Daily Habits of Happy People: How to Be Happy (3/3)

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You can learn the daily habits that happy people use to foster a lasting happiness. These are skills that you can develop. In this video we'll talk about 14 daily habits that happy people practice to create more joy in their lives.
I don’t know about you but the pandemic has seemed to make it harder to feel joy. We spend less time doing things with people we love, we stay home, a lot of people feel depressed, anxious, lonely, tired, or bored.

So let’s get our joy back, let’s stop waiting for something to change before we can feel happy again. Here’s my list of 14 things that I start trying when I want to increase my joy and happiness. And I’m not just talking about coping skills or stuff that feels good in the short term, in my opinion, these are skills that foster a sense of lasting happiness because they line up with the kind of person I want to be.

Therapy in a Nutshell and the information provided by Emma McAdam are solely intended for informational and entertainment purposes and are not a substitute for advice, diagnosis, or treatment regarding medical or mental health conditions. Although Emma McAdam is a licensed marriage and family therapist, the views expressed on this site or any related content should not be taken for medical or psychiatric advice. Always consult your physician before making any decisions related to your physical or mental health.
In therapy I use a combination of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Systems Theory, positive psychology, and a bio-psycho-social approach to treating mental illness and other challenges we all face in life. The ideas from my videos are frequently adapted from multiple sources. Many of them come from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, especially the work of Steven Hayes, Jason Luoma, and Russ Harris. The sections on stress and the mind-body connection derive from the work of Stephen Porges (the Polyvagal theory), Peter Levine (Somatic Experiencing) Francine Shapiro (EMDR), and Bessel Van Der Kolk. I also rely heavily on the work of the Arbinger institute for my overall understanding of our ability to choose our life's direction.

Copyright Therapy in a Nutshell, LLC
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These tips seriously DO work. Yesterday I was too depressed to tidy the front room. So every time I got up for the bathroom, or to make a cup of tea, I picked up one item and put it away. By the end of the evening the front room was tidy and I got myself a nice early night 🌞


I can’t afford therapy, so everyday I’m gonna watch a video rod yours and write in my journal at the same time. This really helped me to tonight, thank you 😊


I don't like habit tracking, actually. I tend to focus on the missed days and I ignore all the checks. And if life happens (as it always does) and I can't cross off my goal (breaking a leg makes it a lot harder to reach your step goal), I'm demotivated.

Instead, I have a "menu" of things that I enjoy (bike, yoga, walk, fresh fruits, reading, music...) and I try everyday to pick something from that list - whatever I have the energy for - and I simply focus on enjoying it in the moment.


Hi my name is Suzie. I have a panic disorder. When I feel that I'm going to have a panic attack I usually have to Stop what I'm doing and take slow deep breaths. I tell myself that everything will be ok. God tells me every time I feel one coming. Listening to Christian music usually helps me. I love listening to Chris Tomlin 😍 his music helps me a lot 😊😀


Dear Emma Your series has changed my life for the better. Thank you so much.


My husband joined or local youth baseball/softball board and that's been great for him. Giving back and having a sense of fitting into the community and getting out of the house and having some adult time away from the kids has all helped him tremendously.


I have severe anxiety. Being able to work from home during the pandemic has done wonders. My stress went down significantly. I am worried about going back to work in an office.


Been struggling with major fear and anxiety. I do not know how your videos made it into my feed but I am forever grateful it has. I cannot afford therapy, it's discouraging. But since I found your videos a few days ago, they are helping me manage and now I'm learning how to change my brain. From my heart, thank you so much. You are truly a blessing. GB you. I've made notes of all your tips and gonna start my Joy Habit calendar. 😊


I truly enjoy your support and your generosity of professional knowledge along with genuine tone. Adding your personal stories shows we are all in this together just trying to do the right things and strive towards our best selves to make a positive impact . You are so appreciated.


I need reminders of things like this, I end up working hard to overcome depression/anxiety and feel good for a while, and then some kind of big stressful event happens and I just come crashing down. Its hard, when you are in the middle of it to pull yourself out and do 'normal'. Not having a support system also makes it hard, so coming to YouTube to find people like you is extremely helpful. Thank you for what you do.


I’m severely agoraphobic, but I’ve set a goal for myself that works on both my Agoraphobia and my physical health. I’ve started talking intense, long outdoor walks. I’m motivated (don’t like that word but it’s the best I can think of) to do this because my Father passed away in December 2020 after a Pulmonary Embolism cause his already poor health to decline. I’m quite lazy and I don’t want a DVT/PE/Heart attack to take me out at 23


Sometimes when I don't have much energy I just clean the bathroom sink, it's quick and easy and at least something got done.


Gratitude when I find it within, oft mental assertion, but the actual awareness of what we’re grateful for is healing to the soul and elevates us in way we could do with anything else . Fullness of gratitude, is pure freedom


When your wearing a winter coat and sitting beneath a rain cloud, while simultaneously saying it's a beautiful day, you know your happy :)


January is so dark, not much sunlight plays a big role in depression. This is what works with me… go to Home Depot, and go walk down the aisle with all the bright lights! They are always on, and they are so bright my goodness! You can actually feel the warmth, feels like you’re in Florida. It is so bright and I must say it does something to your mind. Just hang out in the aisle for about 10 minutes, it’s really amazing!


I've had to change from extreme issues. It's about belief imho. The DSM has nothing on how to learn how to feel good about yourself.
In the end, working with one very smart PhD, I learned to what I truly believe and spend my time thinking about. It's truly a habit. Joy and feeling good, cannot out-number constant conscious thoughts about the opposite.. Our unconscious gets programmed with *whatever* we spend our time on. It's a real trick to change.


I started recording good things and gratitude as a Lenten project. I've kept it up because it really does work, and the journal entries are lovely to read back afterwards. Thank you so much for these videos - - I love them!


Worth listening to a couple of times. Full of good stuff - particularly like exchanging a beautiful photo each day, reading (Garrison Keillor!), writing down good stuff you experienced, bringing joy to others, rounds of full, slow breathing (do any time). PS. Try planting some seeds on your kitchen counter, nurture them, watch them grow. Extra - take lots of vitamin C and niacin.


Thank you for helpful support! I totally agree that small steps towards joy on a daily basis make huge difference in the long run.


Yes! I do so many of the things you mentioned here. I especially love being in the outdoors - it's a great way to ground yourself.
Happiness is so important for our well being 💛
- Julia
