Puppy Potty Training- The 4 Reasons It Isn't Working - Professional Dog Training Tips

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Puppy potty training doesn't need to be complicated. But it is frustrating when your potty training isn't working. There are 4 reasons that people often overlook when training their puppy to pee outside. You may know the steps for how to potty train your dog in "7 days". But often people reach out to us because they are following all of the steps, and their puppy is still having accidents in the house. We're going to talk about how to potty train a puppy, but more importantly, how to avoid the 4 most common potty training mistakes people make.

Still feel like you’re struggling with house training? You need to watch THIS: The BIGGEST Mistake New Puppy Owners Make...
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Still feel like you’re struggling with house training? You need to watch THIS: The BIGGEST Mistake New Puppy Owners Make...
Happy Training!


I just stood in the rain for 10 minutes waiting my puppy to pee.. she peed as soon as we came in


My puppy peed in the house as I watched this video


We have been doing all the right things with the timing of taking our 5 month old puppy out. At 5 months we thought we should be teaching her how to be free in the house. Some people have said that the reason she is so excited all the time is she is in her pen. But when we let her out of the pen to be with us around the house she is just going anywhere and everywhere with her business! even though we have trained her by putting her outside after all the crucial times. She just doesn't seem to get that she is supposed to do her business OUTSIDE. We are at our wits end. She is 5 months...shouldn't she have "got this" by now???


“It’s actually your mistake.” That one hurt my feelings a little bit. 😂


I take my puppy out to pee. He will pee outside and the still come inside and pee on the floor


Thank You for this! My puppy had a very hard time with potty training so I came across this video and I am now following the rules in this video and my puppy hasn’t had an accident for almost a whole month now! I highly recommend this for people who have a hard time potty training their puppy.


Anybody else’s dog think the backyard is to play and the house is to pee? This is tough lol

Edit: he got the hang of it so quickly :) hang in there guys your dog is smarter than you think


I can’t even tell you how much this has helped me. I adopted an 8 week old puppy last Friday. I am very strict when it came to potty training. I take her out 7-9 times a day. I always go out with her on leash. She almost immediately goes every single time. For some reason... she hasn’t been going at night. I wake up around 4 am to take her out and then again at 7. I’m not saying it’s not a lot of work, but the faster we can accomplish this the sooner she can have time out of the crate! THANKS AGAIN!!


I found this video researching why my puppy isn’t catching on to house breaking. We’ve had her about a month (she’s currently 15 weeks old) and we keep her in the crate for rests or when she can’t be supervised. She goes straight outside after naps and after playtimes. We take her out the same door every time, and use the same phrase, “let’s go outside” every time we take her out. She goes almost every time we take her out but the letting us know she needs to go part doesn’t seem to be clicking with her. There are times when she’ll be in the middle of playing or running around, and she’ll just immediately stop and pee. Or she’ll barely sniff around before we realize she’s started to poo. We take her outside immediately when we catch her, but there are times when she’s so fast that we don’t realize what she’s doing until she’s done. It’s getting frustrating not knowing what else we can do to get her to understand letting us know when she needs to go out.


Thank you for your tip of removing the padding I'm going to tryit


No matter what I do or how long I let my puppy explore outside. As soon as I let her loose in the house she pees. It’s actually a joke at this point. It’s 4:30 PM and she’s already pee’d in my house 5 times and pooped 2 times. No I am not exaggerating either.


My puppy likes to eat the stuff on the ground. I'm constantly telling him to leave it then rewarding him. He loses focus on peeing or pooping because I'm constantly having to tell him to leave it and he'll always want a treat after.


This is by far the hardest time I have had training a puppy! I'm going to try the crate method and see how it goes! Thank you!


Thank you for this. So much clearer than others I have heard. Awesome!!!!


It is so refreshing to have someone NOT say 'potty' every 5 seconds when talking about toilet training a YOU👍


Subscribed and going to get our first family dog this be watching these videos a lot....thanks for the great content.


Great information. The last issue that has been plaguing my puppy's house training is the getting too excited while playing indoors. He can go outside, completely empty his bladder, come back inside to play (fetching soft toys, tug-of war with a rope toy, or playing with a puzzle toy), and suddenly with no warning he'll squat to pee only 15-20 minutes after coming back inside. I now have to time him for 10 minutes and then take him back out.


You are addressing what we did wrong today in our potty training and play time sessions....thank you for this video! Especially the one after a play session.


This is a huge help!!! My puppy is 14 weeks and when we dont catch his signs the he has to pee he pees on our couch or literally on our feet. I pray all of this works with him ❤
