How to Quiet Negative Self-Talk? | Eckhart Tolle

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Eckhart Tolle shares how to practice presence with playful awareness and ease. He explains how to allow presence to naturally arise during everyday activities and waiting times. Eckhart also cautions against believing the mind's negative self-talk that pulls you out of the now. Learn to perceive beyond limiting concepts and appreciate the aliveness all around you.

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About Eckhart:

Eckhart Tolle is widely recognized as one of the most inspiring and visionary spiritual teachers in the world today. With his international bestsellers, The Power of Now and A New Earth—translated into more than 50 languages—he has introduced millions to the joy and freedom of living life in the present moment. The New York Times has described him as “the most popular spiritual author in the United States,” and in 2011, Watkins Review (now Watkins Mind Body Spirit) named him “the most spiritually influential person in the world.”

Eckhart’s profound yet simple teachings have helped countless people around the globe experience a state of vibrantly alive inner peace in their daily lives. His teachings focus on the significance and power of Presence, the awakened state of consciousness, which transcends ego and discursive thinking. Eckhart sees this awakening as the essential next step in human evolution.
Рекомендации по теме

Thanks Eckhart, for inspiring me to practice presence by not attaching myself to my thoughts by simply being the observer of my thoughts. It's a great reminder to not get stuck in mind activity and instead access the portals to presence. Have a great week everyone! 💜


I think back to the time when I first read The Power of Now and A New Earth. I reached for the books as my life seemed to be in total chaos. As troubles mounted I would listen to the audio version of A New Earth every night while trying to fall asleep. That was 12 years ago. Back then I would continuously bring myself into the present moment and find peace. Now I am free of the past earthly burdens, but still need a reminder to focus on the moment as my mind wonders into the past and stresses over what was, but is no more. Thank you Eckhart for sharing your wisdom and providing the tools to enlighten our lives. You have shown me the doorway to peace of mind.


Thank you, Eckhart. The negative self-talk is a combination of other people’s voices (especially if you’ve had a difficult background) and your own. Agreed that it is harsh and cruel. That was my experience with it my for over half my life, anyway; and it was subconscious most of the time. So, I didn’t even realize it was running my life. Until I discovered what complex trauma was and started recovering from it AND then found you and your teachings, I was destined to forever be miserable. I appreciate all that you do and share with us so freely. What I’ve learned from you has been a priceless gift that is all important and has changed my life for the better. 🙏


Being totally aware in the present moment is when one is just simply observing everything round them without labeling things or judging what's happening, and the same should apply to the voice in the head whenever it arises, so just silently observe it without identifying with it, and therefore, one should always be able to remain aware in the present moment without any kind of negative self talk. Thanks Eckhart.


You are one of my greatest teachers. The state you achieved and then communicated to us has been a blessing. While we all still suffer terribly, you have helped deeply. Please continue to pray for the world.


I.look at other people and judge immediately. I didn't realize this until I understood "projection". And self talking endlessly.


We love you, Eckhart. Thank you thank you thank you so much for all your teachings, and helping to make this world a better place.


I started a three day fast this morning. Thank you for this message.i'm 47yrs old $73, 000 biweekly and I'm retired, this video have inspired me greatly in many ways!!!!❤❤


Working for an NGO, I recently was collecting a few registration forms. Interestingly, for the column 'Occupation', someone had filled out 'self unemployed'. :) Listening to Eckhart, how peaceful it would be if the 'self' is not employed. 🙏


My Ego has a name! Her name is Sevi & many times a day I tell her to shut up! She insists to talk to the manager but I reminder her that I am the manager!!!(I read it somewhere & since then I use it every single day)!!! 😜🥰 Love my presence 💓 Thank you Eckhart 🙏


Your marvellous Eckhart, thank you so very much for such valuable teachings ❤😊


Negative self-talk is someone else’s verbal abuse that has been internalized. It’s not even your voice….


My mind is saying, Thank you Eckhart💓


The Ego is such a scoundrel!! Always getting up to mischief & being rambunctious! Oh Ego, what are we ever going to do with you?


Thank you. Again you have changed me and my children’s life with your words


Thank you Eckhart, so many times of my many years this has been my self fulfilling mantra and I chastised myself again for having so little self belief. My cousins sent me a gift of your book at a very low point in my life and whilst at the time I read the words I didn't absorb them fully, until about a year ago. After 4 years of my life just going by and me forgetting who I was. I had an awakening and I started to read and listen to you again and it has been a much more productive year and it's just the middle of a path I've been on for a while. Thank you 🧘‍♂️🙏


I am 50. Bipolar, ptsd, adhd. Always had tons of repetitive negative self talk. Bad parents since day one. Super sensitive pisces man too. I learned about negative self talk at age 22 ish. I still catch it everyday. My case is bad but Eckhart has helped more than anything, including cognitive behavior therapy and medication to see that ego thinking is tricky and useless torture. Why we have ego is the real question but not NOW. Pun is no ego now.


Needed this so badly today. Thank you ❤


Again present moment . The mirror .. the mind ( stop self talk .. observation / perception
Thank u to be Eckhart T.


Il est incroyable ce Eckhart … et en plus bon acteur … 👍💪😍🙏
