Step by step guide To POTTY 💩 Train Your Puppy 🐶 easily. II Puppy Training tips. II

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Are you going through all the appropriate steps of puppy potty training but your day still includes puppy poop and pee inside the house?
Then you’re probably giving some wrong potty training to your puppy.
#puppypottytraining #trainpuppyfortoilet #pottytrainapuppy

Potty training can feel like such a frustrating process when your puppy continues to ruin your favorite carpet, bed sheets, floor, or any other places in your home. But what we need you to understand that potty training stands on 3 pillars.
1. Consistency
2. Patience
3. Positive Reinforcement

So, typically, a puppy takes 4-5 months to get full house trained but some end up learning very quick within 1-2 months. And most importantly, don’t lose hope if there are setbacks. Just keep training. As long as you’ll maintain consistency with patience, he’ll learn more quickly.

So let’s check out the 5 steps that are 100% effective to put an end to the potty problem.
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My little Poppy used to leave her mark all the time but now she is able to hold her bladder and wait for me to take her outside to do her business. I even slept in this morning expecting her to do her business on her mat. No I was wrong, she waited. She is all grown up. Great vid. Cheers.


This is what everyone looks for in an educational step by step video, straight to the damn point..


That’s worked!!! I train my puppy for 1month after I saw this video. Thank you so much brother 🙏🏻
Sorry for my bad English 😐


Patience is a virtue, my 11 week old pup is getting the hang of it by my being consistent. Only a few pee accidents every now and then.


Thanks for sharing this valuable information.. Please do make one video on the eating schedule of a puppy and adult dog.


Take my 13 week old xl bully nearly every hour and after naps and food...will do it out side but randomly wees inside.even after having one outside...really confused.think it's excitement or the fact he's more comfortable inside.doesent really like the outdoors yet as it's cold and inside is warm and more fun...really hope I sort it


My 9 week old puppy's bathroom is almost the entire house! He never pees in same spot! Taking him outside? well he prefers peeing and pooping indoors. Clapping, or shouting Stop, No, Don't, Bad dog and carrying him immediately outside doesn't work. He just continues if we don't take him outside. It's really frustrating. It's been 3 weeks. No change.


Thanks for the information, but I have a question: What if we don't have a backyard? It'll be a little inconvenient for us to bring the dogs as often as we can.


Yes! Some of the things I never knew. Thank you!!!


Thank you for this information! I got a puppy on my birthday a few days ago and I'm trying to teach my dog to use the bathroom outside


Just got a 3 months old German shepherd/husky mix yesterday and i have parked poop and pee over 4 times already... anytime i take him out he doesn't pee/poo even if i take him out mid pooing/peeing process, he won't pee or pup out but when i take him back in he releases everything. It's so frustrating
My eskimo on the other hand is very neat and discipline, from the first day i got him he has never peed/pooped indoors... always giving sings like moving to d door or jumping on me and gesturing me to take him outside to do his business

This new dog is a complete opposite, it's super frustrating


Most important thing that I was searching to practice my new 2 weeks old German shepherd pup ❤ Thank You ❤


Great video, explanation was very understanding, likes step by step. Thank you.


I love that this video showed alot of cute puppies and seemed so positive and encouraging.
it gives me hope. ❤


I love this channel cuz I am about to buy a dog so I wait for their every video


Very helpful going to start trying this on my 5 month frenchie


This is the best one have watched so far thank you


Thank you this helped answer a lot of my questions and now I know what to do going forward


Yes this is so true that we should never hit them when they do an accident, my parents always hit my poor 8 months dog when he does this, I try to stop them but I'm afraid they will shout back..I can't wait for their reaction when they see this!


Excellent video—I’m a teacher and you have done an outstanding teaching job to show the steps and techniques needed to get results—kudos to you and THANKS!
