The PERFECT Pull Workout (PUSH | PULL | LEGS)

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The push, pull, legs workout split is one of the most often used training splits for building muscle and strength. In this video, I’m going to deliver the next in the perfect workout series to give you the best pull workout for building a bigger back, traps and biceps. As always, I’m breaking down all sets and reps for each and every exercise to make sure you get the muscle gains you are looking for.

We start by understanding what a PPL split is. As the initials represent, this is a pull, push and legs workout program. The order of the workouts can be done a few different ways but my favorite is to do them as listed here. You have the option of repeating these twice in sequence for a total of 6 workout days in a row before having an off day. The problem with this approach is that it leaves too little recovery time between your legs and pull workouts.

You can alternatively take an off day after completing the first 3 workouts. This is a called an asynchronous split. While potentially making the off days more unpredictable because they rotate this way it does provide the much needed recovery time to allow for overall better gains.

Whichever calendar you follow, the important thing is how the workouts break down.

Here we start with Pull Workout 1:

- Deadlifts - 1 x 5
- Chest Supported Rows - 3 x 8-10 (takes the low back out of the equation)
- DB High Pulls - 3 x 10-12 (targets the upper back muscles with healthy shoulder mechanics)
- DB Pullovers - 2-3 x 10-12 (direct lat work)
- BW Chin Curls - 3 x F into Overhead Triceps Extension - 3 x 10-12
- Angels and Devils - 3 x 15-20 (posterior chain corrective)

The goal of pull workout one is to hit the posterior chain with a big compound lift - in this case the deadlift. As a one by five, you will be working up to your one workout set of 80% of your 1RM with 4 sequential warmup sets. Don’t perform too many reps at each stage of the warmup as you don’t want to tire yourself out but rather prepare your body for your working set.

The chest supported row allows you to perform a basic row without letting the low back fatigue from a deadlift compromise your output.

The dumbbell high pull helps us to keep the overload coming however on the upper back muscles. This area of the body is one of the most undertrained and overlooked in the entire body and is responsible for many of the muscle imbalances that many trainees suffer from. We are going to hit it hard in this PPL workout.

The DB Pullovers allow us to train the lats with a great hypertrophy inducing exercise geared more specifically to the lats.

The arms are hit in the form of a superset with a chinup variation that targets the biceps and a triceps exercise (yes even on pull day to get some additional volume) with the overhead triceps extension.

The angles and devils is a tremendous posterior chain corrective exercise that hits all the back muscles and serves as the perfect finisher.

Pull Workout 2 looks like:

- Snatch Grip Deadlifts - 3 x 5 (Leave 2-3 in the tank)
- Weighted Pullups - 3 x 6-8
- Alt. DB Gorilla Rows - 3 x 10-12 each arm
- Straight Arm Pushdowns - 2-3 x 12-15
- Barbell Curls - 3 x 6-8 into Triceps Pushdowns - 3 x 10-12
- Face Pulls - 3 x 15-20

The combination of these two workouts will serve as your PPL pull workout. Remember to alternate these two workouts each time you encounter your next pulling workout in the calendar. When you can, add weight to the exercises you are performing to ensure that you are failing within the rep ranges prescribed outside the deadlift variations.

For more videos on how to build muscle with a push pull legs workout as well as the best pull workout for building mass, be sure to subscribe to our channel via the link below and remember to turn on your notifications so you never miss a new video when it’s published.
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*NOTIFICATION SQUAD GIVEAWAY* - It’s back!! Alright guys, I’m giving away a complete 30 Day Workout program to 100 lucky clickers within the first hour this video is published! Remember, this is NOT THE FIRST 100, but those randomly selected within the first hour the video is published. Click the link to see if you’ve won. No strings attached! 

If you don’t win, no worries, you’re not going away empty handed. Just be sure you have your notifications turned on so you can get to my next video quickly and try again. Good luck and thanks for being a loyal subscriber…


Anyone else see the pure joy in his eyes when he introduced face pulls?


Pull 1:
6:01 List
1:48 *1x5* Deadlifts 【80% ORM】【Perform 4 warmup sets】
2:13 *3x8-10* Chest Supported Row
3:07 *2-3x10-12* DB Pullovers
3:48 *3x8-10* DB High Pull
4:25 *3xF* Bicep Chin Curls*
5:08 *3x10-12* Overhead Tricep Extension*
5:38 *3x15-20* Angel and Devils

Pull 2:
10:18 List
6:27 *3x5* Snatch Grip Deadlift 【Using weight you can do for 8 reps】
7:17 *3x6-8* Weight Pullups 【Swith with deadlifts if grip is compromised here】
7:54 *3x10-12 Each Arm* DB Gorilla Rows
8:29 *2-3x12-15* Staight Arm Pushdowns
9:14 *3x6-8* Barbell Curls*
9:38 *3x10-12* Tricep Pushdowns*
9:52 *3x15-20* Face Pulls

*Super set with other marked exercise


my mom's quote that stuck with me forever, "You're never ready for what you have to do, you just do it and that makes you ready."


I'm 67 years old and was an avid muscle trainer until about 7 years ago when I moved to Europe. I found a wonderful gym here in the Black Forest in Germany and decided to get back to my workout routine. Your videos have been invaluable in helping me get back into the swing and, of course, due to my age, I gotta go easy to get back in some sort of decent shape. My daughter has been an inspiration, she's in her mid forties and preparing for a body building contest in Florida. So, long story short, my goal is to get back some of the elasticity and strength I had when I was in my thirties and forties (and most of my 50s) and so glad I found this series! Thank you so much for all your hard work and instructions and now I can look forward to looking and feeling my best well into my 70s and God willing, my 80s!!!


I asked for this video so long ago that I've graduated high school, got my drivers licence, graduated university and got engaged before this came out.


Jeff the type of guy to take his shirt off when doing calf raises.


Pull 1:
6:01 List
1:50 - Barbell Deadlifts - *1 x 5* (80% of 1RM)
2:14 - Chest Supported Rows - *3 x 8-10*
3:08 - DB Lat Pullovers - *2-3 x 10-12*
3:49 - DB High Pulls - *3 x 10-12*
4:27 - Biceps Chin Curls - *3 x F* into ↓
5:10 - Overhead Triceps Extension - *3 x 10-12*
5:39 - Angels and Devils - *3 x 15-20*

Pull 2:
10:17 List
6:29 - Snatch Grip Deadlifts - *3 x 5* (Leave 2-3 in the tank)
7:18 - Weighted Pullups - *3 x 6-8*
7:54 - Alt. DB Gorilla Rows - *3 x 10-12* each arm
8:30 - Straight Arm Pushdowns - *2-3 x 12-15*
9:15 - Barbell Curls - *3 x 6-8* into ↓
9:27 - Triceps Pushdowns - *3 x 10-12*
9:52 - Face Pulls - *3 x 15-20*


3 years began working out in the gym. I didn't had any knowledge about fitness. Besides, some of my muscles were way stronger than others because of the fact that I play volleyball in the second league in the Netherlands. The hardest part for me was that I wasn't able to do a pull-up. Eventually I quit working out because of several reasons.

3 months ago I started my fitness journey again after a one and a half year break. This time I used this PPL scheme. And I wished I used this sooner. My volleyball practices are going better then before (haven't played a match yet due to off-season). Also, 2 says ago I did my first pull-up ever! Yesterday and today I was able to do 3 in a row!!

I'm so glad that I found this workout regime! Thanks Jeff!!


Pull Workout 1:

- Barbell Deadlifts - 1 x 5 (USING 80% of 1RM) (PERFORM 4 WARMUP/RAMP UP SETS) 1:50
- Chest Supported Rows - 3 x 8-10 (takes the low back out of the equation) 2:15
- DB Lat Pullovers - 2-3 x 10-12 (direct lat work) 3:11
- DB High Pulls - 3 x 10-12 (targets the upper back muscles with healthy shoulder mechanics) 3:50
- Biceps Chin Curls - 3 x F 4:27 into Overhead Triceps Extension - 3 x 10-12 5:12
- Angels and Devils - 3 x 15-20 (posterior chain corrective) 5:40

Pull Workout 2:

- Snatch Grip Deadlifts - 3 x 5 (Leave 2-3 in the tank) 6:29
- Weighted Pullups - 3 x 6-8 7:18
- Alt. DB Gorilla Rows - 3 x 10-12 each arm 7:53
- Straight Arm Pushdowns - 2-3 x 12-15 8:29
- Barbell / EZ Curls - 3 x 6-8 9:15 into Triceps Pushdowns - 3 x 10-12 9:27
- Face Pulls - 3 x 15-20 9:53


'My favourite is Angel and Devil"

Face pull: "am I a joke to you?"


Pull 1

1:50 deadlift
2:16 chest supported row
3:09 dumbbell pullover
3:50 dumbbell high pull
4:27 bicep chin curl
5:13 overhead tricep extension
5:41 angels and devils

Pull 2
6:30 Snatch grip deadlift
7:20 weighted pull up
7:56 dumbbell gorilla row
8:31 straight arm push down
9:16 barbell curl
9:34 tricep push down
9:54 face pull


I've had to formulate my own push/pull/legs workout based on his advise and this makes it SO MUCH easier to literally exist. I cannot adequately emphasise how grateful I am for this dude🙌🏾


Jeff, i can’t thank you enough for what you do and all the free content you put out. You’re a good man


I did Pull#1 this morning, and I'll start with some preliminary info. I've never done a PPL split. I lift regularly though I've never done deadlifts, so some research into proper form was necessary. Here are some considerations:
1. Took me 55 minutes with approx. 1-1:30 between sets, and taking about 3-5 minutes between exercises.
2. I found the chest-supported rows a lot easier to manage with dumbbells instead of a bar.
3. This wore me out pretty good, so I'm hoping these workouts will help my endurance. Had to sit on the bench for a while afterwards.
4. Don't do this within 2 hours of eating. The Angels/Devils almost had my lunch coming up.
5. 12 hours later, I'm already sore af, but in all the right places (except arms.)
6. Looking forward to Push#1 tomorrow.
So far, I like it.


Pull 1
1:48 Peso muerto: 1x5 (4 series warmup)
2:16 Remo banco inclinado: 3x8-10
3:09 Pullover: 2-3x10-12
3:49 DB high pull: 3x8-10
4:28 Curl biceps en barra: 3xF

Pull 2
6:29 Peso muerto agarre amplio: 3x5
7:17 Dominadas abiertas: 3x6-8
7:54 DB Gorilla Rows: 3x10-12
8:30 Pushdowns: 2-3x12-15
9:15 Curl c/ barra: 3x6-8
9:53 Face Pull: 3x15-20


So happy I found this guy. He is an excellent teacher of all these exercises. But what makes his videos so GREAT is when he shows you how to do the exercise you can literally see the muscle group he is using and how it flexes. He is so cut you can see every muscle in his body and you can actually see what it is doing to your body. I am about to start his push pull legs workout. This the BEST training video I have used on Youtube except for the 1 that got me started Taebo.


5:27 “No Athlean X workout is complete without”
Me: FACE PULLS... oh


In my 3rd PPL cycle. WOW it is so much harder than it looks on paper and I am seeing gains after almost a year of slow gains with “Bro” workouts. Jeff is the man!


Pull 1:
6:01 List
1. 1:48 1 x 5 Deadlifts 【80% ORM】【Perform 4 warmup sets】
2. 2:13 3 x 8-10 Chest Supported Row
3. 3:07 2-3 x 10-12 DB Pullovers
4. 3:48 3 x 8-10 DB High Pull
5. 4:25 3 x F Bicep Chin Curls*
5:08 3 x 10-12 Overhead Tricep Extension*
7. 5:38 3 x 15-20 Angel and Devils

Pull 2:
10:18 List
1. 6:27 3 x 5 Snatch Grip Deadlift 【Using weight you can do for 8 reps】
2. 7:17 3 x 6-8 Weight Pullups 【Swith with deadlifts if grip is compromised here】
3. 7:54 3 x 10-12 Each Arm DB Gorilla Rows
4. 8:29 2-3 x 12-15 Staight Arm Pushdowns
5. 9:14 3 x 6-8 Barbell Curls*
9:38 3 x 10-12 Tricep Pushdowns*
6. 9:52 3 x 15-20 Face Pulls

*Super set with other marked exercise
