Why to Marry a Divorced Women?

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Why to Marry a Divorced Women? | Ismail ibn Musa Menk

DIVORCED WOMAN? is a question that flashes
through the mind of many people and all too often
whenever it is raised, the answer comes out in the
affirmative, which reflects how blurred this notion is
for the majority. In reality, those guys shut their
eyes to the portions in the Quran and Sunnah
which prove otherwise.
Most wives of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
himself were divorcees and widows plus it is even
striking to know that his first wife- Khadijah bint
Khuwaylid r.a - the love of his life, was previously
married twice and according to ibn kathir r.a! she
had children from both marriages, Prophet
Mohammad's (PBUH) first marriage was to a
widow, one of the rest was virgin (Aisha), and
another one was a widow too (Um salamah), all
the others were divorced.. so marrying a DIVORCED
women is a sunnah!! which rasululah s.a.w has
loved to do and has practised many times!
Allah said: "It may happen that his Lord, if he
(prophet Muhammad) divorced you, will give him in
your stead wives better than you, submissive (to
Allah), believing, pious, penitent, devout, inclined to
fasting, previously married and virgins." (Quran
This verse was revealed as a reprimand to two of
the Prophet Muhammad’s wives who gossiped
about him and divulged one of his private secrets;
Allah stated He would grant the Prophet instead of
them better wives who were PREVIOUSLY-MARR
IED and virgin.
“There was no need of mentioning the previously-
married in the verse! The virgins take the
precedence anyway,” somebody might think to
himself, baffled. As a matter of fact, the allusion to
the PREVIOUSLY-MARRIED is made on purpose. It
simply makes it crystal clear that Allah puts the
PREVIOUSLY-MARRIED in an equal footing with the
virgins otherwise they would not have been referred
to. Reasoning the verse above with an open mind,
any sane person can reach this conclusion.
Therefore, the woman’s being previously-married
element is excluded from the criteria of judging her
since her piety is what counts in the first place as
inferred from the verse.
It is worthy of note that a lot of prophetic sayings
stressed this concept as well; The Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh) said:
“A woman may be married for four things: her
wealth, her lineage, her beauty, and her religious
commitment. Seek the one who is religiously-com
mitted, may your hands be rubbed with dust (i.e.,
may you prosper).” [Narrated by Al-Bukhaari and
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) also said:
"The whole world is a provision, and the best object
of benefit of the world is the pious woman (wife)."
[Narrated by Muslim]
As seen above, such attributes have nothing to do
with her being a virgin, widow or divorcee. So i
think people who want to marry virgins are many,
but the fact is a very small percentage or i may
say negligible of our ummah think about marrying a
divorced women! so my brothers in islam whoever
want's and can MARRY DIVORCED women, for
there are benefits in it! blessing in it!! LET'S US

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Thank you for these words or encouragement. I will continue to pray and wait patiently and happily.


My family strongly opposes my marriage to a divorced woman. They say that even if she is the daughter of a Prophet but divorced, we will not accept her. They accuse me of not having a sense of disgust. I fear that my family is munafiq.

Please brothers and sisters. Please give me advices what to do. I really do need help.


Thanks for Informing and sharing your knowledge with us jazakallah May Allah Bless you Video is 100 into 100% right


Alhamdullilah, I am divorced patiently waiting praying for my good Muslim husband. I left my husband for my religion. ALHAMDULLILAH, he was far away from it and I didn't want to follow the devil foot steps left all the wealth and walked away with my son he was a baby when I left.


May all those who are planning to marrying a divorced or widowed women get the best of happiness and blessings by Allah Talah


Shayk you aren't lying when my ex husband met me I was a virgin started college no drugs no alcohol. Some of definitely are and were brilliant people when we gotten married. You nailed it Shayk.


If at all, help them externally. Don’t get inside their lives before understanding the implications rationally...

Don’t fall for the trap of Moral Conceitedness...
Stay away from the sickness of ‘The White Knight Syndrome’
Never marry on account of pity trying to establish ‘self-image’ of being a hero.

When you fall in “love”, use your heart BUT don’t forget your MIND...
You might regret it for the rest of your days.

And if you do choose to marry a divorcee, do bear in mind that she’s going to arrive with some baggage which she is going to expect you to unpack for her... TIME is of the essence. Are you going to focus on your career and future or on her ? How are you going to be able to build anything that’s sustainable. ? Choice is yours.


I never hard anyone saying such fantastic words about divorced women.
I am 14 year divorced 9 of them completely alone with my son.
Lots of man are very ignorant about that....


I found your channel on Mohammed Shariq Channel


What if a Christian lady is divorced from a bad marriage and has children, can she marry a Muslim man?


மறக்கக்‌ கூடாத விதிகள்‌.

1) மூளை தான்‌ உண்மையான பாலுறுப்பு.

2) மூளையை மயக்காத வரை பெண்ணின்‌ உடலில்‌ இன்பம்‌ நிகழாது.

3) மனைவிக்கு எது பிடித்திருக்கிறது என்பதைக்‌ கேட்டுத்‌ தெரிந்து கொண்டு செயலாற்றவும்‌.

4) மனைவிக்குப்‌ பிடிக்காத எந்த வழி முறையிலும்‌, உச்ச கட்ட இன்பத்தை நிகழ்த்த முடியாது.

5) கணவனின்‌ செயல்‌ மனைவிக்குப்‌ பிடிக்கவில்லையென்றால்‌, முன்‌ விளையாட்டுக்கள்‌ போதவில்லை என்று பொருள்‌.

6) இங்கே சொல்லியுள்ள படி, தந்த்ரா பூஜைகளைச்‌ செய்தால்‌ எப்படிப்‌ பட்ட பெண்ணின்‌ மனமும்‌ இக்கணத்திற்கு வந்து விடும்‌.

7) ஆகவே, தந்த்ரா பூஜைகளைச்‌ செய்ய சிக்கனம்‌ கூடாது.

8) மனைவியின்‌ உடல்‌ எவ்வாறு எதிர்வினை ஆற்றுகிறது என்பதை விழிப்புடன்‌ கவனித்த படியே செயலாற்றவும்‌.

9) குறிப்பாக மனைவியின்‌ சுவாசத்தைக்‌ கவனித்த படியே செயல்‌ படவும்‌.

10) செயல்படும்‌ விதத்தை மாற்றிக்‌ கொண்டேயிருக்கக்‌ கூடாது.

11) வேகம்‌ என்பது வியாதி. எனினும்‌, உச்ச கட்ட இன்பம்‌ நெருங்கும்‌ வேளையில்‌ வேகத்தைச்‌ சற்றே அதிகரிக்கலாம்‌.

12) வேக மாற்றத்தை மனைவியின்‌ மூளை அறிந்து விடக்‌ கூடாது.

13) மனைவிக்குரிய இன்பம்‌ நிகழும்‌ முன்பாக கணவன்‌ தன்னுடைய இன்பத்தைப்‌ பற்றி எண்ணிக்‌ கூடப்‌ பார்க்கக்‌ கூடாது.

14) பகலிலேயே ஒரு குறிப்புச்‌ செயலின்‌ மூலம்‌ தெரிவித்து, மனைவியின்‌ மூளையில்‌ ஒரு எதிர்பார்ப்பை உருவாக்கி விட வேண்டும்‌.

15) இன்பத்துய்ப்பு ஒரு தவம்‌. ஆகவே, நேர அளவுகளை நிர்ணயித்துச்‌ செயல்‌ படக்‌ கூடாது.

16) எடுத்தவுடன்‌ முக்கிய பகுதிகளைத்‌ தொடக்‌ கூடாது. அதே போல, எடுத்தவுடன்‌ லிங்கத்தைப்‌ பயன்படுத்தக்‌ கூடாது. தனியொரு லிங்கத்தால்‌, மனைவிக்குரிய எந்த இன்பத்தையும்‌ வழங்க முடியாது.

மனைவியை வற்புறுத்தி இன்பம்‌ துய்க்கக்‌ கூடாது.

18) நாவையும்‌, விரலையும்‌ பயன்படுத்த ஒரு போதும்‌ தயங்கக்‌ கூடாது.

19) இன்பத்‌ துய்ப்பின்‌ போது, ஆணாதிக்கவாதியாகச்‌ செயல்‌ படக்‌ கூடாது.

20) துய்ப்பு முடிந்தவுடனே கழிவறை நோக்கி ஒட்டம்‌ பிடிக்கக்‌ கூடாது.

21) மாதாமாதம்‌ ஈடுபடும்‌ முறைகளை மாற்றிக்‌ கொண்டே இருக்கவும்‌.

22) படுக்கையறையில்‌ ஐந்து வயதிற்கு மேலான குழந்தை இருக்கக்‌ கூடாது.

23) அரவம்‌ கேட்டால்‌ ஆணுக்கு இன்பம்‌ நிகழ்ந்து விடும்‌. மனைவியின்‌ இன்பம்‌ நழுவிப்‌ போய்‌ விடும்‌.

24) நல்லுறவு இல்லாத போது தான்‌, பாலுறவு முக்கியம்‌.

25) உச்ச கட்டப்‌ பாலின்பம்‌ உருவாக்கும்‌ அன்பையும்‌, அதிசயத்தையும்‌ வேறெந்த மந்திரத்தாலும்‌ இல்லற வாழ்வில்‌ ஏற்படுத்த முடியாது.

அன்பை உருவாக்குவதில்‌ இன்பத்‌ துய்ப்பிற்கு இணை எதுவுமே இல்லை.

27) வறண்ட பாலுறவு பகையை உருவாக்கும்‌, உயவுப்‌ பசையோடு நடை பெறும்‌ பாலுறவே அன்பை உருவாக்கும்‌.

28) வாய்‌ துர்நாற்றம்‌ ஆகவே ஆகாது.

29) படுக்கையறை பூஜையறையைப்‌ போலச்‌ சுத்தமாக இருக்க வேண்டும்‌.

முன்‌ தூங்கிப்‌ பின்னெழுவதை வழக்கமாக்கிக்‌ கொள்ளக்‌ கூடாது.

31) எண்பது வயதிலும்‌ பெண்ணுக்குரிய மதனபீட இன்பம்‌ நிகழும்‌.

32) கணவனால்‌ எந்த வயதிலும்‌ தன்‌ மனைவியைப்‌ பால்‌ ரீதியாகத்‌ திருப்திப்‌ படுத்த முடியும்‌.

33) தன்னம்பிக்கை உள்ள வரை லிங்கம்‌ சாயாது. லிங்கம்‌ சாயாத வரை ஆண்‌ எடுத்த காரியத்தில்‌ தோற்க மாட்டான்‌.

34) காதற்‌ தசை நார்ப்‌ பயிற்சியை இருவரும்‌ தினம்‌ தவறாமல்‌ செய்யவும்‌.

35) ஆழமான, நீண்ட, ஆசுவாசமான சுவாசம்‌ மிகவும்‌ முக்கியம்‌.

36) துரித ஸ்கலிதம்‌, விந்து முந்துதல்‌ ஆகிய இரண்டின்‌ விரோதி ஆழ்ந்த சுவாசம்‌.

36) மந்திரச்‌ சொல்லைப்‌ பயன்படுத்திய படியே இயங்கப்‌ பழகவும்‌.

37) ஒன்றுக்கு இரண்டு முறை நுணுக்கங்களைப்‌ படித்துக்‌ கொள்ளவும்‌.

38) பெண்ணின்‌ பால்‌ மண்டல படங்களை மனதில்‌ பதித்துக்‌ கொள்ளவும்‌.

39) மது, புகையிலை போன்ற போதைப்‌ பழக்கங்களை விட்டு விட வேண்டும்‌.

40) அதற்குச்‌ செலவளிக்கும்‌ பணத்தை, ஊட்டச்சத்து மிக்க உணவை உட்கொள்ளப்‌ பயன்‌ படுத்த வேண்டும்‌. அதன்‌ மூலம்‌ பாலாற்றலை வளர்த்துக்‌ கொள்வதோடு, கொலைகார நோய்களிருந்தும்‌ தப்பிக்கலாம்‌. ஆயுளையும்‌ அதிகரித்துக்‌ கொள்ளலாம்‌.

41) இன்பத்‌ துய்ப்பு என்பதை ஒரு மணி நேரத்திற்கும்‌ குறைவாக முடித்துக்‌ கொள்ளக்‌ கூடாது.

42) பாலுறவைப்‌ பற்றிக்‌ கீழ்த்தரமாகக்‌ கருதக்‌ கூடாது.

43) பூஜைகளின்‌ போது, வாக்குவாதங்களுக்கு இடமளிக்கக்‌ கூடாது.
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‏اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍوَّعَلَى آلِ مُحَمَّدٍكَمَاصَلَّيْتَ عَلَى إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَعَلَى آلِ إِبْرَاهِيمَ إِنَّكَ حَمِيدٌمَجِيد

اللَّهُمَّ بَارِكْ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍوَّعَلَى آلِ مُحَمَّدٍكَمَابَارَكْتَ عَلَى إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَعَلَى آلِ إِبْرَاهِيمَ إِنَّكَ حَمِيدٌمَّجِيد


Because divorcees are better ans sweeter than previously not married ones


Dear friends,
I like a girl who is divorce & I want to do nikah with her but my parents are agreeing for it .

Could you please suggest me how to make them agree pls comment


marrying a woman that has experience is not all that like he is saying even if they are good because as men and the words of my friend she's experienced in the bedroom knows everything like a pornstar and I feel like a boy in school. stigma as a man everyone believes we have mileage as we go out finding and playing yet many women have had more relationships in school than one can have with his hand. My friend is a good man who never did anything like that and he says his wife treats him like a boy as she has two boys and she outs them first before anything even Islam and Allah and expects him to do more than a real father because he's a God-fearing man, and she at time when they argue will quote " my life is all about my children they are my everything without them I will be lost". yet for her first husband in ten years of marriage and four years of a friend with benefit planning to get married she was trimmed and worked out and for him her legs are like a golf course and she gets tired walking up the steps. he pays for everything as a father would due to the way of culture and she works yet saves her money and takes her sons out without him and when they do take him he pays for everything or she will pay for her two sons' tickets, not food and the rest is on him. she wont give him a child of his own DNA she says medical reasons yet she has no issues. he says she always wants sex and never talks to him alone on a real level opening up. he hates how she looks at her ex when he comes to take the kids and this is when she's busy with her friends. i told him before careful, many good brothers have mentioned things like this and there are forums online covered with stuff like this. I told him, that women, who say and men that say the same thing about their life have no meaning without their children because they have no idea who they are and live life for the moment always playing tactics. She's loving his body cause he works out and has a balanced diet. this is not fair to my friend he talks to me and I see him losing himself slowly and he's falling as he's starting to look at women and talk to them as he has never done in his life but he says once you have it and are able to touch women and you cant have someone on your level then you crave that as he lies to his wife and says he's got a rash on his boneless meat and inner thighs like on his arm and back. I told him sexless marriages are a real thing, especially in so-called practicing Muslims as they eat away and don't play or workout but watch tv movies and talk all day on the phone with their mouth or fingers cause their life is all about their babies as they think this is life as they never knew who they were or are. it's so common and it's those that say marriage is half your deen and do it and show what and all they have to the people to be perfect icons. that doesn't make sense if that is your reason as a man can marry four times making it four halves of deen which equals two full tickets to paradise. no one learns what they are and we are the brain-body. laws of attractions everything and its everywhere in the Quran and Hadiths. one thing to point out on the matter of laws of attraction is the fist length beard is to cover the neck and not to pluck as cheekbones are to be covered not to give your face a fake jaw line just like women and brows. no one is willing to read the Quran in English or their dominating language. Allah made us all to be individuals and each soul will answer for itself, and why have freewill yet people love to control and give orders just like fear is a weapon and the power of far is in the Quran, one clear statement where the woman will abort her pregnancy when the earth is finished and the time comes to an end where people will be running around as if they are intoxicated yet they are not intoxicated. I can say so much even how we lied at birth to are mother and how in the Quran you children are a test to you


If you are not divorced yourself, then don't stoop so low and marry a divorced woman. It would be a real waste and a low-down and dirty shame for a young, new, single man like you to get involved with an old, used, second-hand divorced woman with excess baggage.


2: 228. *And divorced women should wait by themselves for three menstrual periods, and it is not lawful for them to conceal what Lord Allah has created in their wombs if they are believing with Allah and the Day of Judgment, and their husbands have more responsibility to take them back if they wish reconciliation, and the women have the similar rights the men have upon them (women) with Justice, and for the men have privilege over them (women), and Allah is the Exalted, the Wise.*

As told in verses 4: 21; 7: 189; 30: 21; 25: 54 etc. marriage relationship is made by the Three-Time-Knower Lord, and so divorce is a hatefully permitted thing in Islam. Since marriage is done witnessing the Lord, it should not be broken for silly matters. That means marriage shouldn’t be broken except for the sake of the Lord.

It is told in verse 4: 34: “Before the divorce, husbands should advise their wives, refuse to share their beds, beat them by praying for a change in her character. And even after all these stages if the disagreement exists, then appoint arbiters one from his side and one from her side. And if the disagreement remains after all these four stages, they can decide for divorce”. It is told in verse 65: 1 “Divorce is for a period of three months. And ‘Iddath’ (waiting period) should be counted. The wives shouldn’t be expelled out of their houses before the waiting period is completed”. Then if divorce is decided after completing three months, the woman can be expelled from the house. “The Iddath for a woman having a regular menstrual period is until completing three menstrual cycles. For the woman having no menstruation and having irregular menstruation, the Iddath is for three months. For the pregnant woman, the Iddath is until the delivery” as told in verse 65: 4. The waiting period of the woman who lost her husband by death is four months and ten days as told in verse 2: 234. Divorce is not permitted during the menstrual period.

But today, the Arabic Quran reading Fujjar who read these verses are uttering the ‘words of divorce’ three times at a time and are expelling their wives from their houses for silly reasons. See explanation 2: 255; 9: 51 and 17: 13-14.

*From Adhikr-the Best Interpretation of Lord's Book*



widows are more likely to love you than a divorcee as they lost someone to death other than losing interest and are broken as damaged goods, not everyone but I know of many good men who suffered because of culture saying they are this and that Allah makes your skin dark so they believe r&b music videos are what you are. Men raised accident daughters and they think they have the right to disrespect a man and use laws in their favor. We got a brother to place cameras in his home to capture when his wife will go one for no reason apart from her friend or cousin got a new bigger home or car or the people opposite got a new car, worse something off the tv. In court, she got nothing, not even the kids as video evidence displays he would feed them after work put them to sleep and she would do nothing all day long. Men if you are watching protect yourself and if you raise two good daughters you will go to heaven or fast and pray and give charity and stay busy most married men especially Muslim men hate their lives and lie rob and steal for their wife's needs to please and show the world they are modern. you can get to heaven and have the best of wives and everything you think of in ways you can't imagine as all they want your sperm and effort to feed them and they are lazy. in the Olympics, women can run 100m in under 11 seconds. Mohammed pbuh said save yourself, this is the last message.

No Muslim family ever splits the inheritance in the Islamic way. you don't know of any do you? they all do magic


A divorced person is like a second hand car... Where everyone wants to test drive them but no one wants them home.
Advocate Sanjay punjabi
