There Are Two Ten Commandments! Here are the differences

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Biblical Series: Rabbi Yossi Paltiel breaks down the differences between the two sets of Ten Commandments Parshas Vaeschanan and Parshas Yisro

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Rabbi Yossi Paltiel, Founder of Inside Chassidus has been inspiring audiences for 30+ years with his incredible insight on taking Chassidus and applying it in a practical way. He teaches at numerous Crown Heights Schools including: Achei Temimim, Beis Rivka seminary, and Machon lyhadus. Please Find inspiration in these short lessons and share them around!!!

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I remember learning that vov at the beginning of a word hints at and is an indication of maybe other things. For example.... כבד את אביך ואת אמך .... The extra vov indicates that one must honor and respect our parents, AND our grandparents AND our teachers AND our aunts AND our uncles AND our older siblings AND our teachers etc. So maybe the additional vovs here too hint at a host of other things that go under the same category.


33:10 we keep falling off the wagen to use an addiction analogy


Shevuot 20b:9 - The Gemara answers: Are the cases comparable? This case, of a false oath, is as it is and that case, of an oath taken in vain, is as it is. What, then, is the meaning of the assertion of the baraita that they are one? It is that both were spoken in a single utterance at the giving of the Torah, like that which is taught in a baraita: “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy” (Exodus 20:8), and: “Observe the Sabbath day, to keep it holy” (Deuteronomy 5:12), were spoken in one utterance, in a manner that the human mouth cannot say and that the human ear cannot hear.


27:40 if it’s למעשה בראשית it can apply to an עבד ערל and גר תושב if it’s ליציאת מצריים לכאורא it doesn’t have שייכות to עבד ערל and גר תושב


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Sanskrit is a Farsi word ( ساسانی کلمه نویس - sasani-kalameh-nevis means Sasanian writing/language) which is the root of all modern languages and it was and it is [in its new form English] the official language of the world and science.

Biblical words and names are Farsi/Persian, some are listed below:

The word "God" is coming from "Good" and good comes from Farsi word " خوب - Khoob " and khoob comes from " خاک او - khaake-uo " and khaake-uo comes from " خاک - khaak " which means "Soil" or "Earth". The word "Khaak" is a natural and organic word/language/sound which is coming from the sound our mouth makes when ejecting/spitting out the dirt that has entered our mouth, it was used by mothers to teach children what to eat (enter their mouth) and whatnot.
Deus and Dios are Farsi words "Darius" or "Cyrus [the Great"].
Hashem is " آهن شمش - aahan-shemsh " means "Iron Ingot" from Iran/Iron.
Allah is " آهن آلات - aahan-aalat " means "Iron Tools / Metal Tools".
Sallallahou Alayhe Wasallam, Arabic " صلي الله عليه وسلم " is " سرب  و آهن و حلبی و مس زرد رنگ - " which means "Lead, iron, tin and yellow copper".
Allah o akbar is " آهنآلات خاک کن - aahan-alate-khak-kan " means "Iron tools to dig the ground" like Picks and Shovels.
Mosses " مس ساز or  مس دزد - mes-saz OR mes-dozd " means "coppersmith or copper thief"

Jew "جا - jaa" = Room / Home / Shed
Jesus "جا ساز - jaa-saaz" = Home builder
Christ "کار است, کار دست  - kaar-ast/kare-dast" = The work we do using our hands to build a home, determines the ownership of that house
Genocide "جا نساز - jaa-na-saaz" = Do not build home
Genesis "جا نسازید - jaa-na-saazeed" = Do not build house (purell for genocide)
Gabrael "این جا بروید - jaa-beraveed" = Leave this home, executor of eviction
Palestine "پا و دستان - paa-va-dastan" = Legs and hands, [construction] workers
Disciple "دست پرکار or دست و پا دار - dast-o-paadar" = Having [skilled] hands for work Joseph "جا زاد - jaa-zaad" = The male who was born in that home Jouda "جا دار - jaa-daar" = One with home, not homeless
John "جای من - jaa-ye-man" = My home [in the future] Judea "جادارها - jaa-daarha" = Those who have house (opposite of homeless)
Moshe "مال من می‌شه - maale-man-mysheh" = It will be mine Judaism "جا دزدیست - jaa-dozdist" = Home/land thief
Magi "مانده جا - mandeh-jaa" = The man who knows the owner of the home and land
Maryam "مادرم - maadaram" = My mother, being a mother
Mary "مادری - maadary" = Motherhood, a girl who is expected to be a mother (roots for marriage, madam, Ms and Mrs)
Jahad "جا بخواه - jaa-bekhah" = Demand for having a home (not an enslaved on someone else's land)
Salvation "بساز و بشین - besaz-o-beneshin" =  To live in your own built house and living in there
Babylon "برابرن - bara-baran" = Equals, people who shared the land equally amongst themselves
Malachi "مالکان - malekan" = Landlords, owners of the houses.
Pagan " پاره گان - paregan" = Those girls who lost their virginity
Sodom [and] Gomorrah " سردمه گرمم کن - sardameh-garmam-kon" = I am cold, warm me up, It was used by prostitutes

Trinity is a Farsi word " سه گانگی - se-ghanegy " which means "[concept of] three [owners]".
Father is the builder and the original owner of the house [there was no divorce and the mothers were automatically co owners with fathers),
Sons will inherit the property to protect the mother and other siblings when the father is too old or is dead. Daughters were getting married and co-owned their husband's property.
The Holy is " خالی - khali '' which means when the property is vacant and the word Spirit is " از بین رفت - az-bain-raft " which means building that is in ruins or was destroyed, in this state the Church will take ownership of the property and use it for single women, children and elders with no support.
In the Concept of Trinity, God is the landlord.
The Trinity was the base of the entire Christian and Western Civilization.
The Council of Nicaea formalized Trinity as the official rule of the land and Constantin centralized and unified registering the properties (issuing deeds) and recording their owners' names, to that date registering and recording was done by local real estate agents and escrow companies of the time dominated by jews who were abusing and trafficking and abusing women and children who needed food and home.

Virgin Mary means that Mary the mother of Jesus was a Virgin when married to Joseph, her virginity entitled her and Joseph to the ownership of the land and ability to pass the home to their son Jesus.

The word Mashiach is a Farsi word " مال تو میشه  -  male-to-myshe "  which means "It [Jerusalem] will be yours", if someone can prove that jews are the owner of Jerusalem then your war will be over. Mashiach is the same Arabic word as " ماشاالله " and Muslim use it often, it means that by working hard and doing a good job you will own your nice property.
David is " دربان - darban " means "doorman/security guard/door keeper".
[Mashiach] Ben David is " بی دربان - bee-darban " which means "no need for a doorman".
Messiah is " مصالح - massaleh " = [construction] material, later it became " مسیر یاب - masser-yaab " which means path/direction/way Finder.
Nazareth " نوزادگاه - nozadgah " which means Newborn nursery, Labor and delivery hospital and birth certificate registration [for legit children of married couples]
Synagogue is " زن زادن جا - zan-zadan-ja " means where women can deliver baby, it was for delivering fatherless children and the children of rape victims or performing abortion. Delivered children were kept and were turned into slave soldiers, workers and the girls into sex slaves. Boys were tagged as slaved by tattoos and the girls by ear piercing.

Ark of Covenant are Farsi words " آهنکن گاو نر - aahankan-gave-nar '' which means "Iron for Bull Cow" or "Plowshare". The wings are the accessories required to mount the plow. This was the shared/rental plow for the community and it was designed by Persians who extracted Iron from Iron ore for the first time, the name Iran is the same " آهن کار/ آهن دار - aahan-kar " means Black Smith" or "Those who have Iron".

Quran if Farsi word " کارگران - karegran " which means Workers, and originally was workers'  rights law book.
Duaa is " دوللا - dolla " meaning "Bow / Bent Over'', it is the same as English Law.

Buddha if " پولدار - pooldar " which means rich and wealthy they were the first Zartoshti.  Zartosht invented alchemy money/coins and capitalism.
Vishnu is " بشنو - beshno " meaning to be submissive and listen only, the one who does not talk or ask .


even the 2 luchos are slightly different showing the discrepancies in the entire torah itself passed down . and sages will find reasons to prove it was on purpose to create the torahs validity.