The Story of Creation Through Sacred Geometry

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Once, all life in the universe knew the Flower of Life as the creation pattern -- the geometrical design leading us into and out of physical existence. Then from a very high state of consciousness, we fell into darkness and forgot who we were. For thousands of years, the secret was held in ancient artifacts and carvings around the world and encoded in the cells of all life.
Now we are rising up from that sleep, shaking old, stale beliefs from our minds and glimpsing the golden light of this new dawn streaming through the windows of perception.

The concepts in this video are inspired by "The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life" by Drunvalo Melchizedek

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MSI is the hardware sponsor of this video. The views and opinions expressed in this video are based on poster's thought.

Background music by Stellardrone
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Insane how just tripping on hard psychedelics will have you hallucinating these insane geometric patterns instantly


Notice that the edge of awareness leads to an expansion. Creation is a process of pushing boundaries and questioning limitations. And this is why when looking into oneself, one has to be able to draw the light of awareness into the dark and unknown areas of oneself in order to expand and be reborn.


Never before in history has there been this level of self-awareness, nor interconnectedness. I used to always wonder why I was born into this time period, and would fantasize and romanticize other time periods, and take the present I existed in for granted. As I have grown, I now reflect upon the world and the changing reality I am a part of, and have come to the conclusion that this is the only time for me to exist. My entire life has lead me to this moment, and every other moment I have ever existed in, and will continue to do so, until my purpose is fulfilled, and Creator willing, even further. We all have a role to play, and it is up to Us, to have the humility and grace to accept our part, our piece of the puzzle.
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The World is in Need or Saving. It’s Time for Us to Evolve. We Are the One.


The advertisement came outta nowhere. I feel enlightened and duped.


This is the longest laptop ad I've ever seen.


This is practically a mapped out psychedelic explanation of life combining science and I tucking love it. Spiritual+science= this is how we will find out about where we come from.


What an amazing video I didnt even notice the last bit was a product placement ad for about the first minute or so lmao


Now you know why masonry has a compass and square as their symbol. Everything begins from a point and moves to the circumference... Good video...


Time and existence is not linear, it's circular, everlasting and continual, no beginning or end. Just different realms of consciousness and experiences. Enjoy the rides.


Am I the only one who finds these illustrations *SO RELAXING* ?


Thank you for such a well thought out & beautiful vid, which reminds me of my favourite poem. “To see a world in a grain of sand, and heaven in a wild flower. To hold infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour.” - William Blake.


This went off the tracks with me at 0:55 when you failed to mention Lamaitre was a priest AND a cosmologist with a PhD in physics from MIT -- he had scientific training and his hypothesis was a scientific hypothesis. From here you quickly devolve into... I don't know what, but the omission was telling.


Ok so anyone else notice that the song Parabola by Tool literally shows the egg of life and original circle of spirit in the music I’m mind blown. This is all very true. Namaste


Is that why you see geometry everywhere on psychedelics?


This was unbelievably fascinating! I think I just found my new favourite video on all of YouTube ... will definitely be sharing this knowledge! Thanks After Skool


I could not agree more with all the positive reviews and comments on here. Half way through the video I just could not help but cry. No one has really put into words what you have managed to do so. I got it I comprehended it and the reason I had such a reaction to it is because it made sense. Not in my mind or thoughts but somewhere deeper that I don't have words to describe or its just ineffable to us at this time. It was a rapid instantaneous connection to the information. They say when truths are spoken they do not need to be justified, defended or explained. They are at their truest form that those who know truth will see it and feel it the moment they encounter it. Thank you so much! Your videos are everything to me and I am sure a lot of us on here.


We are citizens of eternity, beings of infinity.


Nothing can be outside of existence, this is "THE SELF" and that movement is thee unborn pure conscious


The fact that it was a Catholic priest and scientist who came out with the Big Bang concept is fascinating from epistemological perspective..


This is an incredibly concise introduction to the topic of sacred geometry. A very useful starting point for people to begin their journey. Thank you.
