How to Stop Negative Self-Talk (5 Things You Need to Stop Telling Yourself)

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How to Stop Negative Self-Talk (5 Things You Need to Stop Telling Yourself) // It's very common for people—especially women—to combat an inner voice that is constantly running a list of negative outcomes in our heads.

We all like to give advice to our friends. When they're feeling down or directionless, we remind them about how amazing they are—how they inspire us on the regular. It feels good to make someone else feel good.

In this video, we’re going to cover 5 things you need to stop telling yourself in order to quell negative self-talk.

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Work in Progress is a "how to" video series to help you with everything from interviewing for jobs to improving your confidence or negotiating a raise. We break these tough questions down into simple, actionable tasks—getting you one step closer to owning your career.

#StopNegativeSelfTalk #InnerCritic
Рекомендации по теме

How do you put your negative self-talk to rest?


Using visualization and meditation, picturing myself able to do whatever it is that is intimidating me


I’d like to offer a bit of constructive feedback if I may... neither of you don’t sound confident in this video. It would help if you spoke a bit louder and with conviction and portrayed confidence in yourselves.
