Why to Marry a Divorced Women?
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Why to Marry a Divorced Women? | Ismail ibn Musa Menk
DIVORCED WOMAN? is a question that flashes
through the mind of many people and all too often
whenever it is raised, the answer comes out in the
affirmative, which reflects how blurred this notion is
for the majority. In reality, those guys shut their
eyes to the portions in the Quran and Sunnah
which prove otherwise.
Most wives of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
himself were divorcees and widows plus it is even
striking to know that his first wife- Khadijah bint
Khuwaylid r.a - the love of his life, was previously
married twice and according to ibn kathir r.a! she
had children from both marriages, Prophet
Mohammad's (PBUH) first marriage was to a
widow, one of the rest was virgin (Aisha), and
another one was a widow too (Um salamah), all
the others were divorced.. so marrying a DIVORCED
women is a sunnah!! which rasululah s.a.w has
loved to do and has practised many times!
Allah said: "It may happen that his Lord, if he
(prophet Muhammad) divorced you, will give him in
your stead wives better than you, submissive (to
Allah), believing, pious, penitent, devout, inclined to
fasting, previously married and virgins." (Quran
This verse was revealed as a reprimand to two of
the Prophet Muhammad’s wives who gossiped
about him and divulged one of his private secrets;
Allah stated He would grant the Prophet instead of
them better wives who were PREVIOUSLY-MARR
IED and virgin.
“There was no need of mentioning the previously-
married in the verse! The virgins take the
precedence anyway,” somebody might think to
himself, baffled. As a matter of fact, the allusion to
the PREVIOUSLY-MARRIED is made on purpose. It
simply makes it crystal clear that Allah puts the
PREVIOUSLY-MARRIED in an equal footing with the
virgins otherwise they would not have been referred
to. Reasoning the verse above with an open mind,
any sane person can reach this conclusion.
Therefore, the woman’s being previously-married
element is excluded from the criteria of judging her
since her piety is what counts in the first place as
inferred from the verse.
It is worthy of note that a lot of prophetic sayings
stressed this concept as well; The Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh) said:
“A woman may be married for four things: her
wealth, her lineage, her beauty, and her religious
commitment. Seek the one who is religiously-com
mitted, may your hands be rubbed with dust (i.e.,
may you prosper).” [Narrated by Al-Bukhaari and
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) also said:
"The whole world is a provision, and the best object
of benefit of the world is the pious woman (wife)."
[Narrated by Muslim]
As seen above, such attributes have nothing to do
with her being a virgin, widow or divorcee. So i
think people who want to marry virgins are many,
but the fact is a very small percentage or i may
say negligible of our ummah think about marrying a
divorced women! so my brothers in islam whoever
want's and can MARRY DIVORCED women, for
there are benefits in it! blessing in it!! LET'S US
We allow anybody to translate our videos and reshare our video content but the videos must remain branded under QuranSayings [ With our Logo and Channel Link], all the speakers and artists should also be credited in the description.
All footage used in our videos are licensed to QuranSayings and you are not permitted to cut clips and use in your own videos (without prior permission from the original owner of the stock footage or images). Please contact us for more information.
DIVORCED WOMAN? is a question that flashes
through the mind of many people and all too often
whenever it is raised, the answer comes out in the
affirmative, which reflects how blurred this notion is
for the majority. In reality, those guys shut their
eyes to the portions in the Quran and Sunnah
which prove otherwise.
Most wives of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
himself were divorcees and widows plus it is even
striking to know that his first wife- Khadijah bint
Khuwaylid r.a - the love of his life, was previously
married twice and according to ibn kathir r.a! she
had children from both marriages, Prophet
Mohammad's (PBUH) first marriage was to a
widow, one of the rest was virgin (Aisha), and
another one was a widow too (Um salamah), all
the others were divorced.. so marrying a DIVORCED
women is a sunnah!! which rasululah s.a.w has
loved to do and has practised many times!
Allah said: "It may happen that his Lord, if he
(prophet Muhammad) divorced you, will give him in
your stead wives better than you, submissive (to
Allah), believing, pious, penitent, devout, inclined to
fasting, previously married and virgins." (Quran
This verse was revealed as a reprimand to two of
the Prophet Muhammad’s wives who gossiped
about him and divulged one of his private secrets;
Allah stated He would grant the Prophet instead of
them better wives who were PREVIOUSLY-MARR
IED and virgin.
“There was no need of mentioning the previously-
married in the verse! The virgins take the
precedence anyway,” somebody might think to
himself, baffled. As a matter of fact, the allusion to
the PREVIOUSLY-MARRIED is made on purpose. It
simply makes it crystal clear that Allah puts the
PREVIOUSLY-MARRIED in an equal footing with the
virgins otherwise they would not have been referred
to. Reasoning the verse above with an open mind,
any sane person can reach this conclusion.
Therefore, the woman’s being previously-married
element is excluded from the criteria of judging her
since her piety is what counts in the first place as
inferred from the verse.
It is worthy of note that a lot of prophetic sayings
stressed this concept as well; The Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh) said:
“A woman may be married for four things: her
wealth, her lineage, her beauty, and her religious
commitment. Seek the one who is religiously-com
mitted, may your hands be rubbed with dust (i.e.,
may you prosper).” [Narrated by Al-Bukhaari and
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) also said:
"The whole world is a provision, and the best object
of benefit of the world is the pious woman (wife)."
[Narrated by Muslim]
As seen above, such attributes have nothing to do
with her being a virgin, widow or divorcee. So i
think people who want to marry virgins are many,
but the fact is a very small percentage or i may
say negligible of our ummah think about marrying a
divorced women! so my brothers in islam whoever
want's and can MARRY DIVORCED women, for
there are benefits in it! blessing in it!! LET'S US
We allow anybody to translate our videos and reshare our video content but the videos must remain branded under QuranSayings [ With our Logo and Channel Link], all the speakers and artists should also be credited in the description.
All footage used in our videos are licensed to QuranSayings and you are not permitted to cut clips and use in your own videos (without prior permission from the original owner of the stock footage or images). Please contact us for more information.