How can I eat my way to a better world?

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Let je bij het boodschappen doen op duurzaamheidslabels op producten? En vraag je je ooit af of dat zin heeft? Prof. dr. Simon Bush (Wageningen University & Research) vertelt je hoe je shopt/eet voor een betere wereld.

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Yes! Thank you for sharing this lesson. Knowledge is power. Let's get governments and companies to change to become (more) sustainable!


That's all well and nice. It is not that I disagree with all this information. But I remember I had a conversation some time ago about the responsibility of a consumer when buying products in general and specifically it was about food. His argument that if anyone wants to eat more sustainable and healthier it is fully on them to invest the time and energy on figuring out what to do. Whereas I do not agree with this statement. I do not think it is healthy for the average consumer to invest a lot of time into figuring out what everything means, where it comes from, what the nutrition value is. That's basically a job. People are already very limited in the free amount of time they have in the current chaotic society. I argue it would be a lot better if changes where made and enforced top-down. The consumer should be able to make easy, clear choices. Anything that convolutes the choices of the consumer should be made simpler first. You can always argue it is my mistake that I thought I bought a good product, but eventually I find out it is not. The priority for me here lies in governments to enforce rules so not only the quality of products go up, but also the information stream becomes simpler and easier to oversee.


Perhaps technology can help bridge this gap? We have the ability to connect to anyone in the world instantly (if they have internet access, which is rapidly increasing worldwide). How hard can it be to somehow skip all of the agents in the value chain and connect consumers directly to the farmers? At least when it comes to communicating what the consumer is looking for (I realize buying directly from Vietnam is not an option)?


#BoycottMeat and all other animal products of cruelty and exploitation, *including fish, * in any way possible!
