You are a 'slow-burn' energy. Often dismissed initially but unforgettable. [Divine Feminine Reading]

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This is a divine feminine reading (which may also resonate as a divine masculine reading or twin flame reading for some). You are a "slow-burn" energy, which means you are often dismissed initially by others but are unforgettable in the longterm because of how your energy affects people over time. This karmic feminine is seeing many others celebrating you and feeling triggered, and there is a masculine who has had a breakthrough realization and is going to be revealing a secret. Please use your intuition and only take what resonates. Sending love, - Infinity ∞

Recommended Subliminals: "Love Magnetism" [Love & Relationships category] in the app. ♥︎

** Just a Reminder: My only Instagram is @MagnetizeYourself spelled exactly that way & I will never privately message, follow, email or DM for a private reading [anyone who does this is impersonating me and scamming, please do not send them money]. Anyone who replies in the comments asking you to email, text or message them privately for a reading is also scamming. Be safe ♥︎
𝙋𝙖𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙤𝙣 𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙢𝙪𝙣𝙞𝙩𝙮


𝙎𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙 & 𝙎𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙛𝙪𝙡 𝘼𝙥𝙥
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Recommended Subliminals: "Love Magnetism" [Love & Relationships category] in the app. ♥︎


I would love a slow burn effect video. I am this energy, everyone comes back and it's bc my energy is so high and they're so used to 3d ego based. It's intimidating for people when you operate unconditionally. Thank you! I always resonate heavily with you!


This was 1000% for me. Thank you so much, Infinity!!! I have always had a slow burn effect on others. I trigger many, and masculines often manifest me into their lives, but they mistake my presence in their Ives for something romantic when that's not what I'm here for. I'm here to help them along their spiritual awakening as a soul. Sending peace, love, healing, and light to everyone!! XOXO ❤️‍🔥✨️❤️‍🔥✨️


You're amazing Infinity, you see it all as it's happeneing!you are a gift for the collective and much appreciated and loved by all.


Your accuracy scares me sometimes. It feels like you are next to me and see it all. Thank you for your beautiful rainbow energy ❤


Though time and space seem to keep us apart … always remember that separation is an illusion 💜 love holds us all together 💜


Slow burn energy future read please. Thank you for another message❤


Infinity, this was another very personal reading. Please do go deeper with the explanation of the slow burn spiritual energy.
I'm not giving my energy to people who don't participate in a mutually uplifting relationship. I know, I have many people who envy me. I bless them and ask spirit to help them remember who they really are, on a soul level.


Blown away at how accurate this reading was regarding the karmic feminine ….. wow.


I send love and light to the karmic. I wish healing and happiness for her. ❤


Slow burn energy & thank you Dear Infinity 😊


Thanks Infinity ♾ again for all the energy you provide and guidance .🌟
1:09 Feminine energy :
I understand even the best of friends "women" don't have your best interests at heart .💥
I DON'T LIVE MY LIFE for them...If they want to judge they have too much time looking at another person's path instead of theirs ! 🌟
I still have my desires and am not letting them go...What time have left in this world. I will work on reaching for them .💥
I feel 7:58 this energy. I'M following what I feel .💥
9:21 Offer...I will say listen always to what is inside of you !:🌼Life is short. Too short to not be happy. ⚘
10:00 10 of cups : I understand this is a general reading but looking forward to see what is ahead .🌟😁Whenever your ready to talk.😂
10:00 Envy : I don't understand why other would hate you doing well. We should all be supportive and help each other .🌟
Still waiting on my tribe..😊
I'm working on me. We all have things to fix...💥
Once again no one is stuck. I believe a pause is more in order. I deal with fear but that is my beast to tackle.💥Some roots to it. Shadows I have taken on and still do ! Not perfect ! I battle it often in life. Im guilty of dragging my feet on things also. I need to kick my own butt ! 😂
Fear is a serious feeling.
When we tackle it be become stronger .
My soul knows what it desires. It may not be what others want and it may be judged but I'm on my path. I want to be happy ! We all should all want what feeds our soul. Not what others want to project or tell you to do but what makes you happy. 🌟
I love to hear about the slow burn...💥
Thanks again Infinity ♾ 🌷
Once again I'm not here for others but self. No one walk your path but you.
Others if they choose can share that walk with you. Some just create obstacles and toss stones on your path.
Focus on the good ones that share that path and also bring a broom ! 😂


Infinity my gal, your on the move🎶spoiling us with these back to back reads💃🏾


You’re specifically on point for all of us.. for years.. I’ve never seen anything like it. Truly an honor to cross your path.


I ❤ your readings Infinity, and it always creates grounding to what matters in my path, and I'm sure others on this path🌌💜


Oh wow, Infinity! You're on the money girl! Just needed to read this title and it immediately connected to my current situation. It's not only one, but a few of these karmic feminines 😮 just before the 888 portal a couple of things happened which made me cut off completely some of them. It makes me sad cause I'm not competing with anyone, but their energy has made me feel like that's what they're trying to do, and yesss one of them is because of my divine masculine...can't believe it!! Thank you so very much! I AM LOVE, I AM a HEALING LIGHT, I AM a POSITIVE ENERGY and a SLOW BURN and so it is, amen! Thank you, thank you, thank you!! 🙏💜✨️🙌🙇🏻‍♀️🪷💫♾️


So much powerful energy flowing through at this time .. WoW.. 🙏🏼💥♥️


I would love to hear more on the slow burning energy. I have to say I get disheartened trying to find a mate for myself when i am only there to help or heal them. It’s done a number on me thinking that it’s always me when they misunderstand me or gain something from me and go away I guess? I am trying to overcome old ways and beliefs and learn about my gifts and learn to do right buy myself. Tired of being used and abused other people. But also tired of being alone. Thank You Infinity for your unique insight and helping us understand ourselves ❤


Back into my life, because if i turn my back and walk away, that means you have gone way to far, because i always forgive and forget if it gets to a point wete i turn around, vim not turning back


Infinity, your mission is to decode the 5D reality(I think it is more authentic in many ways than our so called real 3D)&you are the best for me from this point of view ❤
Lots of thanks and gratitude for this, looking forward to your upcoming ones💥🔥😇
