How to Start an IV #nursingschool #RN #BSN

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What would you have done differently? 💉

Some random tips:
💉 Apply tourniquet FIRST, then truly assess for veins. Sure, you might be able to identify one from a visual glance, but tying that tourniquet and taking a closer look might just give you a better option.

💉 Don’t JUST look! Palpating the region for options can give you great choices in the forearm, wrist, and AC. Looks can be deceiving, so don’t OVERlook the importance of palpation

💉For stubborn veins that just won’t surface, try tapping gently and using a heated blanket or warm pack. Warmth = dilation, so you’re more apt to find a winning vein if they’re feeling warm and plump!

💉 ALWAYS anchor the vein BELOW the insertion site. Pull the vein down & taut. Never anchor above. You have less control & are at risk for sticking yourself!

💉 Bevel up. This might sound simple for those of you who know how important it is, but it can be overlooked & assumed that new students know this!

Remember → IVs take PRACTICE and PATIENCE! You got this, future nurse.

#nursingstudents #nursehacks #nursingnotes #nurseinthemaking #RN #BSN #IVinsertion #IV #injection

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A message from Kristine, founder of NurseInTheMaking📣
My name is Kristine and I survived nursing school…and you can too!
Nurse In The Making was inspired during my time in nursing school. I immediately struggled and decided to create my own study guides. These guides have helped me personally as well as many others make nursing school just a little more manageable.I hope you find comfort knowing that everyone struggles at times. Nursing school is emotionally and physically draining. I hope these informative, clean, and simple guides help you navigate through all the information because there is A LOT of it in nursing school.

Happy Studying Future Nurses. Don't forget to enjoy the journey!
Рекомендации по теме

My hand Is always shaking so it's making me Question My sanity If i wanna pursue Being a nurse 😭


Give me more videos. I love this it’s very detailed and put together very nicely


I have donated platelets a few times . So one phlebotomist tried the vein in my left arm ( my right arm has a good vein) . As soon as the needle hit ( only word I could think of) the vein I screamed! Told her” take it out . Take it out”! Not even 5 minutes later I had black and blue bruises because the vein collapsed! It was a horrible experience. This is off topic, but I hate having the needle placed in my hand for my surgeries .talk about uncomfortable!


No. Start distal, move up only if necessary. You shouldn't use the AC joint unless absolutely necessary, as the patient will get a lot of irritation and may dislodge the catheter because, well, that's where the arm flexes...


I have some serious medical problems and have to have IV's at least once or twice a year. I also have tiny, squiggly veins small enough to be those of a child. Some nurses start to go in at too high an angle and because of this, they either miss and dig around or go right through the vein.

I used to draw blood and learned how to get an IV in when I was studying microbiology years ago. Do nurses (as a rule) get offended if I tell them to go in more parallel to the skin? I have limited veins to use so it's a big deal. (once I had to have an IV in my neck)


Are you supposed to clamp the tubing so the bmood return doesn't squirt everywhere??
Doing a check off soon, so was wondering lol😅


Not all done.😮 where it is the port cap cover.


🤨 FIRST....remove long sleeved clothing....who knows where that's been.


Better secure it first before connecting it to the line.


Why do you have to clamp the tube in the end?


That's not the good, or the best site for iv line
