ZZ PLANT CARE (Zamioculcas) - ZZ Watering, Lighting, Repotting, Propagation - Houseplant Care 101

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This is a comprehensive guide to ZZ plant care. I cover various ZZ plant varieties, watering techniques, ideal lighting conditions, recommended soil recipe, repotting methods, propagation via division and leaf cuttings, and fertilizing. Subscribe for more houseplant videos like plant shopping and plant hauls. Thanks for watching friends! This episode was sponsored by rePotme.

0:00 Intro
1:23 ZZ Plant Varieties
3:59 ZZ Plant Watering
6:36 ZZ Plant & Pets
6:56 ZZ Plant Lighting
8:58 ZZ Plant Soil
10:16 ZZ Plant Repotting
16:26 ZZ Plant Propagation
22:35 ZZ Plant Fertilization

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Рекомендации по теме

I just bought a small ZZ plant and I heard you say to mimic their growing conditions. So I'm having a Lion, Giraffe and a couple Elephants shipped to my home. You would not believe the shipping cost on two Elephants at bulk costs. I think I will have to sell my home to pay for it, but as long as the plant thrives, I'm good. 😉


I rescued one from walmart years ago, nearly dead severed root rot etc etc. I did a lot of research and found that if you cut the stalk from the rhizome to discard the Ryzhome. some of them were joined together but some still looked healthy. I did need to cut the plants from these and propagate or they would have died due to the stalk growing from the rotted parts. I cut the parts of the ryzhomes that were un healthy and cut the stalks to propogate. Despite what I saw online I placed them in soil with no stalks just to see what happened. Covered the soil and watered much like how you would start a seed and just a few short months later several new stalks emerged. Im not sure why most sources online say to discard and say they will not regrow from them. I have successfully done this with little effort from a 1$ clearance walmart plant and have provided hundreds of rooted propagations to family friends, and even schools.


I’ve never been a fan of the ZZ, but I love to experiment, so I “borrowed” a few leaves from a plant at work. Nine months later, I have a small ZZ plant. It was really fascinating to watch the roots form in water then I was so amazed when I saw the first shoot poke through the soil. Pretty hard not to like something that you managed to grow from 2 leaves. Thanks for sharing your tips, AllisonLP


I love my zz. I've had it for years. It came from wilko. Rip wilko.
Then a friend bought me one so added it to mine. And now have a huge huge plant. I hqve found its grown well and mine is in good light .
It was because of your videos I decided I didn't want a raven zz as I love the lime green new leaves and the black mature leaves. Just do not like the middle stage. So I'm very grateful for that.
Zz plants are so lovely. And look at mine everyday it's makes me smile every time
Great vid


Hi Ashley, I love the ZZ plants and their easy care. Great care guide video with excellent tips. Well done! Take care. 👌🪴🥰


Planting is a luxury these days. Enjoy


Thank you so much!! I’ve just bought one as an air purifier. Your video has been massively helpful 😊


Love ZZ plants especially my Raven which is my favorite.


Ashley, I find your videos very interesting. Thank you so much for sharing.


My daughter in law gave me a start of her ZZ plant so this has been very helpful.


Really appreciate and loved this video. Thank you for all the tips!


I love your nail color btw 😅 so cool. A person was throwing a ZZ plant away at my work, just because it had like 3 yellowish leaves and the rest was all green shine color, to me it looks beautiful. Now with your video I'm gonna be repotting it with some fresh soil mix it, I feel in love with this plant and looks easy to care about thank you for this video 🙌 I'm a plant/garden lover 😂


Best info for my precious ZZ's❤❤❤❤


I love them I have 4 diferents but I propagated so I have moreee❤Thanks Ashley


I love your videos it's funny how root bound plants look so much bigger when you repot them I didn't know how to start them from leaves now I'll try that thanks for the informative video


Perfect timing! My ZZ had a bit of a struggle Fall-Winter and a bunch of stems went yellow (seemed like a combo of being potbound/little soil left and build up of salts(?) in the soil. Got it repotted and halted the downward spiral, but was only left with 5 stems of a once very-full plant. I thought about putting it down into a much smaller pot now, but then noticed that it has five new growth points!

I still would like to separate it out into two smaller plants. I’m going to let these new stalks grow a bit, and then will repot in early spring. So this video is very helpful!

P.S. Anyone struggling with fungus gnats, watch Ashley’s video on fungus gnat tea. It works like a charm! I actually do it with the mosquito dunks that I steep in a large pitcher of hot water for two hours to overnight. And then I water with that. I haven’t had a fungus gnat problem in years, thanks to Ashley’s tips!


I loved the visitor.I have one of the dark ones on ZZ and it has not grown one bit. Maybe this summer. I have only had it 7 months.


My zz soil has become compacted so going to repot it today.


I never had a ZZ plant yet, or a fiddle fig, i just got my monstera deliceoso, 3 months ago, 😊


Completely new with this plant, learnt a lot today. Thank you for making this video.
