Jordan Peterson: STOP LYING TO YOURSELF! How To Turn Your Life Around In 2024!

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00:00 Intro
01:31 Changing People’s Lives
04:56 How Can People Change & Have Successful Lives
12:59 The Science of Why the Small Task Method Is So Revolutionary
20:35 The Most Effective Way To Help People Who Are Suffering
35:36 The Key To Having A Healthy & Strong Relationship
42:08 Why Men Don’t Like to Listen & How to Prevent Fights in a Relationship
54:49 How to Overcome the Toughest Traumas
58:51 Ordinary People Can Become the Most Dangerous
01:02:51 Lies Ruin Your Life
01:08:25 The Greatest Challenge Young People Face
01:15:13 The Link Between Responsibilities & Your Worth
01:19:27 Peterson’s Academy
01:24:11 Last Guest’s Question

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Welcome back Jordan. If you enjoyed this episode could you do us a massive favour and HIT that like button on the video! Helps us a lot 🙏 share your favourite part of the convo below 👇🏾


Im a 63 yr old woman with parkinsons. Clawing out of a trauma bond...manage to cook very simple food. Walk the old dog in small bits of time. No the middle of nowhere. Reaching out to therapist and couple of friends. Listening to you and to anyone with wisdom. Keeping going in spite of depression and lineliness.


This year I’ve:
• Finally opened up about getting sexually assaulted
• lost 10KG so far in 4 weeks of my diet
• had compliments on my changes
• educated myself on psychology in order to strengthen my mind
• started reading books (before that I had never opened one apart from school books that are required in English class)
• met new people who are only interested in progression

All of it is thanks to me and Dr Jordan Peterson. I’m still working on a lot that has broke me, but I’m getting better and mentally stronger thanks to him.

I pray whoever sees this and makes it to the end finds the peace and healing you deserve.


My husband just died thursay. He collapsed in the kitchen, my son 29, was there, I was upstairs. We, they couldn't revive him! It's all so unreal and is harder than I could ever imagine. We are accepting all the kindness and help from all those who are reaching out to us. It's amazing who those people are and aren't doing that. I am so grateful to those showing us such love. We are just numb at this point. I'm so proud how my son is handling this. And his father would be so proud too.


My husband (now passed) and I had rules and they were so much fun. The best was when in fight, Person A would get 2 mins to talk, then the other Person B would get to reply for one minute. Then reverse. We would use his wristwatch and take turns holding it. If Person B interrupted, person A would get two additional more minutes. ----It would turn into laughter after a few turns. And of course, always greet each other when you come home from work. Stop what ever you are doing and just give a quick kiss and hug. It was great!!


"Conflict delayed is conflict multiplied" ❤


Everytime i find i'm struggling in life, or that i can't seem to push forward or that i am alone even when with people, i come back to Jordan Peterson and it feels like someone totally understands and really cares. It always makes me feel emotional and so grateful that he is accessible to so many people. An incredible person with true empathy and compassion for humanity.


”You have to start progressing where you can” so true ☺️

This is why i love peterson, he says things everybody knows but noone actually thinks.


Jordan Peterson became the proverbial father that I needed when I was a child. He also saved my life. ❤


"There's almost zero difference between being miserable and thinking about yourself." - this statement just changed my life forever. Thank you Jordan.


Addressing the idea that being sexually assaulted as an infant/child is the ultimate worst thing that could possibly happen to a person was helpful to hear since there is no one that I can talk to about it.
That may be the best closure I could possibly have. Thank you Doctor ❤


I’m a psychologist, have been for decades, started out early at 20, graduated very very early, and I specialised in drug and alcohol, eating disorders, mood disorders, etc etc, because I’D been through them, and without sounding conceited, I am very very good at my job, though I’m now a stay at home Mummah to a precious 20 year old son with severe special needs, and also due to my chronic and severe health issues, such as chronic pain and anxiety and depression and grief after loosing my best friend, my Mother, a year ago.
Everyone should have to listen to and watch this episode (and ALL your episodes!!!) because this man is an absolute GEM!!! 💎💎💎💎💎
The struggle with depression and anxiety is all too real, but damn, he’s so right. Zero difference between being miserable and thinking about yourself.
That’s just scary.
I’ve always thought myself a selfless person, but putting everyone else’s wants and needs ahead of my own, without even knowing what they are, ties in so much with this. It’s a shift of focus on yourself to something that gives you joy.


"Stop lying, stop doing things you know to be wrong"😫❤️❤️❤️🙏🏽thank you JP


My best friend had a huge dilemma. He called me because he needed someone to listen and give him advice. I listened and asked the questions. I was thinking about what Jordan Peterson said, and it worked. I asked the right questions, he knew what to do and solved his problem!

Steven, thank you for having Jordan Peterson on the podcast.

Jordan, thank you for the great advice!


As a trainee psychologist, the first half of the podcast is more useful than any lecture ive attended. Its truly inspiring to see a master of the craft break down the therapeutic process in leymans terms.

Also, this man is truly selfless and is a beacon of understanding and clarity in this very complex existence. Thankyou Dr Peterson.❤


“There’s no difference between attention and love.” Amazing insight.


The part on how to listen brought me to tears. If only, we could show grace and hold a calm space for people we claim to love when they are struggling to articulate, we would all be less lonely, even if its brief. The gift to be heard.


Art of communication. This is something we should all work on and improve. 🙂


30:59 When I heard, "[Children] will modify their behavior in any way imaginable to get attention. It's because there is no difference between attention and love, by the way. Like, there's no difference, " I started crying. Attention = love, and attention is what I did not get from my parents. Now I see why that hurt so much. It made me feel unloved.


My life was pure hell. I lost my business, my house, my entire family.
And then I saw J.Petersons video about cleaning your room & making your bed. Now, after I started dusting the corners of my bedposts, I found the job of my dreams and am making 6 figures again! Thank you Jordan for reminding me that its all about the little things in life which spark change, for me it was the removal / jenn o' cide of dust mites.
