r/Bestof My Neighbor KIDNAPPED My Daughter

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0:09 Halloveen
13:28 Baby name

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The teacher claims that they aren’t bad people and yet, they can’t understand clear boundaries that were reinforced REPEATEDLY.


What terrifies me most on story one is that Astrid and Morton have personal connection with the school AND police


I'm Norwegian, and what that couple is NOT acceptable behaviour. You do NOT abduct another family's child. You do NOT re-dress them withot the approval of the parents. You do NOT steamroll the parents' wishes. The OP was right in calling the cops. Not too sure on the pedo accusations. That can come back to bite her. Also, the ex of the teacher was not allowed to be a part of the case, because he was partial to the case (norwegian law)


Story 1: Sure, Astrid and Morton are creeps for sure, but can we talk about the teacher here? She keeps dismissing OP's claims, butting in constantly, enables their behavior, and tries to downplay their behavior? This is highly unprofessional and drastic action must be taken. The principal and the neighbors are total Gs for helping OP out though.


There is a final update on the first story, OP and her kids moved to another country, she refused to say where and honestly I don’t blame her. She told the principal who understood and as sad as it is, she told her daughter to cut contact with her friends in Norway because she didn’t want any info to be accidentally leaked.

Her husband is still there but he will be joining them in the new year. Astrid had the nerve to come to the house to offer Xmas cookies but the husband told her to leave. The principal did tell the class that op’s daughter did leave the school but no other information was leaked. Astrid came over AGAIN asking where the daughter was! Op told two other neighbours what is happening and they are on her side. But her and her kids are safe, hopefully when the husband leaves they can put everything behind them.

Edit: so there is a part I left out because op didn’t put it in her post, it was in the comment section, but someone here has mentioned it.

The crazy ass couple called CPS on op and her husband about the kids saying they neglected them because op was overwhelmed but because of how quick op left she didn’t know about until she was already gone. So she left just in time!


“Why wouldn’t you let your daughter go to the party?”

It literally does not matter.it’s my kid, and I said she couldn’t go. Period. You taking her anyway is *literally* kidnapping.


That first story just gave me more and more chills as it went on. If your kid’s teacher is in kahoots with their creepy stalker/abductor, that’s a just a whole new level of YUCK!!!


Story 1: It's pretty clear that even if the p**o thing was false, the neighbors definitely want to replace the daughter's parents. Not only acting creepy around her, but then lying about OP being a neglectful parent afterwards.

I don't think they'll ever be better parents if this is how they act. Hope the sons don't follow in their footsteps


The scariest thing about the first story, for me, was the fact that police wouldn't help because of the teacher's ex... when the people whose job is to help you don't, who will?


If Astrid and Morten's way of handling grieving is by taking another parent's child without letting her know and stalking, they need serious therapy/counseling and a restraining order instead of people enabling them. I can understand that grief can really ruin a person but it isn't an excuse or allowed to be used as justification for this kind of behavior. There weren't anymore updates unfortunately but people were saying OP and her family need to fully GTFO because they brought up that Astrid and Morten could use the country legal system to take away their daughter under claims of neglect.


Update on the first story, op had one last post about the situation, they moved away safely and neither the teachet, nor Astrid got to know where to. Op is sad that the kids cant stay in contact with their friends but she wont risk any information leaking to the crazy bunch.


I'm Norwegian and man that first story is so far removed from what we're used to see or hear about in Norway. We have our share of unhinged weirdos like every country, but cases like these are so few and far apart that it gave me whiplash. This makes me think it happened in a small town where most people know each other and don't want to go against their friends or acquaintances. I hope OP and her family got out of that town safely, since I think that was the only real way of making it stop. Small town communities tend to protect themselves by freezing out outsiders that come in and disturb their lives.


Story 1: I've actually seen stuff like this happen before. It's a very common tactic for trying to build custody cases and is more likely to happen in very small towns due to the sheer amount of corruption involved. The problem for OP is that Astrid and Morton both have close connections with the school and the police department that makes it very difficult to get anything documented since all the harassment incidents from Astrid and Morton are being dismissed thanks to the principal and the police, even the kidnapping. If there's no national way to get this noticed, like a 911 call that would force outside involvement, there's really nothing OP can do but leave.


It doesn't matter their justification for their actions that Astrid, Morton and the teacher gave to OP and the police. KIDNAPPING IS KIDNAPPING. The teacher should be on the hook as well as she Aided and abetted Astrid and Morton kidnapping OP's daughter.


Story 1: Astrid and Morton sound like child thieves. They're so fixated on the idea of having a daughter that they've already adopted the OP's daughter in their deluded heads.

Child grief can turn dangerous if not treated properly and since the people around them only enable their poor behavior, it's doomed to snowball into something worse.

Sadly, a lot of places here in Scandinavia suffer from "That doesn't happen here" and it causes a lot stuff like this to fly under the radar.


Last story: Anyone remember that story prior to the pandemic when OP told her friend that naming her baby Karen was a really bad idea, and so many pre-April 2020 comments called OP TA?

1. Why do people think making up a name is a game?
2. Why do people not consider the long term effects of schooling, career and relationships with said messed up name?


*First OP:* I read this story before (it was wild!), and I thought OP and 'em were living in Germany or another European country, not the U.S. Anywho, OP was NTA. Her neighbors were creepy.
*Second OP:* I've said it before, and I'll say it again: giving your kid a horrible name is second degree child abu5e as OP experienced. OP was NTA.


I actually LOL'd at the phrase "Danger is my middle name." Thank you for the laugh!


In the first story i think OP should of said to the child that if either couple tried touching/talking to her then the child should at the top of her lungs "I DON'T KNOW YOU, HELP", being that they were continually escalating their behaviour, i'm not sure if that would be allowed or not though.


The first story final update:

A lot has happened in the last few days. I don't want to give too many details as this story has been leaked to other Social media without my approval. I also don't want Astrid and Morton to find this now that it's on several platforms.

I am at my parents. We are all safe now. My husband will be joining us in the new year once he sorts out his new assignment. I won't say what country we are in now as my husband said that Astrid came by the house under the guise of giving us Christmas cookies two days ago wondering why my daughter hadn't been at school. He told her politely to leave.

Before leaving I only told the prinicipal and not her teacher. Her principal understood and said it was her responsibility to relay that information to the class and the teacher.

Today she was at our place again asking him where she was as the principal told the class that my daughter was sad to leave them but we had moved (no other details given). She made her school friends drawings that were given to them. Sad as it is I don't want her to contact her friends in case they say something to the wrong person. My daughter will make new friends and hopefully won't miss her Norwegian friends too much.

I did tell two of my closest neighbours on the day I was leaving, but they were always on friendly terms with me and they were on my side all along. To be honest I dont' know where my husband might get sent next. For now we are all safe.

Thank you for all the support. I know I didn't reply to all but I had a lot going on. Please don't hold it against me.
