Why Did Keto Raise My Blood Pressure? Ketogenic Diet & High Blood Pressure Connection – Dr.Berg

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Can keto cause high blood pressure problems? Here’s what you need to know.

0:00 Why did keto raise my blood pressure?
0:13 What is glycogen?
2:12 Dehydration, electrolytes, and high blood pressure
2:53 What to do for high blood pressure on keto?
3:22 Keto consulting

In this video, I’m going to answer the question: why did keto raise my blood pressure? This is a question I recently got from a viewer, so I wanted to make a quick video on this topic.

First, it’s important to understand that you have this stuff called glycogen. This is stored glucose or sugar. Glycogen needs potassium. For every molecule of glucose, you need one molecule of potassium. One molecule of glucose also retains 3-3.5 molecules of water.

It helps to think of glycogen as a sponge—it soaks up and holds a lot of water.

Glycogen is stored in your liver and muscles.

When you do keto and intermittent fasting, you deplete the glycogen in your liver. You’re left with only the glycogen in your muscle. In turn, the glycogen you burn also gets rid of the water and potassium it retains. This may cause dehydration and low electrolytes/potassium.

One of the primary causes of hypertension is low potassium.

Not only do you lose a lot of potassium while adapting to keto, but also your requirement goes way up. Additionally, many people are already low on potassium, which makes matters worse.

The best remedy for this issue is to do the healthy version of keto. How? There are two things:

1. Get around 1,000 mg of potassium
2. Consume 7-10 cups of vegetables per day

This will help support weight loss and also promote a healthy body and blood pressure level.

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 58, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss

Thanks for watching. I hope this video helped clear up why you might experience high blood pressure on keto and what to do about it. I’ll see you next time.
Рекомендации по теме

Thank you so much for this! I upped my potassium with spinach, kale, and avocados daily and lowered my sodium intake and my blood pressure has leveled out!


Doctor I did Keto to bring down my blood pressure and it worked very well. From 170/110. To 115/ 65 in one month. Mostly greens little meat.


You could also tag constipation as an added side-effect because after a few weeks of Keto, I developed quite severe constipation. I added potassium to my daily intake and the issue was solved.
After 4 months, I've lost 56 pounds - and loving every minute of it.


I'm glad you addressed this, my neighbor who is black and in her late 20s had this happen to her. The past 3 weeks every morning she borrows my blood pressure machine and for some reason the keto diet caused her BP to increase this past week and I couldn't figure out why. This video helps out a lot because she is doing this diet out of desperation, she is trying to avoid diabetes. She has lost quite a bit of weight the past 2 months but the BP was never a problem til the past 2 weeks. Thanks Dr Berg, I will show her this video.


This solved my high blood pressure. Thanks Dr. Berg 🙏


Thank you!!!! My word, it took me 10 days to find an explanation to my high blood pressure that’s been 120/80 my whole life!


Dr Berg your timing couldn't of been better! Went to Dr recently and my BP sky rocketed. Dr solution was more bp pills. I'm at the max doses. Left more frustrated then when I arrived. Been searching for answers. You have given me a ray of sunlight . Thank you!!


So that's what happens. I tried the diet a few week ago and my pressure shot up. I had a massive headache for days til I finally had to stop after only 2 weeks. Glad to know I'm not losing my mind. I'll give it one more try.


I started Keto since last August and now Iam not using blood pressure medicine any more... Thank you Dr. Birge Thanks Keto


I found exactly the opposite. I was on BP meds and 30 days after being on a strict keto diet, I reduced the dose of my meds by half. my BP is averaging 125/75 each day. My next experiment will be to go off them entirely. I will do that after seeing my doctor though. Thanks for your helpful vids Eric.


I'm 50 and my BP is that of a 16 year old. Been doing healthy Keto/IF since November 2018.


I just started doing Dr Berg's recommended healthy keto three weeks ago, I've noticed my heart has issues when I get into it deep enough, like small pains, certainly irregular heartbeat activity, sometimes I have felt slightly dizzy and somewhat short of breath, tired out after long walks - basically I have been feeling like a heart attack was imminent. I am well overweight and have had elevated blood pressure recently and super high glucose this summer which I was unaware of until a month ago. I had covid in March and I think it damaged my heart and lungs, but my strength and stamina has been slowly returning this summer. Although I was not able to lose very much weight.
I seriously don't think just going straight keto will solve all your problems, as an across the board solution it is reckless to recommend for everyone. Now I am eating low / lower carb, no refined sugars, and a moderate amount of healthy fats and lean proteins - as much veggies and leafy greens as I can and an hour of moderate low intensity exercise per day. I can't lose weight at all if I don't exercise and full keto already feels very, very bad for my heart. What else can you do?
I really feel like Keto would give me a heart attack if I got aggressive with it, so I would recommend caution to anyone looking into this 'cure-all' diet for the first time. Remember, fruits and veggies are carbs but also lots of other things your body needs, and we have the Bible to let us know that God created those for us to eat and has commanded that we eat those - your body also needs the life force from the living plants and trees, which you don't get from dead flesh, and if carbs were truly the enemy, would God have put them in your food that He commanded you to eat? No, of course not. So for me, I am making more room for more fruits and veggies on my weight loss / health journey.
Try cutting your massive sodium intake to reduce your hypertension. Four slices of bacon for instance, will jack up your sodium levels through the roof, as does beef jerky btw, and virtually any processed food you can buy. It's a nightmare when you start realistically tracking your sodium intake, and you will naturally come to conclusion that the only things you really can eat which are genuinely healthy for you are : vegetables, greens, fruits - organically grown, just as God told humanity long, long ago. God doesn't need to lie. Think about that.
Good luck everyone, God bless.


Absolutel right, i experienced that i was hypertension i used to low carb, keto diet with more vegetables, and i reversed my hypertension to normotension (normal blood pressure).
This explanation and many more you discovered here we don't study in medical schools. Thnk you dr berg.


Im 3 weeks keto and now my blood pressure has been around 130/84 for a few days. Here to learn.


I love Dr. Berg. He is genuinely wanting to help others.
I bought his potassium drink and it is so good. It is helping me sleep and have less cravings for food. Still be getting those green veggies though! But no more cramping.


this is good info I had a heart attack may 4th, after 3 months of keto mainly carnivore. I was feeling great my joint pain was getting better lost 20 lbs and lots of energy. Then next thing I knew I had a heart attack. I will be adding green veggies next time thanks for sharing.


Thank you!! I am in the dr office after losing 30 pds on keto and fasting and was expecting my blood pressure to be lower. I actually was craving avocados this morning and was running late! So thankful!


I have lost 70 pounds on keto since January. My blood pressure was 170/128 in January...yesterday after a 70 pound loss...my BP was 180/130....i have been on your electrolyte formula all through thus thing...taking 4 doses in my water every day. I haven't been able to eat all those vegs due to not enough bile plus fatty liver...i am at my wits end. The doctor has quadrupled my BP meds...don't know what to do.
I wish I could find a good doctor like you to investigate rather than making me pop pills...i am afraid that is what most doctors do today...horrible!! Thanks do much for all you bring to us!! Blessings...


This happened to me last week!!! Your videos are always right on time. TFS ❤


Thank you so much for this - I have had resistant HTN for 20 years. Tons of drugs, with loads of negative side effects, but no lowering of blood pressure. I have repeatedly asked about potassium, but doctors don't go there, saying my potassium levels are okay. When I ask for an intracellular potassium test, they say there isn't one, but I know there is. Since being on KETO for the last year and a half, my blood pressure has gone somewhat higher and I have developed significant arrhythmias. Also have stage 4 kidney failure, so peeing all the time, washing out electrolytes. I have taken Mg for years, but afraid to take potassium, although I did buy some in bulk lat year. Will try taking the 1000 mg/day to see if it makes a difference. I am aware that kidneys probably not working well to clear it, but hopefully most will go right into the cells where it is needed. Appreciate any comments you might have.
