How we really paid for this CHATEAU.

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How much did we pay for our chateau? Do we have rich parents, did we win the lottery, was Phlipp an influencer before youtube? In this video we try to answer a recurring question: how did we manage to buy a chateau in France without being millionaires.

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Anyone else wishing Philip & Anna had started YouTube muuuch earlier and seen them transform the other apartments/house?


You flipped multiple properties on your way to château, pouring your hearts, money, time and DIY skills into every single one. You honestly deserve everything good that comes your way in the future. Very well done!


The story is so inspirational…but the production style, Anna’s presenting and Philipp’s editing are also incredible, compelling and seamless. It’s easy to take for granted how great you guys are at this. This video is art.


Oh Gosh, I loooove when people are honest and open about money. It gives others a real perspective and knowledge about how to achieve things and how dreams dont come true in one day. Thank you Ana for your honesty.


I really appreciate the transparency about how much you profited from each renovation and how much liquid cash was actually required to start a project like this. Most would glaze over the actual numbers but it helps put everything into perspective. Congrats!


THANK YOU. So many property flippers and restoration channels and others in this community say almost nothing about how they made their renovation dreams a reality. You clearly laid out how you climbed the ladder and unsurprisingly it was by starting small and learning DIY skills and then graduating to successively bigger and more ambitious projects. Using the profits from previous flips as stepping stones to the next level. I especially appreciated the fact that you admitted at one point that you had 800K Euros ready to spend. Good stuff guys. Congrats on all your success.


Anna, thank you for sharing this hair-raising and “almost” heartbreaking story of what you and Philipp went through to acquire LaFleur. We, your fans and patrons, are very grateful indeed that it all worked out in the end. It obviously was meant to be!


Anna and Phillip, please accept my admiration and respect for your nearly superhuman work ethic.


Thank you for sharing this. When I met my husband, we were both divorced and in debt (from helping partners in the past). But we were hard workers. We got together and did nothing but work and throw money at our debt. After we paid that off, then we got a small savings together and bought a single-wide mobile home in a park. We fixed it up (new kitchen, shade trees, landscaping, painted the inside and outside, and sold it for a little more than we bought it. We found double-wide modular home on a piece of land that was in foreclosure. It had been listed incorrectly, so no one else could find it, and we were able to buy it undermarket. The walls were painted hideous colors (teenager's choice), and the shag carpet was destroyed from their herd of little dogs. We repainted the whole inside with light colors, put down pergo floors, and landscaped the bare yard with irises, flowering trees, fruit trees and shade trees. We were able to pay off the house, and then the housing prices went WAY up. We sold it for a good price, (everyone gushed about the garden) and we used the money to buy a real, two-story house in the country, where prices were cheaper. People think we are "rich". No, we are hard workers. That whole time, we did not take vacations, rarely went out to dinner, didn't buy new cars, we worked day, evenings and weekends, and put every extra dollar towards the principle.


You two are absolutely incredible. I'm impressed... Completely renovating and transforming two homes, ... And then a Chateau. It really takes stamina, persistence, strength, creativity, skill, a very solid relationship..and so much more I cannot even imagine 😍 I just wish you so much happiness


Very impressed with the property ladder you climbed and the risks you took to make the Chateau a reality. You two are people who MAKE THINGS HAPPEN. So much admiration for that!


I think this is one of the most important videos you've produced. Because it's very easy for people to just assume you were born to privileges leading to Chateau life on a smooth trajectory without much hoopla. People assume ALOT of things about people they see in media, social media is no exception. I know you've mentioned on more than one occasion you had a journey of buying and renovating flats in Paris, but it was really interesting to see your previous homes and results, and it's clear you didn't have a fortune to begin with but your ambitions and hard work payed off. It's also really interesting to hear how close it was to the dream being shattered. It takes some real perseverance, love and a supportive relationship to not lose faith when the cards are stacked against you that tall. Like other stories of friends of mine, it's also an interesting reminder of how if you do hang in there, only one person, the right person, and a bit of luck can help turn things around again.
You've certainly had many lessons learned but mostly with positively enforcing experiences that enabled you to trust in yourselves and your visions and think big, even when nobody else did. I'm 100%certain you gained more respect from many viewers for this backstory and your total candour.
It's a lovely love story as well, and tbh talking property aquisitions and financial advancement very seldom is, in fact it's more often a story of losses and shattered relationships than not.
Inspirational! ❤️


Wow what a story. I'm so glad things worked out well for you both. You and Philip have such great skills and innovation to do what you did. Well done!


Wow - you guys have been at this renovation stuff for a long time. I would be exhausted but it seems to have inspired you to do more and more. You’re a great team and have already achieved so much. I’m so glad that you realized the dream of getting your chateau and have been sharing your journey with us. Philip is a gem ( as well as being an influencer) and you Anna have really become such a professional at presenting! I can’t wait to see the renovation of the dining room and what you decide to do for the wall paper. You’ve built a wonderful life for yourselves and your girls. Congratulations!


Aw, poor Philip!!! :( He always seems so happy-go-lucky, optimistic, humorous, and so humble about this journey! Like others, we just simply believed you guys had the money for the property. I am so glad that Philip is alright and you both made it through!!!! Look at this chateau. You certainly proved the friend and that bank right that your business would be successful! Plus, when you have Anna on the team, things will surely go to plan ;D Thank you so much for sharing such a wonderful story. It adds 100x more charm to this masterpiece 💖🌟✨🎉


Thank you for the back story. It explains your journey. We, as your public, just love to see old history refurbished and brought back to life. I never would have thought I would be watching a chateau being rebuilt. It’s because of your creativity and Phillips DRY humor. You both are so endearing. We all wish you joy and years of happiness. Ziggy is a lovable hoot. He fits right in. ♥️


As someone who had worked for almost 40 years in fashion I can attest that the hours are extremely long ! We worked 5 saturdays and 3 sundays per collection and many many long hours to prepare the shows and then the inter season collections began along with the industrialisation of the main collection and that didn't count the prototypes needed for the licences or the knitwear or even preparing things for the window dressing or personal wardrobes for models or staff. I couldn't have a personal life, no kids were possible, holidays were whenever possible and on one of my jobs I didn't take a holiday in three years so I can fully understand Anna not being able to juggle all that with three children ( counting Philipp) xoxoxo


Your channel is so fascinating to me. I grew up in a second empire Victorian home built in the 1860s. My family had to move when I was a kid due to my mom's health, but restoring it was my dad's passion project for 30 years. I only wish I could have lived there longer. You're doing a wonderful thing for your children, and I couldn't have asked for a better place to grow up myself. I'm currently in high school in southern California, which is the opposite of historic, but I'll treasure my memories in that house and will love everything 19th century for the rest of my life.


I absolutely loved watching this back story, seeing your previous homes, all the beautiful work you put in and your perseverance throughout.WOW!!I always enjoy your content. This video just deepened my appreciation for you both. Thank you for sharing it with us.


Thank you guys so much for your transparency. It’s very rare that people are so honest with their finances. Your story motivates others to reach for the stars and make smart financial decisions in order to obtain their goals! All the best 😊
