A Catholic Priest's Advice: Do this to your guardian angel today

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A Catholic Priest's Advice: Do this to your guardian angel today
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A Catholic Priest's Advice: Do this to your guardian angel today (Part 2)


Thirty years ago, I was driving with my 6 year old daughter and our dog over the Continental Divide in a huge snow storm. The patrol was closing the interstate behind me as I prayed to get through before they cut me off. Out of nowhere, a huge semi appeared, barreling toward us on lanes which had no visible lines. My vehicle skidded right in front of the truck.
Terrified, I screamed”St.
I felt our car lift off the surface, and it settled gently into a snow bank on the far side of the road.
My most memorable 😮angel miracle in a life filled with undeserved blessings.


I lost my my very young daughter at a county fair. I asked my angel to bring her to me. A couple of minutes my daughter came up to me and said, “What, Mom.”


My gaurdian angel saved my life by appearing to 2 men bound to attack me. They looked behind me and turned around and ran. No one was behind me. I was alone


I am very grateful for my Guardian Angel. My Angel has intervened in my life and without writing a long story, has saved my life 2 different times. All glory to God!


My guardian angle caught a very large expensive crystal vase my ex threw across the room. It was heading straight for the sliding glass door en route to smash right through it and LIKE MAGIC something invisible (my guardian angel) caught it in mid air and diverted its course. It landed PERFECTLY on my console table WITHOUT A SCRATCH. My ex went white and literally ran away. U
It was incredible, i've never felt so protected and loved in my whole life and it makes me cry just thinking about it. INCREDIBLE. I love my guardian angel and I love God.


"Angel of God, my Guardian dear! To whom God's love, commits thee near! Ever this day/night be at my side! To light and guard to rule and guide. Amen"


I was new in my job and my boss called me to give me less days instead of full time. My family needed money that time and I asked my angels to help me, that same night something happened to my boss that she needed more help she called me the next day to apologize and asked me to come back to work. Just one of those many situations where I felt my Angels presence ♥️


I had my car moved by the Holy Spirit. I was driving very slowly in a blizzard with only one lane of the road open when it became blocked by a car with it's hazard lights on. I slowed using the gears but a crash was imminent and I braced myself for the impact. It never came and I found my car moved itself into the outer lane, which was previously unused because of the lying snow, missing the parked car by a cat's whisker. As far as I recall I never even used the steering wheel. Amazing result, almost unbelievable. Thank you God and Guardian Angel. xxx Much appreciated.


If I gain salvation, I hope that I can meet my guardian angel. I’m grateful to my guardian angel for showing me the truth and bringing me to the Catholic Church from agnosticism. I’m in the process of conversion.


As I was driving to church to give a deeply meaningful general confession I was bombarded with so many negative thoughts including embarrassment, shame, sadness etc. In hindsight it seems to me the evil one was trying to convince me to take an "easy" path. About half way to the church, making the steadfast decision to go through with this purging confession I was met with what felt to me a celestial celebration. It seemed to me my guardian angel was celebrating my resolve to repent. So many wonderful things have happened to me and my family since then. Our hearts have been transformed in so many ways, always turning toward our Lord and Savior and our glorious Father.


"DONT SLEEP!" came into my mind 3 times, I was exhausted after a long day of nursing and lay down to nap. "SIT UP NOW!" yelled into my mind this time so loud it jerked me up to a sitting position. There was an intruder standing right next to my bed! I love my angel❤️ and say the guardian prayer daily!


We were traveling on a four-lane interstate, rain pouring, my husband driving, I in the passenger’s seat, our 2 small children in the back seat. A woman driving too fast for conditions sped around us. Suddenly, she lost control and her car spun around and was heading directly for our car. We were moments from a head-on collision when I said, “Oh help, Jesus!”
Miraculously, her car went directly sideways as if someone forcefully pushed it out of the way where it ended upright in the ditch. When we passed her seconds later she was visibly shaken but unharmed. The way the car moved was extraordinary to witness.
Our angels were definitely at work.🙏🏻


I was home alone from school, I was about 14 and there was a knock at the door I looked through the peep hole and saw a scary man that I didn't know and he started to walk back and run and kick the door open it open but I was on one side where I saw my mom's guardian angel picture and I prayed and someone told me to close the door, I did and he ran away ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


I survive drowning 5 time, 3 time at the beach, 2 at the pool. Bom exploded near my apartment when I was in high school, my elevator fell down twice, survived hit by motorcycle twice when I was a kid, survived bus accident, my guardian Angel wake me up because there’s fire and guided me through without panicking. When I had my c section I was bleeding a lot and I had covid the hospital just left me behind and the pain killer was gone way to soon, I was in so much pain my Guardian Angel told me offered the pain to God for the Holy Souls in Purgatory while holding my hand. I heard them said thank you and will remember me, as they will not taking my compassion for them for granted like they used to while on earth, and I saw so many souls flew to haven like bird flaying to the sky, and I saw Our Bless mother and Saint Michael then I passed out. The Lord really sent his angel to protect us. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

PS: I was raised protestant and it was the third year of my coming to Catholic Church.


Last week, I was trying to contact my friend but I could not reach her and she was not even online as she was traveling. It was a very urgent concern that I needed to relay the message right away. So I asked my guardian angel to tell the guardian angel of my friend that she had to check her cellphone asap. It felt weird because instantly my friend was online and she received my message right away.

Afterwards, I told her about it and I thought she would find it funny, but she told me that she also felt a strange random feeling to check on her phone during that specific time.

Still, it was cool.


I made this request at a time in my life when I wanted to believe but asked for a sign. The next day I found in my home some pure white feathers. Never saw any feathers like these and could not find a source. I presumed a gift from my guardian angel!


I just started recognizing my guardian Angel recently, thank you God for sending us such wonderful celestial beings.


Mine saved me from drowning in the ocean when I was 16yo. When I was losing consciousness under water and couldn't hold my breath anymore, I prayed in my mind for God to not let me suffer when I let go and as soon as I let out my last breath, I was pulled up by a stranger. He helped get me to shore and when I went to turn around to thank him, while my lungs felt like they were on fire, he disappeared and the weird thing is that my uncle and brother didn't see anyone with me. They only saw me walking out of the water alone. My uncle is Catholic, but my brother and I were raised as non-denominational Christians. I had nightmares for a year straight of me drowning over and over again every single night. But knowing I had a Heavenly angel helping me, made me feel better.


I love my Guardian Angel. He has always been with me in my darkest hours, comforting me. I don't know what I'd do without him. 💟
