Before you make a decision stop and ask God “Lord what would you have me to do”Dr Charles Stanley

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When it's his will, he will give you a sense of peace. Now you say what? What do you mean by peace? I mean there will be a sense of quietness in your spirit. There will be no sense of irritation going on within you. There will not be any crowding of doubts into your mind. You won't be asking somebody else.

What do you think when you have the peace of God? There's this overwhelming sense of Yes Lord. Thank you Jesus. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. You and somebody says, well, I don't know that I've ever had that feeling. It's because you haven't stopped to ask God. Lord, what would you have me to do? Listen, watch this.

God's not going to keep a secret from you when you want to do the right thing. He's going to show you what to do every time, and that should start early in life.

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