Jordan Peterson on Relationship Compatibility & Personality Traits

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In this video clip, Psychology Professor Dr. Jordan B. Peterson discusses his ideas about the role of the Big 5 temperament traits (Openness to Experience, Conscientiousness, Extroversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism--Negative Emotionality) as they relate to relationship compatibility.
*Note: Personality Owl and P2MR don't agree with everything Prof. Peterson discusses about temperament traits. For example, in the video, Prof. Peterson should have combined qualities associated with the temperament trait "inhibition" with his information about introverts. Not everything he said about introverts relates to true introverts. He was mostly discussing traits associated with inhibited introverts.
This video clip comes from "2017 Personality 14: Introduction to Traits/Psychometrics/The Big 5"
*Note: Personality Owl and P2MR don't agree with everything Prof. Peterson discusses about temperament traits. For example, in the video, Prof. Peterson should have combined qualities associated with the temperament trait "inhibition" with his information about introverts. Not everything he said about introverts relates to true introverts. He was mostly discussing traits associated with inhibited introverts.
This video clip comes from "2017 Personality 14: Introduction to Traits/Psychometrics/The Big 5"
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