2-inch FIP inlet is required. This valve and tank hose combination offers the best overall reliability, ease of instillation and performance.


To perform this repair, make sure you have two adjustable open-end wrenches, a small pair of Rib Joint Pliers and a small plastic container to collect excess water.


To replace the water supply valve begin by turning off the water main that leads into the house. Then turn on the bathroom sink's cold water next to the toilet to relieve the water pressure so when the valve is removed the amount of water draining is minimal.

Now in the bathroom, begin by removing the tank's lid and flush the toilet to empty the tank and remove the backpressure on the water supply hose. Next place a plastic bin below the old water supply valve to collect water that will drain once the hose is disconnected. Then take the water valve out of the box. Remove both valve lock nuts, and turn the valve to the off position so it is ready for a quick installation when the old valve is removed.
Рекомендации по теме

You guys are AWESOME!!! Mom of 5 girls my hubby works all the time. Learning home improvement things on my own, and this video just helped a ton!!


talk about living dangerously. carpet in the bathroom. that's a bold move


When replacing shutoff valves, I recommend purchasing the 1/4 turn valves because these valves are more reliable than multi turn valves.


I forgot to turn the water supply off :(
It was like a waterfall, a waterfall !!! Ended up moping for 2 was my birthday


Does it have to be the main shutoff outside that gets turned off? We have a shutoff valve inside the house.


Thank you!! My son is helping (doing most of the work and I'm his support team) fix leaky problems. Your videos are very valuable and give terrific information. Thank you again!!


I've been trying for ages to find out whether it's OK to install a flexible connector hose in a 360-degree loop, as that was the only way I could use one where the existing copper pipework no longer met the shorter shank on a replacement fill valve I put in, and I couldn't cut the pipe back far enough to get the flexi hose in a near-straight line. I got the idea from fixed electric cables that don't line up with a switch box or something and so are taken in a complete loop so that they do. The instructions with the hose say "ensure the product is not bent at sharp angles, squashed, kinked, stretched, twisted or split", and none of these seemed to be the case in my installation, so I assumed it was OK, but it's really good to see a 360 loop here (in the replacement hose only).


If I have a leak only in the water supply hose does the water valve also have to be replaced or can I just replace the hose?


It's daunting how many things might suddenly require replacement all at once in your house. Good thing videos like these are available. Calling in plumbers have become very hard on the wallet.


Only one of these videos that reminds you to flush toilet after cutting off your water supply to avoid a mess. Common sense, but easy for a beginner to overlook.


Why split this five minutes of instruction into two videos?


Geez, wish my main water turn off was that easy. I have to use the water key that goes down 5 feet and will not even turn completely off and needs a Sumo <spelling? Wrestler to do it.


This really needs two parts/separate videos? Lol.


Soooo….finding part ll?? Haven’t had any luck on that yet. Lol


Hey christians, prove me scientifically that Zarathoustra, Osiris, Thor, Hades, Toutatis, the Great Manitoo, Ganesh and Quetzalquatl don't exist.
Not through some stupid line from a 2000y old book but scientifically.

I'm waiting right here.
