According to Creationism, THERE is NO 'Sovereignty of God versus the Free Will of Man' Flummox Rev 2

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“An argument as to whether or not man has a free will shouldn’t, in this writer’s opinion, be an issue at all. The Calvinist system compels it to be a theological issue, but it’s not a biblical one. The issue about whether a person is able to believe or not is completely moot when one understands that faith is not an act, work, or deed. Faith is simply a matter of being convinced that God’s promise is true. One who believes in Christ for eternal life has it. If that is indeed so, why then are we talking about God’s sovereignty, His sovereign grace, or man’s ability to believe at all? The gospel message about the coming and promises of the Savior and the free gospel offer of eternal life should be sufficient for us. Salvation does not occur due to an act of one’s will, a decision, a good work, repentance, resolve, or any other human action or determination. Eternal life is given when faith happens, i.e., when an unbeliever is personally convinced of the truth of God’s promise to give everlasting life to anyone who believes in Christ for it. Therefore, it seems that a proper view of man’s total depravity should not even involve a discussion of free will and God’s sovereignty. If anything, it should involve the helplessness of man to remedy his fallen situation by doing something. That’s the problem which man is totally unable to resolve. As Schaff says in regard to the need of salvation: It arises from the fall of Adam and the whole human race, which was included in him as the tree is included in the seed, so that his one act of disobedience brought sin and death upon the whole posterity. Paul proves the depravity of Gentiles and Jews without exception to the extent that they are absolutely unable to attain to righteousness and to save themselves. “There is none righteous, no, not one.” They are all under the dominion of sin and under the sentence of condemnation [ 159]”

Badger, Anthony. Confronting Calvinism: A Free Grace Refutation and Biblical Resolution of Radical Reformed Soteriology (pp. 103-104). Anthony B. Badger. Kindle Edition.
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Thank you brother. I appreciate the statement in your introduction above, reading: "...why then are we talking about God's sovereignty, His sovereign grace, or man's ability to believe at all?" The fact of the matter is that Augustinian influenced doctrine simply denies that man is a causal agent. Thus, when they read about faith, they must label it as a work among those with whom they disagree. Or, they must make faith the complete responsibility of God, since He is the only causal being in their corrupted theological frame-work.
