SSD vs Flash Storage (what's the difference?)

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SSD vs Flash Storage

In this video we’re going to discuss the difference between flash storage and SSD

When discussing computer storage capabilities, the terms ‘flash storage’ and ‘SSD’ are used quite commonly. You might be wondering if these terms are interchangeable or are they different types of storage. Even computer experts tend to use these terms in place of one another but SSD storage and flash storage are, technically, different. Despite the differences, they are closely related.

SSD storage is made up mostly of flash storage but it has additional components and capabilities. To make the discussion more confusing, however, there are also SSDs made without the use of flash storage. Thus, it is probably easiest to answer this question with a description of what flash storage is.

Flash storage is commonly used, and it is made from silicone chips. Information can be written on these chips and erased via electrical input from a computer or phone. It is faster than other types of storage, mainly because it doesn’t utilize any moving parts. Flash storage can also keep information stored even without a continuous supply of power, unlike the RAM on a computer. Finally, flash storage can be rewritten and overridden hundreds of times with no consequences. Everyone who has tried to rewrite a CD knows that this is not the case with all types of storage.

An SSD, conversely, is a storage device – not a storage medium. Usually, SSDs are added to a computer and can be upgraded or replaced aftermarket. Many SSDs are made with flash storage. SSD stands for ‘solid state drive’ and flash storage doesn’t have any moving parts. Hence, this is where the solid title comes from. Unfortunately, there are other types of non-moving storage that are sometimes used in SSDs, thus complicating the matter. In most cases, SSDs utilize a combination of flash storage and another medium, as this has proven an effective way to add storage to a computer.

SSDs often get confused with HDDs, usually due to the similar-sounding name. HDDs, or ‘hard disk drives’ are another type of computer storage. They store information on moving disks and are the oldest storage method for computers and other technology. Apart from the fan, you can often hear these disks spinning when you turn on a computer. While HDDs work well, to a point, their moving parts subject them to a significant amount of complication. They are still used in some cases because they can store a significant amount of information, but they aren’t as widespread as SSDs with flash.

Is Apple flash storage the same as SSD? This is another common question that comes up when discussing storage. Apple specifically is mentioned because, unlike PC, the company doesn’t always provide the full technical information for their products. On most Apple computers, the flash storage is connected directly to the motherboard at the time of production. This is flash storage utilization and not SSD, because SSDs are connected in a removable fashion whereas integrated flash storage is not. This improves performance for Apple computers but makes them impossible to upgrade once they become older.

If you have been researching storage methods, you may have heard or read about something called ‘NAND.’ In easy to understand terms, NAND is a form of flash storage. It is common in removable USB drives as well as in SSDs. NAND specifically refers to a certain method of cell organization that is used to store the data that is written on it. Only recently did NAND technology become affordable enough to be used on SSDs, as much more memory is required in this application than for a USB drive. NAND is limited in the amount of rewrites the storage can handle, however, so it is not currently suitable for server usage.

Many computer experts agree that flash storage devices are the best form of storage because they last longer than a flash drive and are faster than most SSDs. This is an odd comparison, however, because flash storage is a more specific type of SSD that uses only one form of storage. When well-maintained, flash storage can last for a shockingly long time, unlike NAND USB drives which have an estimated limit of three years with heavy usage. While there is a massive jump in cost between flash storage and SSDs, the performance increase is well worth it for users with a need for it.
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GREAT job explaining the info in a short time. Helped even a non tech savvy guy like me, get an understanding how this stuff works. The ONLY shortcoming was, no mention of how eMMC fits into all this.


Great video, it confirmed my answer.
About this Mac on Macs that come with Flash Storage says “Flash Storage”. When I upgrade a Mac with an SSD, the Mac reports “Solid State SATA Drive”.


I don’t really get it. Which one is better for mass storing while both of them use usb connection


i hear everything except "what's the difference between ssd and flash storage.
Right now you can buy flash storage and portable SSD with same capacity, same speed and same price, so WHAT THE DIFFERENCE?


You can upgrade an apple flash storage. Provided that you are a microchip specialist


I'm making a RAID array for a p-2-p client, I found this very insightful. A flash drive array sounds wacky but I think it would be worthwhile especially since the client will take up very little information.


I would like to archive 25 year old video files as .mp4's, these would not be accessed again unless other backup files had been corrupted. Suggestions? Would a thumbdrive be fine since its not being accessed unless one or two times and perhaps never?


Cellphones uses SSD or Flashstore? I'm confused


are u referring to M2 SSD as flash storage. ...if its only for flash storage, why are people installing os on it and using it instead of SSD ?


When it comes to power consumption does the ssd have any advantage?


so what is the best-use for what purpose?


For music production which its better?


I want to buy a laptop, which storage type is better? SSD or FLASH? I just want it for a couple of years I’m not looking for a long term one


You’re a Godsend! I was sooo lost! Thank you!


I don't use SSDs. I like more reliable HDDs. And I like flash drives; I did read my drive would last 10 years. I started using it 2018; so I got 7 years left.


thanks for the video! great informations... However, I almost got all of it (in my brain), towards the end my HDD brain can't keep up with SSD and flash ssd, so my ADHD kicked in.

What I'm looking for, i guess is, can USB Thumb Flash be as reliable long term storage as external SSD? any advice is appreciated.. thanks


So, basically apple is lying to us telling that their new computer has a SSD drive while they are all flash drives. That is terrible 😞!


Nice channel. Nicely presented. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


Yeah but what makes flash drives, et al, deteriorate
? You missed that


Just wanted to drop a friendly note and point out some errors in your video. The oldest type of storage is punch cards, then came tape, and finally HDD. HDD's can actually last decades as I have some that are easily 20 to 30 years old and still have data on them. My oldest HDD from circa 1988 has completely failed, so HDD can last a very long time when properly handled. And lastly, NAND is pronounced NAND not N A N D, and is named after the NAND gate in computer logic. There is also NOR storage, named after the NOR gate in computer logic.
