Jordan Peterson CLARIFIES The Creation of Woman | 'Women Are NOT Subordinate To Men'

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"And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept.

And God took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh instead thereof, and the rib which the Lord God had taken from man made he a woman and brought her unto the man.

And Adam said, this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. She shall be called woman because she was taken out of man."

WHAT does this really means? Listen to Dr. Jordan Peterson, carefully.


HINT: You can get for FREE the audio version narrated by Dr. Peterson himself if you sign up for an Audible Trial.

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*I hope you'll have a beautiful day.*

Ps. 👍 the video.


"Women were created from the rib of man to be beside him, not from his head to top him, nor from his feet to be trampled by him, but from under his arm to be protected by him, near to his heart to be loved by him.“


I found a person that was willing to take life with me whether good or bad for all our lives. What a wondrous thing that is! I lost him to cancer after 35 years and our time together wasn’t nearly long enough. I wish that for you all. ❤️


That is some deeply eye opening stuff right there! “In a marriage it’s not about what’s best for the husband or best for the wife, it’s about 2 people doing what’s best for the marriage.”


My husband and I totally understood what this meant about becoming one. I was only married for 5 years before he passed away but we actually became one. If we were in two different states, One could guarantee that we were talking about the same thing and spreading the same message, but separately. So many people don't understand what this means. It helped me to understand the trinity.


We hadn't been married very long when my husband started to call me "Bezer", which Leviticus calls a city of refuge. Knowing that he felt that about me is the highest praise of my walk with the Master. We were so much one person that when one of us came into the house or our office, the other one knew. Neither one of us had to be told when the other one left. God gave us many years of our wonderful marriage but when he moved to live in Heaven, he took half of me with him.


My wife will have been married for 42 years on September 6 . I have no idea what it would be like if she passed before me, and vise versa . I have always had a hard time understanding people who can’t or won’t work at keeping marriage alive .
I have known Christians over the years who have suffered divorce. I am glad God has helped us in our marriage .


Many times I’ve shared the story of man and woman, dissected it, and explained that when God saw Adam was lonely, He took ‘one’ rib (not bone from Adams head so she is above him, not bone from his foot so she is below him)…a ‘single’ rib from Adams side, and created a ‘helpmate and companion’ to stand at his side.
It’s encouraging to read that there are men out there who realize this.


The Word 'helper' in the Bible, translated purely from Aramaic is actually 'God as my helper'. It's a blessing. We have a huge responsibility toward each other together.


This is what we are taught in my religion. I feel it in my marriage, when my wife goes back home to visit her family I cant go with her because of my work situation. When she isnt here its as if part of me is missing. She feels the same. When we became married we became one being.


A beautiful quote I love: "God did not take Eve out of Adam's foot to be trod upon by him, nor did He take her out of his skull to rule over him. But God made Eve from Adam's rib to be close to his heart and closely guarded."


Dr.Peterson has helped me permanently change my life, without his videos I don't know how much worse my life would be right now, thank you Jordan, you are as a
friend said to me" the father we never had"


I always love hearing him talk and philosophize. His thinking is so deep, and I enjoy dipping my toe into those deep waters. He is amazing!❤️


I'm getting divorced this year after almost 2 years of separation and this hit home. I am writing this with tears in my eyes because I know that Jordan is right—at least when it comes to my marriage. I never fully committed to my wife and always had one foot out of the door—I knew I could run away if I wanted to. I was never truly honest with her, I did not share with her my true fears, needs, desires or wants because I was afraid to. Afraid to share them and afraid to even acknowledged and explore them myself.

I'm halfway through reading "Beyond Order" and so far I think it is better than its predecessor. Thank you JP, for everything you have helped me identify within myself.


I am proud to have been married for 20 years. My goal is 50+, My goal is to die holding my wife’s hand as I leave this world. I am a strong hard man and I am sitting here with tears rolling down my face as I listen to this beautifully oration.


Your description of "people living together" is spot on. I wish I would have heard this years ago so I could have repeated to my daughter.


Just keep in mind that "rib" is a sloppy translation.
1] Adam reported (Gen 2:23) that Eve was from BOTH his FLESH and his bone, not only his rib bone. Apparently, some translators missed that little detail.
2] TSELA is only translated "rib" twice, but "side" 19X, which is more accurate anyway.
Eve (Hebrew: HAVAH) was made from Adam's side, from much more than a small bone. God filled it in with a recreated "side" but it initially must have made a deep impression on Adam.


The plaque on our kitchen wall says a " happy marriage is the Union of 2 good forgivers."
It's worked for us for 30 years and our marriage is the best it's ever been.
I am so blessed to have such a gracious wife ❤


This is beautiful. The beauty of marriage needs to come back to this day and age where people aren’t interested in marriage anymore. Marriage needs to make a comeback.


One thing I always tell young bucks - "If you want to find Ms. Right, try being Mr. Right."

Been married almost five years now, still working on it.
