Carl Jung - How to Find Your Soul (written by Eternalised)

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Carl Jung, in full Carl Gustav Jung, (born July 26, 1875, Kesswil, Switzerland—died June 6, 1961, Küsnacht), Swiss psychologist and psychiatrist who founded analytic psychology, in some aspects a response to Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalysis. Jung proposed and developed the concepts of the extraverted and the introverted personality, archetypes, and the collective unconscious. His work has been influential in psychiatry and in the study of religion, literature, and related fields.

In this video, we explore Carl Jung's search for the soul - which entails making the unconscious conscious, confronting the dark night of the soul, shadow work, integrating the anima and animus, and achieving wholeness.

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Music by CO.AG Music and Alexander Nakarada
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Life is not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be experienced. Stunning animation, wonderful art. It is always a great pleasure to work with you.


“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious. Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” ~Carl Jung


This is a special video. A lot of love and research went into it. It may have to be watched more than once, for the concepts are deep and must be meditated on. The purpose of life is not perfection, but wholeness.

I am so grateful to Carl Jung and Eternalised for this wonderful collaboration. Of all the creators I have collaborated with, Eternalised has been the easiest to work with. Please let us know if you want to see more content between our two channels.


“If the path before you is clear, you’re probably on someone else’s.”
This has always provided such weighted enlightenment.


The soul usually knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind. There are too many games people play in a world that is constantly stealing attention away from the things we truly care about.

And although we are all here watching content like this, the majority of our counterparts simply don’t care enough to change things.


Jung's assessments are the most spiritual of any psychologist. The man basically has proven spirituality. I really love this channel


Synchronicity cannot be understated, it is so mysterious and amazing. This video is literally another synchronicity for me, arriving exactly when it was supposed to… It always blows my mind how synchronicity transcends time.


On March 12 2015 I was lying, lifeless, on Ortega Highway after a horrific motorcycle accident.
Hitting A car, then the mountain wall, bounced off and landed on tree root that destroyed one of my kidneys.

6 years of Rehabilitation, very difficult rehab brought me to the realization that ‘wishing’ and ‘doing’ are two completely separate things.

There’s a lot more but I don’t want to bore you with all of the details.

You own your life, love it.
Try With Kev


After School is consistently one of the greatest sources of depth in my life. The internet provides breadth of knowledge, but seldom depth. My deepest gratitude to this channel.


Was anyone else struggling to listen cause they were mesmerized by the art!?


Balance of these worlds is the balancing between the heart and the mind, thought and feeling, observer and thinker


"If the path before you is clear, you're probably on someone elses" really hit me. Thank you for this video X


This speaks to my SOUL, in which I am still trying to reconnect with. I always try to be self-reflective of myself on why I do things and why I find joy in certain things and not the others. And while my mind constantly tells me that I need to get into dancing or some kind of creative arts since I utmostly enjoy them, I never find the motivation to because I am constantly "procrastinating" on this journey of enriching my mind with social medias and meaningless distractions. Totally aware of my situation, yet succumb to it. Totally understand what AS said about the narrow and uncomfortable road to find my soul, yet I refuse to take it. Not that I don't want to, I just somehow can't. I hope I will get on this road soon because I can really feel it calling and warning me of this path that I am sleeping on...


Most videos on Jung take 2-3 hours to provide such a core understanding of this man's journey and contribution.


''The goal is not perfection but wholeness'' - this one really hit home!


A true master of his expertise, and experience. The last lines struck me. He who looks outside dreams, he who looks inside is awake. It gave me more meaning as to why I chose my YouTube name. Amazing


This is amazing and the timing perfect. Though unemployed for pass 2 mths and struggling, I was struggling more while I was employed. I like my job and enjoyed it, but there was something not right. After I got injured and it was disregarded by management, I realized my life was more important. Again I'm struggling financially because I held a job that a mediocre company might feel I'm overqualified for their position and won't stay. It's hard to convince employers a peace of mind is more wealthy than a big paycheck.


What an excellent and artful video to introduce Jung’s ideas. For anyone interested in this topic, another good source I’d recommend is reading James Hollis, a Jungian analyst, he’s written extensively about Jung’s ideas and his books have helped me a lot to understand these complex concepts. For someone new, I’d recommend Hollis’ book: “Finding meaning in the second half of life”.
Kudos to After Skool and Eternalised for an excellent piece of work here.


We really need more people like that nowadays. Scientists that aren’t afraid to explore the nature of consciousness.


Jung, in my opinion and from personal experience, has shared with the world some of the most important information to be found anywhere. I fully subscribe to his phylosophy and although I'm certainly not perfect, I can say I managed to put in practice his most important teachings, such as those mentioned in this short presentation. It actually makes me very proud, as my life being a complete mess right now, I can still say I've either understood or directly experienced every thing here mentioned, and it's this very understanding that keeps me afloat, as it continues to remind me that all I need to "cure" myself is surrendering to the universe, and while I wait make treasure of this struggle. One of the most amazing experiences one can have is the synchronization of the inner self with the world, creating a path of synchronicities that never fail to amaze you. In a particularly good moment of my life this synchronization lasted for months, where everything kept perfectly falling into place. I can tell it without the risk of sounding arrogant because right now I'm experiencing the opposite, and one thing hardships do, and do well, is humbling you, it's Nature's way of reminding you that it can all go away in a blink, to be ready, to respect and trust Her. Remember, after all the old addage "hard times make strong men" is absolutely true.
