If you’re not ready to be a daddy, don’t do daddy things.

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If you’re not ready to be a daddy, don’t do daddy things.
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As the father of a 2 year old, I'm not ashamed to admit that I was not ready to be a father until I became one. All you have to do is not walk away. The rest is second nature. The moment you hold that child and realize "this is a part of me, " the fatherly instincts kick in. My daughter made me a better person and is a reminder to do better every day.


He is 100% right about this. This is not to say women have no responsibilities, but men have a lot of responsibilities too. And we need to be held accountable as well. Well spoken sir.


I'm not even exaggerating, but this is the first time in my 31 years of life that I have ever heard a man say something like this. It is almost always put on women too keep our legs shut if we don't want a baby or to take birth controls that alter our body and have huge risks, Etc I've heard women say that men should be equally responsible and that if men don't want to raise a baby then they shouldn't try having sex with a woman but I've never heard a man say these things or put it in the way that you did. Thank you.


Yes! Finally, a man behaving like a man. As a protector and a responsible human being. This is how men respect women, and women need to respect them right back the same way.


Thank you for bluntly stating what every person male or female should be hearing BEFORE the act.


My late FIL told all of his children to never sleep with anyone that you're not willing to be tied to for the rest of your life because if a baby comes, you're going to be affiliated to that person until someone dies. Best advice I've ever heard.


I came home to a “dear John” letter from my ex wife. She left and went 3 states away for a FB guy with my only child.
Make a long story short, I won custody of my only child! ❤️. And after 20+ years of not having hair, I learned how to do hair and I’m surprisingly good at it.
Being a Dad is the best thing that ever happened to me. And I have full custody! ❤️


Amen, brother, my dad's been saying the same thing for years raised me on that. If you can't commit, then don't do it in the first pace


I have NEVER heard a man say this. This is IMPORTANT!!!! Men calling out other men to be responsible humans. Awesome.


It was the truth on FIRE when he said “I cannot think of a lower form of irresponsibility.” My soul leaped with the justice of that statement.


Damn! He just called out every man everywhere on the planet and basically defined integrity for humanity in less than a minute.


Thank you for saying this! It really needs to be said. Having. Integrity and self-control is vital to preserve life for all.


I am a boy mom. I am also a retired combat veteran. I have given this wisdom to my boys, my airmen and more than a few soldiers. “Babies have been made the same way for centuries. Don’t be an idiot. Respect her, respect yourself, respect the life you could potentially create. You bored? Get an Xbox or a hobby. Jiu Jitsu is good.” My biggest pet peeve? Sh*t that is preventable. As a general rule: Deciding who you are going to be BEFORE anything goes down is one of the best things you can do in this life. Prevents a ton of regret and it is NEVER an obstacle to your joy. Thank you Nick. God bless you beloved.


My dad said that same thing when I was a teen. And now my wife and I have a beautiful baby boy. I am thankful for those of wisdom.


Brother, this is the advice I have been giving young men for the past 25 years. Glad to hear it on a much larger platform.


Said it louder for the people in the back !!!! ❤❤❤ thank you


This is the first man I’ve heard on a podcast saying this. Wow. Respect


My father gave me a lifelong message:
Never do anything you cannot brag about...
Along with this: Never do anything you may regret later.


It's insane how much I've heard this sentiment directed at women and teenage girls over the course of my life. I remember being drilled on it almost daily by adults as soon as I was 13 and got my first period. And in all that time, I've never heard this said to men. Thank you, sir.


As a former teen dad… I fully agree! I made a choice and I’ve lived with that decision.
