7 ZZ Plant Care Tips That You Need to Know - Houseplant Care

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Watch how I care for my ZZ Plants using experience I’ve been able to gather for 30+ years by caring for plants professionally and personally.

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▬▬▬▬ Video Chapters ▬▬▬▬

0:00 – Introduction
0:31 – Choosing the Perfect ZZ Plant
2:35 – Lighting for your ZZ
3:42 – Lower Lighting for You ZZ Plant
4:19 – Temperature and Humidity
4:34 – Watering, How Much is Too Much?
5:22 – How I Check and Water My ZZ Plants
6:14 – Fertilizing Your ZZ Plant and How I Do It
6:51 – Prevent Your Roots from Burning
7:15 – Pruning Correctly
7:48 – Keep Them Photosynthesizing
8:04 – Repotting Your ZZ Plant After It’s Outgrown Its Pot and Soil to Use
9:18 – Pest and How to Treat
9:52 – Outro

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Created by MonstroFarm
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If you have any specific questions about ZZ Plants, I would be glad to answer them here in the comments. Thanks for watching. Hope you enjoy.


I just found a thrown out ZZ plant in my neighborhood, I added more soil to the pot and put it back in and watered it. I hope it helps cuz it still looks very healthy in the condition I found it in!


Hi, I live in Florida too and I’m so glad that you making video regarding the plants and I can relying on your advice 🌹


Big box garden centers usually start the damage right after the plants arrive. Overwatering is a common problem. For one thing it is not like they really train the people working over there (House Plant Area) in many stores. I know it is not all of them because I have visited some big box garden centers in different areas and the plant care for the house plants is different. I notice you live somewhere warm I see the tropical tree outside your window. All your plants will drive there! Nice


My ZZ plant sits in a mineral mix of pumice, lava rock and granulated clay - no organic material!
ZZ spends the summer in a shady place in the garden and loves it there.
I fertilize it with a slow-release orchid fertilizer.
The plant is healthy and happy and is producing three new stems right now.


My Zz is in a clay pot, so I water about once a week. I soak like you do, too. I give it fish fertilizer…..my 5” plants are now 4’ tall, 3.5 years after purchase….love my Zz….


Really appreciate your secret recipe on ZZ plant sir ✨✨✨ loved it ... recently I bought a zz u answered all my questions but I have one can you please tell how to grow a zz plant big like your how much time it will take to reach 2-3 feet ? 😊


These plants are so low maintenance and don't need any care that they may as well be plastic. Pot and forget, water when you remember.


I got a ZZ ”Zenzi”, i like how it is growing more compact, I don’t like big plants very much😂


Do you guys also keep wiping each and every single leaf of your zz plant? It looks so bad when it's dusty


I have to disagree on the watering. While it won't kill it to get bone dry, it isn't ideal for the plant either. I have never let mine dry completely out and it is thriving. Mine is huge! It has even bloomed twice! The "stems" are 4 feet tall! I water mine (with diluted fertilizer) every time I water my other plants, which is about every two weeks. I bought it in a 6 inch pot and have only repotted it twice. It is in a 14 inch pot atm. Light, I have found, is the important factor for lush growth. The more light you can give it, the faster and bigger it will grow. Mine gets direct morning light in an east facing window. The window has a sheer curtain on it, so it diffuses the harsh summer rays a little.

I need to repot it. I don't want to go up another pot size, so I am going to have to separate the roots and divide it up. I'm scared I'm going to kill it. It is about 10 years old now. The root ball is so entangled, I think I am going to have to cut it in half. I know some plants don't mind if you cut away at their roots. I'm not sure if the ZZ is one of those. If I cut the roots like that, will it kill the plant or will it recover and continue to grow?


why are some ZZ plants have tall straight stems, while mine has tall leaning over stems? Do I need to lasso the tall ones to keep them upright? Other than that, she is doing well with a Sanzi grow light. That woke her up to grow nicely.


Should I repot mine if roots are quite visible growing around the plant from the top? I've had it for almost 4 yrs


you have to be careful with those soil probes to not pierce the rhizome of the zz plant


What to do with the rotted stems on zz plant as the upper part dry out but the lower 2..3 inches stay there...should I cut it from the base lavel?


My ZZ plants leaves are light green in color. Not the beautiful dark green that shines from other Zz plants. Can you tell me what I’m doing wrong or how to correct this? Thanks!


Do you have any information about planting ZZ in Pon? I have a lot of self-watering plant systems, including my ZZ plant.


A CC plant? I thought ZZ...Zed Zed....
It does not really matter if the plant is in a good state when you buy it. Just give it some new soil and it will recover.
Also do not use these plastic pots because they cannot breathe. Use ceramic pots.
If a leaf starts to yellow just cut it off get a pot with new soil and plant it there. It will grow roots and you will have another plant.


My zz are going yellow 😢 idk what to do?!


They are beautiful but slow growing:((((
