The Awesome ZZ Plant: Care & Repotting Tips / Joy Us Garden

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I love the ZZ Plant! It's so shiny & tough as can be.

The 3 reasons why I love this plant are: it tolerates low light, needs infrequent watering & is a stunning addition to any home.

Because the ZZ Plant tolerates low light & dry air, it makes an excellent office plant.

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I bought a green AND raven zz this last year. I keep my zz plants in my northern bay window. I can’t wait to see them grow taller and fuller. Thank you Nell for your passion for plants


Thats got to be the best looking potted ZZ I've ever seen!


Sharing a repotting tip here -for smaller plants and medium plants. With small pots and planters, I first put in the bottom of the planter organic coffee filters . Then the dirt goes in. When I water the plants (with the filters in the bottom) none of the soil comes out of the bottom of the planter. It stays put! It's easier watering - for indoor plants where you don't want that soil going all over the place. Sometimes I have used organic tissues or something else to keep the soil in when I ran out of coffee filters, maybe even a paper towel in the bottom. I am not a professional gardener but I just like experimenting with easy ways to replant flowers and plants.


That is the largest zz I've seen. So bushy....I'm drooling. 🤤


Purchased a ZZ at the beginning of this school year, in a small planter, probably 8 inches across—you’re right, smaller pots need more water! I was watering it every three weeks or so and it’s super healthy now. It’s been growing like crazy even in the dim light of my small room. These things are tough as nails.


Wow! What a monster ZZ plant!!! You could call it a "Sharp Dressed Plant!!!" I love my ZZ plants and now I know more about giving them what they need. Thank you. You are funny when you say: Ha Ha !


I just purchased my first zz plant a couple of months ago at Lowe's and I luv it! However I did have an issue with fungus gnats. I took it outside and sprayed it down with neem oil. The next day it still had gnats, so I completely changed out the potting soil with my own mix, washed out the planter with dawn soap and bleach (the planter is a self watering one with a small window at the bottom that displays the water level. And the plant itself has a cotton wick). I also purchased sticky gnat traps that get inserted into the top of the soil and so far so good! 😊 I'm on the hunt for the raven (black) variety. Definitely an excellent and low maintenance plant 🪴🪴🪴


I see where I've failed with mine so I shall be buying a new one. Its tough I know that the one I got I've had bout 5 years in a metal beer ice bucket with no drainage holes. It has only lost 2 leaves or fronds but has not grown a thing! Its still kickin but its a little yellow I guess from stagnate water in the bottom. But this is a beautiful plant for any home! I love em very prehistoric looking!


i have 6 zz plants and i found something very intersting about them, in lower light, they grow in bright light they grow super fast, just a hint, they are a lot greener indoors in bright light,


That’s a very full beautiful ZZ, I have one on my Florida screen patio it’s doing good. I’m so glad I watched your video I ’ve been watering it every 7 to 10 days, now I know better. Thanks


Mine is over 5 feet tall. Grows in every direction . Please do tips on cutting back.


I just got a ZZ plant, because of watching this video. Like the easy care.


I bought a zz plant today and I have found this video very informative, thank you and wish me luck.x


Thanks for sharing ... luv, this plant everything you said is so true ...had them in North America, now retired in the Caribbean have them indoors as well outside .... in the right conditions they can grow really huge, up to 5 ft, or more ... can survive sunny areas but, loose their lush dark green foliage !


Just re-potted mine! Thanks for the video, it was so informative. Although I was watering every week, it wasn't dying. It did sprout 3 new stems, but I'll keep an eye on whether or not I'm harming it.


I love ZZ plants! Mine looks just like yours, and you are right, they do get quite heavy. This year, mine has sent up at least twenty new rachides (compound leaves), and they still keep growing. It's been sending up new growth nonstop since the beginning of July, and I still keep finding new ones, two months later. I repotted it back in spring into a pot two sizes larger. If it keeps this up, I'm going to have to repot it again next year. It's such a gorgeous carefree plant!


Thank you! I had yellow tips on my ZZ plant and I had to check out to see if the water was draining properly from the bottom of the pot. It turned out that it wasn't. The rest of the plant was dry except for 1/4 of the bottom soil. I repotted it tried some of your suggestions. I just love this plant and I am hoping for the best!


At my job years ago they had it on a door which I never seen before. I came away with a bulb. I decided to throw away but something said hold on. It took 3 years to root. And now I have a beautiful plant. And yes it doesn't like a lot of water.❤


OMG this video has been helpful; Thank you!! lol, I had no idea I was over watering my plant. I'm a fairly new plant mom. Going forward, I will treat it similar to the snake plant.


Great video Nell, you do make me smile. I love the Zz plant such an easy plant 🪴 thank you.
