How do SSDs Work? How to fit 3 WEEKS of TV in a microchip the size of a dime!! Explained in 3min.
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Have you spent the last 3 weeks binging TV shows? How do microchips inside your smartphone, laptop, or table store 3 weeks [1 Terabyte] of information in a space the size of a dime?
This quick explanation is an abridged version of the full 18 minute video found here:
Written, animated, and edited- Teddy Tablante
Twitter: @teddytablante
Voice Over- Phil Lee
This video is part of a series that intends to thoroughly explain how SSDs, and more specifically how VNAND works. These are the episodes in the series:
1) [18min] Overview on how SSDs / VNAND / Smartphone storage works.
2) [3min] Quick/Abridged episode of the overview
3) How charge trap flash works. (details on a single memory cell)
4) How strings of memory cells work (details on a stack of memory cells)
5) How a massive array of memory cells are organized. (Terabit Cell Array Transistor, TCAT)
6) How is VNAND manufactured?
7) Possible episode on an analogy using a city & apartments to explain VNAND.
Key Branches from this video are: Microchips, CPUs, Integrated Circuits,
Post with Adobe Premiere Pro
Book References:
Aritome, Seiichi. (2015). NAND flash memory technologies. IEEE Press Series on Microelectronic Systems. Wiley. [2nd most useful resource]
Cai, Yu et al. (2013) Threshold Voltage Distribution in MLC NAND Flash Memory: Characterization Analysis, and Modeling. 2013 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition. IEEE.
Micheloni, Rino. Marelli, Alessia. Eshghi, Kam. (2018) Inside solid state drives (SSDs) Second edition. Springer Series in Advanced Microelectronics Volume 37. Springer. [Most useful resource]
Micheloni, Rino. (2017) Solid-state-drives (SSDs) Modeling, Simulation tools & strategies. Springer Series in Advanced Microelectronics Volume 58. Springer
Micheloni, Rino (2016) 3D flash memories. Springer.
Pierret, Robert F. (1996) Semiconductor Device Fundamentals. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.
Prince, Betty. (2014) Vertical 3D Memory Technologies. Wiley
Internet References:
Wikipedia contributors. "Charge Trap Flash." "Flash Memory." "Floating-gate Mosfet." "Samsung Electronics." "Solid-State drive." "Solid-state storage." "Three-dimensional integrated circuit." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, Visited May, 2020
#SSD #VNAND #Microchip
This quick explanation is an abridged version of the full 18 minute video found here:
Written, animated, and edited- Teddy Tablante
Twitter: @teddytablante
Voice Over- Phil Lee
This video is part of a series that intends to thoroughly explain how SSDs, and more specifically how VNAND works. These are the episodes in the series:
1) [18min] Overview on how SSDs / VNAND / Smartphone storage works.
2) [3min] Quick/Abridged episode of the overview
3) How charge trap flash works. (details on a single memory cell)
4) How strings of memory cells work (details on a stack of memory cells)
5) How a massive array of memory cells are organized. (Terabit Cell Array Transistor, TCAT)
6) How is VNAND manufactured?
7) Possible episode on an analogy using a city & apartments to explain VNAND.
Key Branches from this video are: Microchips, CPUs, Integrated Circuits,
Post with Adobe Premiere Pro
Book References:
Aritome, Seiichi. (2015). NAND flash memory technologies. IEEE Press Series on Microelectronic Systems. Wiley. [2nd most useful resource]
Cai, Yu et al. (2013) Threshold Voltage Distribution in MLC NAND Flash Memory: Characterization Analysis, and Modeling. 2013 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition. IEEE.
Micheloni, Rino. Marelli, Alessia. Eshghi, Kam. (2018) Inside solid state drives (SSDs) Second edition. Springer Series in Advanced Microelectronics Volume 37. Springer. [Most useful resource]
Micheloni, Rino. (2017) Solid-state-drives (SSDs) Modeling, Simulation tools & strategies. Springer Series in Advanced Microelectronics Volume 58. Springer
Micheloni, Rino (2016) 3D flash memories. Springer.
Pierret, Robert F. (1996) Semiconductor Device Fundamentals. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.
Prince, Betty. (2014) Vertical 3D Memory Technologies. Wiley
Internet References:
Wikipedia contributors. "Charge Trap Flash." "Flash Memory." "Floating-gate Mosfet." "Samsung Electronics." "Solid-State drive." "Solid-state storage." "Three-dimensional integrated circuit." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, Visited May, 2020
#SSD #VNAND #Microchip