Why you aren't feeling better (one BIG reason)

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These reasons explain why so many patients (including thyroid patients) aren't feeling better despite doing "everything" correct or right.

We need to talk about one of the MAIN reasons that thyroid patients (or any patients for that matter) fail to get better. This reason has to do with how you use supplements but it also applies to prescription medications and pretty much ANY therapy available.

This topic has come to my mind because I have been hearing more and more about how certain people are using therapies but not feeling better. The more I hear these stories the more I realize that most of you aren't aware of how these therapies actually work.

And if you miss this important step then you risk putting yourself on the RIGHT therapy but stopping it for the WRONG reasons. So something that could help you becomes something that you stop and may never look at for future treatment again!

And, again, we are talking about this as it applies to supplements because these are available over the counter but this also applies to prescription medications and other natural therapies.

Here are 4 things you MUST consider before you decide whether or not a therapy is working for you. If you don't do these things then you have no idea as to whether you were on the right therapy or not.

4 things to know about all of your therapies:

#1. Dose.

Put simply: if you are not on the right dose then whatever you are taking simply won't work. But here's how things get tricky...

The recommended dose for most supplements are a one size fits all which doesn't work for all people.

Some people will need more (much more in some cases) or less than that standard dose. So if you use the standard dose and it doesn't work you might be tempted to quit the supplement altogether. But if you would have doubled your dose things might be dramatically different!

#2. Duration of therapy.

The duration of therapy refers to how long you are using something. If you think that taking a supplement for 2 weeks is enough time for you to fix problems that have been 10 years in the making then you have a rude awakening. You need to be thinking on the time scale of 3-6 MONTHS and not 3-6 weeks for certain supplements and therapies (especially those which target your hormones).

#3. Side effects.

Another HUGE problem is that many people don't realize that once they are on the RIGHT therapy they may actually feel WORSE (temporarily). This is due to a number of reasons but the biggest has to do with the detox like reaction which occurs especially when you lose weight.

#4. Confounding variables.

Recommended thyroid supplements to enhance thyroid function:

See ALL of my specialized supplements including protein powders, thyroid supplements, and weight loss products here:

Want more from my blog? I have more than 400+ well-researched blog posts on thyroid management, hormone balancing, weight loss, and more. See all blog posts here:


This video is for general informational, educational, and entertainment purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Childs and you. You should not make any changes to your medications or health regimens without first consulting a physician. If you have any questions please consult with your current primary care provider. Restart Medical LLC and Dr. Westin Childs are not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis, or any other information, services, or product you obtain through this website or video.
#thyroid #hypothyroidism #hashimoto's
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HEY GUYS! if you've been making any of the mistakes I list in this video please share them below!


You seriously make so much sense thank you


I love your multi angle approach to investigating possibilities when people fail their treatments.


Yup. I tend to give up too quickly when trying a medication or supplement
Thanks dr for the reminder


Thank you for acknowledging that some of us are sljust sensitive to everything. Most Dr dismiss this fact.


Points all well taken, Dr. Westin Childs. However, the real problem above all these real problems is that, with most physicians/doctors trained to be opposed to supplements & the supplement manufacturers being menaced by "the other side, " namely the medical & major pharmaceutical industries, etc (which, of course, should not be "the other side, " but all should be united in the same endeavor, namely to keep or make people well), away from venturing beyond certain points of studies, developments, claims, & practices, &, additionally, the supplement manufacturers perhaps not being as available as they ought to be to answer people's questions (though, to be fair, this latter lack is still largely due to the former related issue of undue restrictions imposed upon supplement manufacturers), ailing people & people looking to be preventative against ailments are left in a position of having to make a lot of these decisions themselves & have to be doing a lot of guess work. "Should I take more or less of this supplement?" "Am I really allergic to that particular ingredient, or am I just experiencing detox effects?" "What is the duration I should expect to be taking this supplement?" "Does this supplement interact negatively with this medication?"
I wish all the parties involved were as helpful as you are, Dr. Childs, & had the same goal that you do, namely to help people to either stay well or to get well. When I was a little boy, I wanted to be a doctor so that I could help people be healthy & overcome sicknesses, so I really appreciate you & the good that you do.
By the way, the Lord Almighty called me to be a minister of His, so, by His mercies, favor, goodness, & empowerment, I now deal with both the soul & the body. It could be argued, admittedly, that a good doctor, by the Lord's help, can help prolong the life of a body for the body to get his or her soul to me for me to do my part for the soul for the Lord's Kingdom. 😉👍🏼
Anyway, thank you again for this informative, insightful, necessary video. All the best to you & your family, I pray in Christ Jesus the Almighty's name. 🙏🏼


I just looked at your Thyroid Adrenal Reset supplement and was happy to see you can take it while on thyroid med. I recently switched to compounded thyroid after a bad time on NT. Never gained so much weight in my life or felt so lethargic. Compounded thyroid has helped immensely, but it's been a slow improvement, surely due to whatever the NT did to my system. I think it even affected my vision which is just crazy. Looking forward to trying this supplement!


Thank you Dr. Childs. I'm constantly adjusting my daily protocol of supplements to determine optimal results. -This information is greatly appreciated.


Super grateful for all of the information here 😅


Dr. Childs is so right!! We are so individual.
I go over doses with my doctor on each and every supplement. I take a ton of fish 🐠 oil.


Can you make a video over how to have a healthy gut or let me know if you already have one?


Side Effects, i started one of your supplements 3 days ago and am experiencing slight head ache —you mentioned this in the video, so i welcome that annoying twinge above my left eye brow!!


Just had my needle biopsy a couple hours ago. I have a painful swallow at the moment. I didn’t know what to expect during that procedure but thankfully it’s done. I have a cyst basically on the trachea and another in the left side of my thyroid. Could this be the reason why I’ve been struggling to breathe in, or could this be the reason I have a hoarse voice as of recently. So many questions and now I wait for results. The waiting game has me very frustrated but I remain hopeful that this will all get better soon. Ive sought out info on the thyroid to educate myself and I’m very happy with the knowledge available on this channel.


Dr. Childs, you need to do a video on raw food diet for hashimoto's ( getting rid of gluten for sure for most, sometimes legumes, may or may not have nightshades and cruciferous veggies) ... a full proof method that i dont think has failed hashimoto's sufferer....

look into the goodbye lupus protocol.... things like that.


on the right dosage of iodoral (between 12.5mg up to 50mg)+ co-factors I am feeling amazing and all my hypo symptoms are gone 100%. If I take less the symptoms are coming back. so far I am not taking any medication besides co-factors... I am a bit concerned because in another video you said something like 'higher than 12.5mg is not healthy and has some adverse effects' while Dr. Brownstein mentions 25 - 50mg. I know you must be suuuuper busy but maybe you'd consider talking about this in a video. Thank you so much for your fantastic information. It's not easy finding a good doctor here (I am from Germany) Thank you so much!!! :-)


Make sure you don’t take any vitamins within four hours of your medicine. I took mine at the same time as my thyroid meds for about a week and it threw me way hyper and caused a goiter and now am trying to get back to a right dose after having been doing great for a long time.


For the past three days I have decided to change my levothryoxine in the night time and started to take my other vitamin tablets and BP tablets in the morning following your advice on several of your videos. I have started to feel tired during the day with this reversal role from today. Can you advise me how long should I wait to see whether this new regime works? I have also decided to wait to take the levothyroxine between 4 and hours after eating my main meal. I have also been careful not to eat until the following morning. It is okay to eat again after the levothryoxine should I feel peckish and if so how long should I wait before eating? I am also trying to find a good thyroid support supplement or should that be just magnesium glycinate or L-Threonate? I underwent a thyroidectomy nearly 3 years ago and have problems with finding an appropriate dosage. Your advice would be much appreciated. I have been following your videos and have found them most useful.


I heard about cortisol resistance is pissible that? Any explanation of the symptoms


For me it was not being on enough estrogen after surgical menopause and taking thyroid hormone for subclinical hypothyroidism due to taking estrogen (thyroid and estrogen compete if I understand correctly so the thyroid hormone was in essence pushing my estrogen levels even further down). Also if my cortisol levels aren’t high enough (adrenal insufficiency) thyroid hormone made me feel even worse - especially if I took it in the morning before taking hydrocortisone, Prednisone, or an adrenal glandular. Just my experience. Not sure if it makes medical sense or not. Also- I could only take 15-30 of Armour at a time which meant frequent dosing (chewing the tablet before swallowing seemed to help with absorption since my stomach wasn’t empty).


Hi Dr. Childs, a symptom that I've been upset about (while less serious) is puffiness in my face. There is a definite difference in how my face appears in terms of being rounder, "fuller" and all around puffier than it used to be. It has greatly affected my self esteem. Can I get my "old face" back with the proper dose or is that a symptom that tends to stay? Thank you.
