Why I Quit KETO.

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Hello my friends! I started Keto for SIBO (small intestine bacteria overgrowth). It did not go well. I had some issues with dehydration and low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). I found out that it is not normal to have blood sugar issues on keto, however I did.

For more info on my chronic illnesses check out the links below!

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This was literally my exact experience with keto and I have super similar chronic illnesses as you do. It’s so frustrating to get excited for a new diet that is supposed to “cure all of your problems” and it works for so many other people but it doesn’t for you. I hate getting hopeful that maybe this thing will help me get control of my life and it proves how little control I do have haha. But I feel the same as you, I have to say “oh well” and move on no matter how hard it is to let go.


I am so sorry you had troubles! Low blood sugar issues are never fun and can be quite scary. That is one reason, really the main reason, I decided against Keto for myself. I struggle already to keep my levels in a low/normal range - I am always low, often really low. If I get the shakes like you did, I consider myself lucky - I have warning and I can take steps to correct it. The scarier is when I don't get that warning and instead I just pass out. In my case it definitely runs in the family, with 4 generations affected so far.


We as women cannot stress the body in all the times of our cycle. ❤ we can do keto, we can fast but not all the time


I quit keto after 2 days. I felt shakey and weak. Didnt feel like that before. 100g of carb minimum per day.


One of the main reasons I stopped keto was the electrolyte issue! I had to supplement with LMNT soooo much and it didn’t seem natural to me. I have celiac and a history of POTS symptoms. I just did a similar video. I feel you on so much of this!


I was waiting on this video. I've tried to do this diet too and it leaves my energy levels way way worse its terrible (my main issue is chronic fatigue syndrome)


Hi Amee! I’m so glad you’re ok. I’m so sorry this was so hard for you. I wish I could give you a hug. ♥️

You’re always so strong and handle let downs so well. I know no one is perfect but trust me when I say, you really are doing awesome to keep going and not giving up and learning more about who you are and how your body responds to things.

I’ve also learned that different people need different diets. No one is exactly alike and I have a feeling our bodies needs can even change after a while and we have to shake things up again.

I struggle with perfectionism which causes me to obsess and get frustrated if the slightest thing goes wrong and call it “a total failure”. I also have a tendency to not try at all because “it won’t be perfect or I always fail so why bother?” I’m trying to work on letting go of perfectionism, being more positive and giving myself kudos while always striving towards health and discipline. I noticed that trying to keep it all balanced can sure prove to be very tricky. 😅🤷🏻‍♀️

I’m sorry about this new journey that’s popped up but I’m glad you’re able to recognize it and maybe heal a little. I have an unhealthy relationship with food myself so I look forward to your follow up videos.

Take care friend.♥️


love your haircut👍 Keto was not enough fiber for me and I ended up in the hospital when my bowel stopped moving.


Aimee, your journey has been long and hard, but keep going. You are worth the fight! We are all cheering you on!


i feel like a lot of people with dysautonomia complain of hypoglycemia but no one knows why


Keto definitely isn’t for everybody. I do have issues with low blood sugar from time to time. I recommend eating complex carbs if you ever see it drop. Maybe a little fruit to help get it up but then a sweet potato or something to help it stay up. I have a diagnosed autoimmune disease and it is looking like another I’m about to be diagnosed with. The Pegan diet is what has been pushed on me by doctors, and juicing, but I need meat (my iron levels are weird.) I understand your relationship with food. It sucks to get sick when you thought you did everything right. I hope you find the right way of eating for your body and find some comfort from your symptoms.


I also stopped keto. I try High Carb Low Fat to reverse my insuline resistance.


When we are on a strict keto diet, our body relies mainly on our gluconeogenesis which is the ability of our liver to create glucose. I have learned that our body needs at least 200g of glucose per day, even more if we are active, pregnant or nursing. Our liver can only create as much glucose as it can (and if it's a small liver, it's not that much per day) so if we don't give to our body some external sources of glucose, the blood sugar might fall pretty low. It's even more true at the beginning of a keto diet when our "cell machinery" is preparing for the increase need for gluconeogenesis. Actually, keto is not recommended for lactating women as it can, in some rare cases, causes what it's called bovine ketoacidosis. I had a similar issue than yours with the increase heart rate and the shaking. My heart would beat so fast that I couldn't sleep. I stopped the diet and I tried again some months later, with a lot of electrolytes this time. It works, I didn't suffer from the keto flu, shaking, fast heartbeat or low blood sugar, it was like my body had gain some metabolic flexibility from my previous trial of the keto diet and was more able to adapt to it this time.... but I developed after a few months severe symptoms of cellular hypothyroidism (I ended up in a hospital) and I had to stop this diet. I have suffered (and still not healed to this day for complex reasons) from a severe chronic euthyroid syndrome caused by HPA Axis Dysregulation while I was doing keto (I already had Hashimoto's and apparently keto diet is not recommended in this case, even less when we are very thin to begin with (I was underweight when I started keto and my body took the lack of carbohydrates for a starvation state and fell into a kind of "hibernation" state). Keto is not for me. It might be good for other people.


I had exact same thing like you. Keto not for everyone, be careful!


Thank you for sharing your experience. Pre ME/CFS I had great success with keto, but when I tried paleo keto for ME/CFS I got so sick and couldn't do it. There's a doctor who recommends paleo/keto specifically for ME/CFS I think Dr Myhill or something like that, but when you add in other issues I can see it being too big of a stressor.

Love your YouTube, thank you for everything you do!


If you had insulin resistance prior to starting keto, it would cause hypoglycemia if you no longer are consuming so much sugar since there is still a lot of insulin hanging around (at least initially) from the insulin resistance. The question is, how long would you have to be on keto before the insulin resistance goes away (and hence, the low blood sugar or hypoglycemia goes away)?


I am so sorry it didnt work for you :( Keto didnt work for me either, but in my case i couldnt tolerate so much fat. Sending you a big HUG!


Hi Aimee, keto isn't going so well for me either. While I'm glad it's not just me who seems to be having problems, it is saddening to see so many people struggling with it, while others seem to be having all the fun. Like you, I still want to stick with it, despite feeling terrible, because I love meat and butter and veggies and it feels great to give my sweet tooth a break. Until now, I never realised foods like peppers and swedes were so sweet! I keep thinking I must be doing something wrong, yet however much I try, I cannot seem to regulate my electrolytes or pH. I'm thirsty all the time and I crave salt. It was so nice when I didn't have to think about these things before! Like you, I also suffer from chronic illnesses. My take from doing keto for nearly a year is that it is only suitable for those who are relatively healthy and that it shouldn't really be done long term. Don't feel sad. Check out Dr Berg. He has an explanation for nearly every ailment you can think of and has helped me get to the bottom of many of my issues. He also advocates for a healthy version of keto that incorporates plenty of vegetables. I regularly eat more than 100g of carbs a day and still consider it keto. I hope you feel better soon and find a way to tailor your eating to a way that suits you x


I totally don’t mean offense, so pls don’t be offended...you’re a lemon 🍋 Your body should be recalled. If you bought it retail, I would say take it back! So sorry you have to go through so much. But your positivity does help those of us who are only dealing with a couple chronic issues. So thanx for your great attitude and hard work.


I had insomnia, muscle weakness, diarrhea and depression for 2 months, had to stop.
