How Wisdom Teeth Are Removed #shorts #wisdomteeth

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Luckily you’re under anesthesia because that cutting of the tooth in half looks SUPER painful


Him: teaching us about the removal of wisdom teeth
The video: *screams loudly*


I have to get mine surgically remove since they were growing in so messed up they were literally under my molar


“Small operation”

my entire family so far: *are you sure about that*


I felt like they broke my jaw that hurt more than the actual stitches 😂


I had 2 wisdom tooth 🦷 🦷 removed today and I went under IV sedation, I knocked out so fast, dont remember anything. Im a highly/extreme anxious person. If I did, so can you!!! God is with us! I couldn’t sleep last night because of the fear but its not worthy. Say a prayer, trust in God and enjoy your nap!


Got all 4 of mine out at the same time with only local anaesthesia…. I felt the teeth getting cracked into four pieces 🥴🤢😵‍💫


Born without wisdom teeth, finally evolution doing me some favors for once 👏🏼✨


I love the use of the words "small operation" as I was one of those horror stories for recovery that got infected and now I cant feel anything in my lower jaw for the rest of my life...


When I woke up from getting them removed, I was crying about how I didn't want to get up from the chair because it was so comfy


I was incredibly fortunate to have no issues with any of my teeth growing up, then all of a sudden I hit 17/18 & the most evil throbbing pain hit my mouth. I had no idea about wisdom teeth back then (I’m 35 now, easier to learn about these things now; but didn’t have the foggiest idea when I was younger!) - lawddd! Infection after infection in my bottom right one. At 19 I ended up going into hospital & put under general for the removal of 3 of my 4 wisdom teeth, turns out I didn’t have enough room for them & they were tangled in all of the nerves etc. I had to sign a consent form stating I understood the risks that I may lose all feeling / sensation (permanently!!!) in my tongue / lips & mouth! That was frightening!
I came out looking like a hamster who’d been storing food for a year, but within a week swelling had eased & within 2 (max) all was well!
I had my very last wisdom tooth removed under local anaesthetic around the age of 22/23, turns out due to a chronic genetic health condition I have, I can’t be numbed in the traditional way nor can they use local anaesthetic with adrenaline, so I felt a lot of it, but the worst part was the noise 🥴
I feel I had a quicker recovery though. And the relief! So much relief once all my wisdom teeth had gone!


The face the teeth makes when it gets cut in half is so cute lol


My wisdom teeth are getting removed in 3 weeks. Thanks for the reminder


I just had my taken out earlier today and I was put under general anesthesia. What they did was they took my blood pressure and my vitals, then they hooked me up to a heart monitor, which wouldn't have been scary if there wasn't 5 people in the room putting shit in my face while the oral surgeon is trying to do the consult (which he had to do today because he only comes in once a month). I kept having to tell them to back off and give me space because I have anxiety (even says so on my paperwork). However, they were pretty good about finding a way to distract me while they put the needle in. Then I put the canula (oxygen supply tube) back on, they covered my eyes with a mask, and suddenly I was awake with gauze in my mouth and feeling like I was made of jelly.

And for those wondering, I'm 22 and normally handle my anxiety very well. I just didn't like having 5 people in my face at 8am.


When I got mine removed, they pulled them out intact under local anaesthesia, but they were fully erupted. Got them removed only because they had cavities.


I got mine removed and It felt so good, i felt so much less pressure in my jaw. Before that the pressure got so tense in hurt to eat, my jaw hurt. Turns out wisdom tooth grew horizontally. Yep, HORIZONTALLY. I'm so glad it got removed. I even wanted other wisdom teeth to get removed, but the doctor refused as they grew upwards and caused no problem.


Mine came out when they were still buds, when I was 16, but they were forming sideways- they would have gone right into the root of my 2nd molars. I was under general anesthesia, but came to during the procedure, made the mistake of opening my eyes to the extremely bright light, felt the pushing/ pull(yay nerve blocks!!!) & grumbled to let them know I was awake, which they corrected quickly! All four were removed. I did get a dry socket, holy hell, NOTHING helped that pain except the teeny, tiny, mirco cotton ball soaked in lidocaine that they packed into it socket before closing it back up. Face was hella swollen for a few days. Baked potatoes, pudding, ice cream...I think that's what I lived on for about three weeks while I couldn't open my mouth more the ¼"...and it was three months before I was almost full back to normal. Lol glad that was a one time thing 😅 🤣 😌


“Late teens, early 20s” me at 30 still getting my bottom wisdom teeth in 😒


I had my wisdom tooth removed yesterday. It was #16 and btw, I am 73 years old. So far so good.


POV: ur the first to sleep at the sleepover
