Potty Train Your Puppy in a Week (Easy 3 Step Process) #48

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The number one problem every puppy owner will experience is “how do I get my puppy to go to the bathroom in the appropriate spot?”. Now some puppy owners never get this mystery solved as a lot of adult dog will mess in the house. Things are about to get easier because today we are covering the HOT topic of getting a pup or adult dog house trained fast. I’m sharing my easy 3 part process so you can have potty training success in a week, and within a month put any accidents behind you.

In the episode you'll hear:
• All about what’s HOT: Habit, Observation, Timetable
• The easy process you can use to get pottying success within a week.
• Simple ways you can set your puppy or dog up for housetraining success.
• Why you will thank me for having your puppy or dog on leash when you start potty training.
• Your dog’s privacy and the importance of your silence while you are waiting.
• About my “pee in three” criteria.
• What a double pee-er is and how your timing matters.
• Why to do a bedding check twice a day.
• The importance of your puppy or dog having clarity.
• What playing poker has to do with housetraining.
• The timetable I use for potty training a puppy.
• When to get your puppy or dog checked by a Veterinarian.
• What to do if an accident happens inside the house.
• How to use the same easy steps if you have a potty tray inside the house.

Blog Post: It’s Time to P-o-t-t-y! Inside Scoop on Housetraining -
Podcast Episode 44: Using Coincidences and Positive Associations in Dog Training -
Podcast Episode 6: The Art of Manipulation -
Podcast Episode 30: Why Dog Crates Are Not Dog Cages -
Ex-Pen: Rover Modular Pet Enclosures -
Crate Games Online -
Podcast Episode 26: Pro Dog Training Tips to Get Your Puppy to Sleep All Night -
YouTube Video: 5 Games for Puppies -

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Dogs That is brought to you by Susan Garrett and the Say Yes Dog Training Team.

Susan Garrett’s interest in animal behaviour started at the University of Guelph where she earned a Bachelor of Science majoring in Animal Science. Since then she has developed into a preeminent dog trainer and canine sports instructor and competitor. Susan is one of the most successful agility competitors of the last three decades. She has won multiple Gold Medals at National or World Championship events with every dog she has ever owned over the past 30 years.

A natural teacher and an entertaining speaker, Susan is world renowned as a leading educator of dog trainers. Her understanding of how to apply science-based learning principles to both competitive and family pet dog training has been pivotal in changing how dogs are trained.

Susan is now helping many thousands of dog owners in 82 countries have the best relationship possible with their dogs. The real joy for her comes from bringing confidence to dogs and their owner through playful interactions and relationship building games that are grounded firmly in the science of how animals learn.
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I am currently fostering an American Bulldog American Pitbull mix. He is around 4 years old. Never side and always heat outside in a kennel. I needed a refreshment course. I ve always had puppies and housebreaking was a breeze. This guy is being a challenge. This was very helpful. A big thank you.


I foster dogs dogs and am responsible for potty training the majority of them. Typically, this process takes about a week to complete. I follow similar techniques to those demonstrated in the video you shared. Your explanation was clear and concise, and I greatly appreciate your guidance on this matter.


I used a crate, a puppy play-pen and a leash. But the most successful part was taking her ball outside. She’d see it and I’d say potty as soon as she finished her biz I threw the ball. She learned that when she pottied she got to play. It was fast!


I use a cheap leash for puppies with a loop. I see it as umbilical cord and constantly have the leash in my hand or near me. This way I have total control and can notice every sign my puppy shows. I don't let my puppy run around freely. I started doing this in the 1980's, when I had a Rottweiler puppy and several small children. Potty training went so perfectly well, that I did this with all my other puppies and also worth my current puppy. With 17 weeks I start letting my puppy run free a little, but I keep him supervised when he goes about freely.
Also leash training is so much easier if you have your puppy on the leash at home also.
Staying together 24/7 for the first months, helps the bonding experience. Recall works perfectly outside as well, when my puppy is allowed to explore a field or grass areas when going on adventure walks together.
When potty training, I go outside so often that my puppy will only have accidents outdoors. I set him up for success by keeping him that close. The number of potty repetitions is so high that the puppy understands it even before being able to control his bladder, which happens around week 12. When my puppy is 13 to 14 weeks old, the puppy can go potty on command. My current puppy was able to do this with 12 weeks straight.
Of course I took him outside for potty time before and after sleeping, eating, an regularly in the rest of the time, starting with potty time every single hour. Meanwhile we go outside every 3 hours, and before and after sleeping and feeding. Until my puppy was 16 weeks old, I carried him outside when waking up, to prevent accidents from happening inside while walking to the house door.
My current puppy is the first winter puppy, which is both positive and negative: puppies go faster potty when their feet are cold and wet, so success happens fast, but every time we go outside, I have to dress up for the cold weather. So I sleep in jogging pants and put on a sweatshirt in the morning after waking up. All the other times I dress up more, as winter in Germany is cold.
I also go on extended adventure walks with my puppy and we make many breaks on some random benches, where my puppy can observe the changing environment with people, dogs, cars, etc. This way he gets acquainted to daily happenings, which helps with socialization.


Trained my dog- no crate. Took a week or two. You have to diligently take them out. They’re going to mess up. They’ll eventually get it. Mostly you need some treats. Give your dog a yummy treat after they potty outside.


I'm working on this with my puppy to wean him off the puppy pads that the family used in the litter's playroom. I never really liked the idea of using pee pads because that's an extra step to housebreaking that seems to delay the process and it's always better to give dogs the idea that going to the bathroom outside is what's expected of them. He's had a few pee accidents because he really doesn't squat (and not old enough to start lifting his leg) so sometimes it is hard to tell if he's about to pee, but taking him out after he takes a nap, eats or drinks, plays vigorously, and in the morning after he's been in his crate has been working very well. Usually he pees as soon as he gets outside. He doesn't always poop, but I think he just has to pee alot more often than he needs to poop. So far he has had 0 poop accidents in the house. I think for being just weaned he's doing amazingly well!


Susan, THANK YOU so much for this lesson. We've only had our 8 week old puppy for three days and she's already catching on that her leash means it's time to pee. When she's in her pen, our timer is set and through this, we've been lucky to avoid most accidents. I wish we had known this with our previous dogs and I'm so glad we binged your podcast before Isla came home. Many thanks (and HUGS! a nod to your other episode!) The Snow Fam


I needed to take a minute out of my day to thank you so very much. You changed my life. I spent two days attached to my puppy keeping her in my room and not just free rain of my house. Those two days were rough I was using to treats reward her after she went potty and now I point say go potty and she knows exactly what I’m saying plus I learned her bladder times length before I just kept taking her out over and over not know when she needed to go and then she would have accidents on my floor when we got inside. Well being attached to her when I take her out I now know she needs to pee about every 20 mins and ever since it’s been smooth sailing. Thank you thank you thank you!


Thank you! Getting started with 11 week old German shepherd today


Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!! New puppy is 10 weeks old!! We are doing all of these things!!


Great video on how to Potty train a puppy that you have just brought home!!! The most important thing that you have to learn is to have lots of patience and be very consistent with the whole process of potty training your new dog!!! 👍👍👍


Susan, I can't thank you enough for this video, which I had watched numerous times before getting our 7 1/2 week old pup last weekend :). Today is day 5 and the only accident we've had is when I let my husband watch the pup for 2 seconds (he did NOT watch your video!)! I think you are the only trainer that has advised to NOT reward your pup after pee or poop (unless I misunderstood) and my little pup has been perfect (because I've made him successful!). He has a gated area outside that he goes to, on his own now, and relieves himself within seconds (poop takes a little longer). He is actually now heading and looking towards the back door to signal us (still inside ex pen of course). 
Working on the earliest of stages in Crate Games and Puppy Games, but the one thing that has been a challenge is that he HATES the leash. Any time I pick it up he pulls like a crazy man. If you could do a podcast about starting to condition a puppy to be at least compliant on a leash, especially since you recommend that they wear one for training in the beginning. Or maybe I can figure it out, now that I think about it, maybe it has something to do with the collar grab game....but it sure would be helpful to have your guidance with an energy crazed puppy :) Thank you for all that you and your team do ;)


Awesome! Thank you! We have an 11 week old border collie and are trying to get him trained. I appreciate your perspective and sharing of your methods!


This is fantastic! We are training an adult adopted dog who was not housebroken and these tips are so helpful. Thank you!


This is very timely - thank you. I am having a harder time potty training this puppy than I have ever had. Have had her for a month now and she is not at all reliable. I’m doing most everything except I clip her to her crate with the door open because she just screams in the crate if she can’t see me. I took her x-pen down because she wouldn’t stay in there either without screaming. This is the first time I have had a puppy without having an older dog to help the pup along and boy can I see a difference. Thanks for the tools to get the job done!


My last do had issues with house-training for a while. Then, I went out of town and left him with his breeder who had make 5-8 dogs. Mine came back trained. It was as if he learned: "Those dogs go outside in the yard! WTH?" I have a new pup here (got him 1 week ago), and am trying to do the standard puppy training. He was doing it initially, now he is regressing. 😞


Thank you for this video. I think my big mistake is not putting a leash on my puppy before getting them outside to poop/pee. It's an important cue that I've neglected since I have a fenced yard. I will start today, using a leash. Accidents inside are infrequent but they are still happening so as you say, "It's on me" to do the proper training. Another thing that helps
after cleaning up inside is to use "Nature's Miracle" in a spray bottle. It is an enzyme spray that breaks down the odor to discourage the puppy from using the same area again.


Thank you so very much. I have learned so much. I got Misha after my Westy died and he was wonderful. He wouldn’t pee in the house for love or money but this little guy he’s a Maltese and he was very mistreated. He still is very shy of me he’s getting better, but I have noticed a lot of changes in him. The worst thing is he will pee around the trashcan in the kitchen and I can’t always see him. He’s so he poops in his little cage, which is a 4 x 4 and I pick it up right away but you have helped me so much with your advice thank you God bless you and keep up telling us what we need to do.


A very well laid out “planning” lesson. Thank you. I’m rehoming an older dog not house trained, I pray these lesson will make the transition


I've listen to many videos on potty training but this one had the best method. It worked beautifully with my 8 weeks old new puppy. Thank you
