You Will Never See The 10 Commandments the Same Way Again

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This video will forever change the way you see the 10 Commandments!

I know that sounds like a bold claim. But the things I am about to share with you are things that have forever impacted both how I imagine this moment, and understand what these commands really mean.

So, if you want to learn more about this, and understand the 10 Commandments like you never have before, then join me for this episode of Misreading Scripture.


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Misreading Scripture is a series that takes common scriptures and helps you to see them with a new set of eyes. Many of these are scriptures we have been innocently misinterpreting. And once we gain insight into the culture and context of the passage, all of a sudden it becomes clear in an entirely new way.

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Glory be to God. I recently came to the realization that the one who benefits the most through obedience is me myself. True freedom comes by obedience to our Lord and Savior.


This is BY FAR the best sermon in 10 Commandments I have ever heard!!! Wow. Brandon really delivers what he promises.


God's love becomes so obvious when we truly see the commandments through His heart's intention.


I had a friend who made me really think. She said she looks at the commandments like this ( in a loving tone): My people don't steal, My people honor their parents, etc.


Thank you brother! I am 87 years old and have been a Christian for almost 50 years but have always regarded the 10 commandments as 10 rules.

Great insight putting them into the context of the ancient Israelites.

10 steps to freedom from bondage.


Refreshing! And He (Yeshua)said to him, “ ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the great and foremost commandment. The second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’
On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets.”
Matthew 22:37‭-‬40 NASB1995
He taught us the Torah was Abba's loving instruction for His children.


All of the 613 mitzvot/commandments are based on the 10 Words which in turn are based on the greatest commandment to love YHWH with all your heart, with all soul, and with all your might. And the second is like into it, thou shall love your neighbor as yourself. So LOVE is the modus operandi of the Torah!


Loved the way you detailed the Ten Commandments and it does give a new perspective on them. I've always said that the Ten Commandements were common sense, and if every human had followed these, life on this planet would have been much better than it has been. God truly knows all, and he has been trying to tell humanity how to have a good life while on the planet.


Well said! 💯 Thank you for sharing. The 10 Commandments weren't nailed to the cross as so many Christians say. I am obedient to the Commandments because I love the Father! 💖 They all (all 10) still apply to us today. The sacrificial system (sacrifice for atonement) of the Old Testament was nailed to the cross. The perfect lamb. Jesus now performs the priestly duties on our behalf to the Father. Blessings! 🥰


Talk about a truly eye-opening message ! In my 65 years of life I've never heard the 10 Commandments explained this way. But it makes so much sense to me. Thank you so very much Brandon for your teachings, your passion for God's Word and explaining it to others ! God bless you and keep you and yours! Hugs, love and prayers from a Kansas Grandma ❤️ 👵 🙏


What an awesome God we serve!!!! Hallelu YAH!!!! MARANATHA!!!!


Love your presentation on this. I try to share with my fellow Christian’s all the time that “freedom” is found in Gods laws and words but they insist that Christ died to set us free from Gods laws. This seems to be a theme in Christian churches today. Christ died to save us from sin. Not to save us from his truths and gifts - we find LIFE and meaning in Gods words when we let it speak to our hearts and embrace his words. Seek the creator, seek the miracles in HIM, seek his kingdom and not the world


For in my inner being I delight in God’s law.
- Romans 7:22 - ( psalm 1:2)

You are a blessing to us brother Brandon. May GOD help you to continue this work/ His work in all integrity and love for Truth JESUS Name, amen🙏

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.


Brilliant presentation of the LAW. When we dont understand the purpose the LAW was given...we turn it into legalism...So instead of being righteous....we become self selfrighteous.


That was definitely eye opening to look at it that way. No just 10 laws laid down for us to follow but a new way of life. I love your energy you give off as you explain things.
Thank you & God Bless!


These commandment show us how to Love God and Love each other better which is very freeing. The other commands throughout the bible that God has given us are also instructions to free us. THANK YOU GOD for your Grace and mercy! Thank you God for all Your sacrifices and blessings!


This is consistent with how I was taught about the Israelites leaving Egypt. Their biggest problem was getting Egypt, slavery, out of them. In light of that, it is less surprising that only the younger generation entered the promised land.


I love this. So many people see God as restrictive, not understanding that obedience and honor to Him is the most incredible and only true freedom we can have!


I'm a Seventh-day Adventist and this is one of the best presentations on the Ten Commandments I've ever heard. As a church, we've made ourselves perpetual slaves to the commandments rather than friends of the law of love and freedom, slaves to a time period rather than servants of God's goodness. I believe in the seventh-day Sabbath, but I commune with all Christians who understand that God is love. Thanks, Brandon!


The Ten Commandments form a cross. The first half are vertical and our relationship with Abba father. The second half are horizontal in our relationship with one another. Love God with all your heart soul strength and mind and love your neighbor as yourself. This is the Fulfillment of all the law and the prophets😇✌️🌻
