Why Are There TWO Creation Accounts in the BIBLE? | Genesis 1 and 2 | Bible Study

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In this video I talk about the FASCINATING DESIGN and FUNCTION of the second creation account in Genesis 2:4-25.

#MasterpieceBible #Genesis #creation

📢 To anyone wondering why I called the serpent "her": in my native German language the word "serpent" is feminine and I wrongly assumed it was the same in English. My mistake. Was not trying to imply anything or make any kind of theological point.





Рекомендации по теме


✅Who are the SONS OF GOD in Genesis 6?

✅Why did God ask JACOB what his name is?

✅The FASCINATING ROLE of the NUMBER 7 in the creation account






Many people refuse to acknowledge any different interpretations of scripture because it requires them to consider that their specific set of religious beliefs may not necessarily be biblical. It’s important that we study scripture thoroughly and understand the context to better understand God.


Gen 1 v 26
God created mankind....ie all kinds of man. Then God needed a mn to till the ground so God formed a man He called Adam. Then Gen 2 v 16 God commanded Adam not to eat from the treebof good m evil. Then in Gen 2 v 22 God made the woman...so therefore God did not instruct her as He did Adam because she didn't exist back in v 16. That is why it was so easy for the serpant to deceive her ie not to touch the fruit...God never said that. Also Adam did not bother to name the woman until Gen 3 v20 just before God cast them out. Also This God later calls this man the First Adam ...and Jesus the 2nd Adam. Mankind is not referred to as being Adams. In Gen 1v36 God created mankind at that moment
That is why God says He knew us in the beginning...even tho we were not all born at that time. God's timing is crucial to understand was the start of the line that would in God's time bring Jesus into the world to save mankind God created in the beginning
..simple. Glory to God for His Word is true


Dude. You didnt answer the question. 🤷🏼‍♂️


The "original" bible didn't have chapters or verses at all.
Chapters and verses were added in the 1500's. I don't think a chapter contradicts another. It was all one account.


With this Genesis Zero, it's gone to the trash.


1 is the summary of creation. 2 (etc) is more details of the creation summary.

Genesis 2:4 These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens,


there are major contradictions in both creation storys this is why people mix up both stories saying it was created in six days he rested on the seventh day and Eve was from the rib of Adam, in the first creation story day and light is created then the firmament the dry land, the seas, the plants the sea creatures, the animals and man and woman created in Gods image, the second creation story is completely different, first Adam is made from clay God breathed into him, then God walked around and created plants and animals and had Adam name the animals he needed a help mate so Adam went to sleep God took his rib to make a woman, the second creation story has no mention of day or light or the sun or moon, or creation of land or sea, we don't know if this is all in one day or how long this occurred, the second creation man and women are not made in God's image thats a big difference, both born full adults who could speak is a miracle, the truth hurts but the truth is that this is obviously two different authors the writing styles are completely different, God's intentions are totally different in each story, in the second story God is a human walking on earth, it doesn't say God created the earth or the universe but the first creation story explains where day and night came in and most importantly why the seventh day was so sacred that it is a sin to work on Sunday, is not mentioned in the second story, its not meant to be taken literally or historically these are just ancient Israelite stories thats all but great Hebrew literature


Take a look at the Book of Moses in the Pearl of Great Price in LDS scripture where the first account is a spiritual creation and chapter 2 is the physical creation


Chris, thank you for your videos. I just recently discovered your channel and am getting a lot of understanding from what I've watched so far. Can you explain why you use "she" to refer to the serpent at the end of this video? I'm just curious about what else you know about the serpent.


Thank you so much for this! I am presenting "The Two Creation Tales" to my "Bible Study" class today and this was VERY helpful!

P.S. Friendly reminder: "Dialog" is misspelled. It is actually, "dialogue." 😊


Gen 1:27 he told the male and female to go out and “replenish” the Earth. But Adam and Eve weren’t created until After Gen 2… as a matter of fact Adam was made(during a process- earth and breath) and then Eve(a DIFFERENT process- rib). AND God didn’t tell them to do ANYTHING but not eat of that 1 tree(out of 3). He didn’t say ANYTHING about going into the world to populate or REpopulate anything. He didn’t even send them into the world. He put them in a GARDEN. Almost like a barrier to the “world”. As if he didn’t WANT them involved in what he told the male and female in Gen 1:27.
My point is, they aren’t the same people and they didn’t have the same JOB.


Uh, am I the only one who noticed he referred to the serpent as SHE? What is that all about???


Adam was certainty not 1st man. Scripture means what it says & says what it means. So when Jesus said 
 from the beginning of the creation God made them male & female’ also.. ‘he which made them at the beginning made them male & female’.. Gen1:1 Mk10:6 Matt19:4 Mk13:19 Heb1:10 
This act to which Jesus referred was: 
‘So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male & female created he them & God blessed them’, & God said to them, “Be fruitful, & multiply, & replenish the earth, & subdue it: & have dominion over the fish of the sea, & over the fowl of the air, & over every living thing that moves upon the earth & God said, Behold, I have given you

 EVERY.  ( Yes here it says every read all inclusive )

 herb yielding seed which is upon the face of all the earth, &
 EVERY tree,   ( Yes here it says every read all inclusive)
 in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for food.” Gen1:27-29
But when God made Adam and placed him in GARDEN God was very specific ;
And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: ] But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.  And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.  And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. Genesis 2:16-19
Adam was specifically told v2:17 not eat of Tree knowledge of good and evil. 
Gen1 and Gen2 are separate accounts. Time betwixt 2event unspecified 
Jesus was clear also. For He did not say from time of Garden He made Adam and Eve. But rather Jesus spoke on this wise.  
from the beginning of the creation God made them male & female’ also.. ‘he which made them at the beginning made them male & female
Not Adam and Eve, not from the time of garden.  Jesus meant what was said and said what he meant Adam and Eve were not in the creation... accept that scripture means what is said and says what it means


Actually in Genesis 2 God places Adam on earth and then grows the plants and animals and garden after. There may also be 2 separate creation accounts because the first one implies that God had already added earth(s), plants, animals, stars and ect ect into the universe, then placed Adam specifically on one of the earths(planets) that was still barren until God added more to it for him. Of course I agree with the formatting of the texts you mention as well, but this bit ^ is probably important to consider also. Nothing is accidental in the Bible and God doesn’t make mistakes, so Adam not fitting into the Gen 1 timeline of events probably has meaning.

Also it might be useful to mention that people were called ‘mankind’ exclusively until later after many generations are listed when it gets into the part about Noah, then it changes to human beings for some reason. Prior to that the focus was on mankind which (non-canon thunk provoking theory time) may not be human being exclusive, if Genesis 1 does refer to the wider universe prior to Adam, as that would imply mankind exists on other planets or may include the angels, which could possibly be how Caine found a wife despite Eve being the only woman on Earth at the time, and the subsequent nephilim hybrids that follow. Similarly, Eden may have been a planet that Adam and his family got booted from during the fall and sent to this one that was already filled with other ‘mankind’ (thus Caine/his wife)

Idk, it would just be rly interesting if “earth” means any planet made of earth(the element/soil) and mankind meant other of God’s children on other worlds.


If one looks carefully at the two creation accounts the same ABC ABC D pattern can be observed in both accounts. It's fairly obvious in Genesis 1 but it is evident in the 2nd creation story as well (Gen 2:4-25): A. The watering of the earth (4-6) and (10-14). B. Man created and placed in the garden (7-8) and (15). C. The trees of the garden (9) and ( 16-17). The 7th and highlighted unit here is marriage (18-25). The 7th unit of the 1st account is the Sabbath, the 7th day. Both highlighted units contain creation as well as gospel/redemption implications.


That was not the most high in the garden it was that anunnaki. The most high doesn’t walk in the cool of day. And no man or angle can stand before him and live!


Smart, concise, and accurate. Most importantly, you don't force your own idea into the text, but present your honest understanding of it. This is the way of doing it. God bless you.


Genesis 1 is Elohim (angels, judges, and magistrates) creating the earth and the serpent race of beings. Genesis 2 is the Lord God (El the supreme God) forming man from the dust of the ground whom he breathed the breath of life in. This is the heavenly man or spiritual from heaven. Genesis 1 is the earthly man with no spirit of life in them.


The first is still the original story from an earlier religion. God is still called "Elohim" there which refers to "El, the most high".
In Genesis 2, God takes on the familiar name of "Yahweh" and the whole storytelling is more developed. The authors are not afraid to straighten out the order of events, either, as in Gen 1 the plants on earth are created before the sun, but in Gen 2 the plants come later.
They could not let go of the original story as it was holy. Deuteronomy 10:17 even states that Yahweh and El are the same God.
