Kettlebell Windmill Tutorial | Kettlebell Exercises

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The Kettlebell Windmill is a key exercise that will both strengthen your core while enhancing your hip flexibility at the same time. It requires a level of shoulder stability that few exercises can match.

Add in elements of full body coordination and hip and leg flexibility and you have one of the top kettlebell exercises around. Be sure to use the Kettlebell from Ground variation if you don't have the ability to perform this drill with precision and confidence.

| Exercise Steps |

Step 1: Standing with your feet forward and slightly wider than shoulder width apart, Clean and Press the kettlebell overhead. Stabilize the kettlebell in a locked out position, then turn your feet 45 degrees away from the kettlebell.

Step 2: While seeking to keep your back leg as vertical as possible, begin to hinge at the hips while tracking the inside of your front leg with the back of your unloaded arm. If you don't have the flexibility to do this, you may start leaning, in which case, soften your back knee to keep your back hip in line with your back ankle.

Step 3: Try to touch the ground while getting your upper body into a parallel position to the ground. Keep your shoulder packed as you descend and ascend. Keep your eye on the kettlebell; if it starts to fall at any point, get out of the way.

Tips & Safety: Don't put your feet into the final position until you have the kettlebell locked out overhead; attempting to Clean the kettlebell while in the final position puts your back at risk.



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Рекомендации по теме

The model's technique seems decent, but where are the feet? Fatal flaw for a basic instructional video like this.
