What Happens When You Stop Drinking Alcohol - Andrew Huberman

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Chris and Andrew Huberman discuss how bad alcohol really is for you. Just how bad is alcohol for your health according to Andrew Huberman? What does Andrew Huberman prefer to consume rather than drink alcohol? What are the long-term effects of drinking alcohol according to Andrew Huberman?

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I'm a veteran, was actually addicted to alcohol and cigarettes. I suffered severe depression and mental disorder. Got diagnosed with cptsd. Not until my wife recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment saved my life honestly. 8 years totally clean. Never thought I would be saying this about mushrooms.


That was the episode that made me go cold turkey and quit alcohol completely. 52 days in can't even begin to tell you how good it feels to lead a alcohol free life.. I used to be a binge drinker, zero alcohol during weekdays due to work but 5-6 drinks on the weekends.. Now, I wake up at 6 am on a Sunday morning completely free of hangover and feeling great. Alcohol is the biggest illusion that has been sold to us.. I am so glad Huberman made that podcast..


I just reached 6 years of sobriety. I was a problem drinker for over a decade and never imagined being able to live without alcohol. Now alcohol never crosses my mind and my life has improved dramatically.


Deep into week 5 here and holding strong this time, longest dry streak since I was a teenager. I'm 50 now.


The cancer risk from alcohol has gotta be one of the most well kept secrets of the alcohol industry


1. Hangovers 2. Bad for every part of your body 3. Costs money 4. Say things you wouldn’t say 5. Eat things you wouldn’t eat 6. Do things you wouldn’t do 7. Do things you don’t remember 8. Shortens your life 9. Bad for relationships 10. You feel better without it


Huberman is a great role model especially for young men. Brains and muscles, street wise and academic, he has done the drugs and booze and now moved on to better things. Its great that he is reaching so many with his inspiring messages.


The worst thing about it for me is disrupted sleep and waking up about 2 am....and then unable to get to sleep again, no alcohol sleep like a baby


3+ years no alcohol and it’s not even a thing in my brain anymore. I don’t even consider how my life is improved, I just look at alcohol like damn, that looks a major impediment to living a happy life.


7 months sober and going strong!! Videos like this just reaffirm my decision of giving alcohol up entirely. After more than 10 years of daily binge drinking, I quit it cold turkey and never looked back. If you're recently sober or contemplating it, you CAN do it! Life is so much better without that poison being ingested. Stay strong, friends.


I've been sober 15 months and I really can't imagine going back to drinking ever again. Love this video!!


I quit today wish me luck guys my whole life is riding on it


I've grown up with an alcoholic father, saw that man go from my hero to someone i hated for years even after he passed away. Almost went down the same path without realizing it, so thankfull my wife was there to save me before it was too late.


2 years sober. Best decision ever. Every facet of my life has improved drastically, bar none.


I was an alcoholic, I started to drink during Covid, because there was nothing else to do, locked at home alone. I developed an addiction, I used to drink every day, 10 beers a day every day was normal for me. Thanks to alot of will power and these podcasts I quit drinking completely to never go back. I feel sharp, super energized, I turned my life around, I feel 10 years younger. It was super difficult to quit, but I'm proud I did. I feel full of regret of all the friendships I lost, the women I turned away for being drunk, the things I didn't do, makes me cry. But I feel better now, I'm not drinking a single drop of alcohol again in my life.


42 days sober now. I tried in the past but never I made it this far. This time around I was truly ready to give it up though. The list of bad choices I’ve made and memories missed out on while intoxicated over the years is far too long for me to recite. I could sit in my regret while continuing the cycle, but I chose to break generational cycle by choosing my four beautiful children and wife over alcohol. I’ve been tested once last week under a lot of stress but I have not felt this good in a very long time! God bless all of you that are working for being a better you!


Alcohol made me gain 60lbs (mostly belly fat), become depressed and lose friends/opportunities. Now I'm a month sober and eating clean while hitting the gym and goin on walks.


I came to realize that I am allergic to alcohol and that I can't safely predict what happens to myself and to other people when I do drink. I'm 15 years and 3 days sober, and I'm very proud of that accomplishment.


Day 25 for me. I found giving up tobacco helpful as well. They kind of trigger each other. Feels incredible. I actually feel like a kid again. Anything is possible and I'm no longer a slave to anything.


My dad was an alcoholic but has been sober for 12 years 🎉 I never said I would go down that same road. I have just graduated from University and have realized the role alcohol has played, and how detrimental it has been. I found myself blacking out most times I drank, and not being able to control how much I had. I have decided to stop altogether now at a young age to prevent anything else from happening.
