Mormon Church Bought Her Silence While Protecting Her @bu$er - Chelsea Goodrich | Ep. 1846

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0In this interview, Chelsea Goodrich details years of sexual abuse by her father, former Mormon bishop John Goodrich, beginning when she was a young child. When confronted in 2015, John admitted the abuse to both Chelsea's mother and their Mormon leaders.

Ultimately, Chelsea decides to go public to protect other potential victims from a predator still left free. Her story exposes the patterns of coverups, victim blaming, inaction, and secrecy in the Mormon church around abuse.

00:00:00 Trigger Warning, subject warning
00:14:45 Chelsea begins her story
00:16:47 Exhibiting signs of ab*se by age 2 through teens
00:29:30 John Goodrich’s drug use on victims/patients
00:42:55 Mission to South Korea & college years
00:49:00 Sibling double wedding prompts confrontation
00:54:00 Reporting to Bishop instead of police
01:07:45 Stake President believes abuser over the victims
01:14:15 John Goodrich's excommunication
01:33:30 Leadership in new ward protects another known abuser
01:38:50 Repercussions & fear after deciding to leave
01:50:40 Reporting to the police after John Goodrich is still around young children
01:56:45 Summary of the difficulties with court case
02:11:00 Story of Sherry Tanner
02:31:30 Meeting Mormon advocate Paul Rytting
02:51:30 Attempts to protect her niece continue to fail
03:00:00 Mormon Church's systemic influence against victims
03:10:00 How decent people should do the right thing
03:13:30 Mayor has to sign off on Goodrich's arrest due to "community influence"
03:18:25 The vulnerability of women & children patriarchy causes
03:30:00 Why did the Church offer such a large settlement?
03:36:00 Did the Church silence her?
03:37:50 Where she is now and hopes for the future


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Рекомендации по теме

Sexual abuse is worse than murder for the child. It lasts for the life time. Beside the PTSD, the anxiety we experienced, the judgement from others every time we told the experience. I got molested by my uncle in the 90's, and told 4 different LDS leaders, no one did anything. Until this day, I wondered why no one did anything. Is it because they didn't believe me?
Thanks for sharing Chelsea, my heart aches for you.


a father of daughters, i just don't get it. I can remember first holding our first born and feeling the immense feeling of being her protector and that has never left me. I couldn't live with myself if i consciously and intentionally caused any of my children harm. What is so broken inside the mind of someone that would do such awful things?!?!? You are so brave Chelsea. Thank you for telling your story.


Thank you for sharing your story. It is harrowing and awful and I am so sorry you have been denied justice in such a cruel way. You are truly doing the most important work.

I think there are thousands of us that have experienced abuse within the Mormon church myself included. In one Bishop meeting with me and my siblings, all in middle and high school, we confided to him of my father’s physical abuse of us and my mom. He interviewed my parent’s next and shamed my Japanese mother so hard she couldn’t attend church until we moved to a new ward. My next meeting with my bishop I disclosed my father’s sexual abuse... which made the bishop so uncomfortable and chose that time to ask me if I masturbated. Needless to say the church did nothing and my abuse went on for years.

You sharing your trauma and showing your strength has validated me and I know it is helping others to heal too. Thank you for your bravery, I know it comes at a price. I hope you can take some time nurture yourself.


Aside from the mountain of horrors and abuse, which is insurmountable...notice how the dad is loaded yet is yelling at the family for spending money on a bargain double wedding at a free venue with bridal gowns ordered from online Chinese fast fashion retailer. This is such a dysfunctional dynamic in toxic families with one member having all the power/money. The abuser will pit family member against family member and reward allegiance with strategic attention and money. I am not surprised that Chelsea’s siblings chose to align with the father at critical times. This is the game of narcissistic abusers. The kids become pawns in the long con.


This is up there with Adam’s interview in how raw and heartbreaking this is for the victims and their families. I hope all this will shed light on the darkness that has pervaded the church that is supposed to BE the light. Thank you Chelsea, for being so brave. Thank you John, Margi, and all the crew at MSP for giving the survivors a platform to speak out with their own voice and life experiences.


Chelsea is so beautiful!! She is so obviously such a kind, high integrity, amazing woman!!! Thank you so much Chelsea for sharing your story! I I know what you were doing will create change and save many people. Jon is such an amazing interviewer! I’m so impressed with his ability to ask small questions that contribute to the person being able to tell their story, but really let the person tell their story.


It should be illegal to have an NDA that prevents a person from disclosing sexual abuse.


To John and Margie - This was, by far, the most epic and heart wrenching episode of all times by Mormon Stories Podcast. Chelsea heroically ripped the many bandaids off of not only her personal horrendous abuse but fully shed light on to what extent the Mormon church will go to control and cover up the narrative at the sake of its Members’ lives. People that behave, abuse, offend and permanently cause far-reaching psychological and spiritual damage to their own children should not be allowed to walk the face of this earth! Chelsea’s father should have been put behind bars long ago. Thank you for this epic episode! Blessings to you and your family this holiday! ❤🎄


I've known your family for along time, growing up in mtn home attending church, I didn't know it then, but I always had a sickening feeling when around John, at church and even in his dentist office. I didn't know why I felt like that until I heard about all of this years ago.. then it made sense as to why I felt that way. I am proud of you and the courage you have to keep living your life the the fullest you can. Keep your head up and pushing ypur story. It needs to be heard by many, especially members of the church of "higher" status. What they have done to you and your mom is disgusting and unacceptable.


It's important for CSA victims to tell exactly what happened to them because society, churches and especially abusers minimize every act. Molestation is a crime.


What the hell kind of “justice” systems and “religions” do we have in this country that protect abusers and wealth over the vulnerable and victims? It’s so repulsive. I agree that sexual abuse is a murder of a soul.

Chelsea, you are a light. I pray for your healing and I use the word prayer completely devoid of any religious definition. It’s just a pure wish from my heart, from one survivor to another. ❤


I don't have words...I'm just so, so sorry and yet grateful that you are sharing your story to help others. This is strength and courage!


These are such critical issues needing attention and Chelsea is such the credible and articulate person to address them. Thank you all for taking as much time as needed for the truths to be told. This was a landmark episode for sure. 💜


Chelsea, it’s been said before on this thread, but there are. No. Words. I am so sorry that the MULTIPLE systems failed you and your family so UTTERLY. You are such a testament for the silent victims out there, and I am positive that your sharing is going to help others come forward. You must be such a gift for your patients, with your unfortunate ability to relate and help make them feel that they can work through this and be able to help others themselves. 💚


My sister and I were only able to speak of our abuse when we were in our late 60's early 70's. I am now 77 and she is 73. We never told anyone, wish we had. I so admire you Chelsea, thank you for laying it all out for us. Children have been tyrannised for so long by their expected silence over lifetimes. How tragic. One of my favourite singers, Sinead O'Connor was vilified for her stance against this giant crime against children, and I put Chelsea up there with Sinead for her part in speaking up as she is doing in this interview. Thank you Margi and John for making this possible. Love from two old survivors ❤


This has to be one of the most disgusting and disturbing cases I have ever heard. I feel so sick for these women. The people responsible for these travesties need to be held accountable. Both in the church and in the legal communities.


Cannot believe he is not in jail for decades.


The prosecutor who dropped the case, after SO many people knew there was enough evidence to convict her father, should lose EVERYTHING. She should never work again.


Im a sex abuse surviver and an exmorman who was a born in the church and my family is one of the ansister to the Atkin house and I understand that this Religion does protect the abuser because I lived through it with my ward and Bishop.


You are so brave Chelsea, I am so sorry that the church you grew up in that should have protected you, chose to protect its assets and reputation over its members. It’s so disgusting that he got away with no punishment for abusing you. Even more disgusting that the church knows what he did and still didn’t think they needed to protect children from him. The prosecutor decided that her church was worth more protection than children which is reprehensible.
