Running & Training Techniques : How to Start Running for Beginners

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To start running as a beginner, jog slowly for 20 minutes every other day, and then gradually increase the time and speed of each jog. Work up to a faster pace and longer running distance with tips from a running coach and certified sports trainer in this free video on running.

Expert: Samuel Harvell
Bio: Samuel Harvell is certified through the National Endurance Sports Trainers Association (NESTA) and is an experienced running coach.
Filmmaker: Bing Hu
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hi guys im 13 and this stuff is good but this takes a LONG time. I have competed in lots of events and my last one was the town sports 1600m in which I won by 23 seconds. You just want to regularly jog 1, 2 or 3 miles at a comfortable pace and when you get used to it either speed it up or run further. Hope this helps


It's about keeping your heart rate up in the zone (depends on your age what you should keep your heart rate at) for 20mins.

It's fairly simple. If you are really interested in running, my advice would be to get something to messure your heart-rate with while you're walking/jogging/running. Be it a heart-rate watch or whatnot.
It's hard at first. And I used to just run at a pace that felt natural to me. Afraid that was waay too fast and I felt really bad after each workout. Find your sweetspot.


People often jog too fast when starting out for the first time. "Easy Jogging" is the key thing. I think of it more as a trot, sorta in-between a fast walk and a jog. I'll combine the two terms and call it a "Wog". I know it sounds silly, but it makes sense(to me anyhow)! It's not too hard to accomplish 20 mins of it. This way you can keep your heart rate up and do some sweating! NEVER push yourself all the way to your limit in order to avoid injuring yourself. That's what worked for me.


I'm a complete beginner and I did it. very happy with myself


+ try running at least 80 bpm, ideally marathoners run about 90-96. I Would suggest to stick to the program below till you reach about 5 km distance, just be patient and do not run more even if you feel you can. Thanx for reading this ;)


also another good tip is to keep a notebook of running logs
just make it simple entries such as
good run for 20 mins 2mile
slow run fr 2o mins 2 mile

easy run fr 25 mins 3 miles
etc etc
and after a few weeks ull see a lot more easy runs
this helps when u look back over a few weeks mnths


Well, if you're just starting running after a break or whatever.. start running from 500m gradually increasing your mileage by 250 m. each or every second day, a very important moment is to warm up by walking at least 10 minutes and do an easy stretch before the run. The pattern would be like this 500-750-1000-750-1000-1250 etc.If you have no posibilities to count the mileage you can run by minutes, according to the example above it would be smth like this:5-7-10-7-10-12-10 etc.have a good run


Nice tips, I made a program for my wife's mom that's really similar to this idea. I would add having a goal such as a 5k race in the not to distant future you can focus on. It will keep you motivated and when you do achieve it, the positive vibes will push you on to your next goal! Happy running, Dan


finally! wearing a t-shirt!!!
Good for us!!!
By the way, i'd like to run in the afternoon, i just decide to start when i begin to hear the gun shoots... that really motivates me.


Two questions: 1. Why are there captions? This guy speaks clear and concise English.
2. Why does he feel the need to explain what "every other day means" by counting off the days? I mean if you can't figure out what every other day means, you don't need to be running need to be home playing with your imaginary friends.


Ya I totally agree, running for 20 mins is really hard for a beginner
I just run for as long as I can and then walk then run again


The only good advice he gave was going to a specialist for the running shoes. IF you have never ran before and your just totally out of shape start with walking. once you have got moving and motivated with your walks, add 1-2 minutes of jogging into your walks, then as each day passes, keep adding 1 minute, if your feeling a strain dont increase the minutes untill your body has adjusted. For me, i have been out of shape for over 6 years, so my body definitely need time to adjust.


When he tells begginners to run for 20 minutes, I wouldn't expect them to run the whole route either. However, as long as they attempt to run those 20 minutes, they'll push themselves into shape where they can run longer. Afterall, that is how I started, trying to go for a set amount of time, despite if I had to stop to catch my breath.


Short and sweet answer is...
Just go out and try it, if you cant make it, then walk some and then job, just do it for 20 to 30 minutes every two days.
Stay hydrated, this will help your run easier, prevent injury and burn more calories, stay off the gatorade.
Say NO to carbonated beverages, even diet sodas, I know it sucks.
Eat right, if you can't, take vitamins.
Listen to music, or run with a friend.


Are you running hard? If so, slow down to a nice easy jog, not much faster than a walking pace. I'd recommend intervals as well, so go at a nice easy SLOW pace for a few minutes, then walk until you feel recovered, then jog for a few more minutes. Each time you go try and go a little further before recovering, the worst you can do is stop as soon as you feel uncomfortable, rest a bit (but keep moving) and keep training, you will improve quickly!


of course you can! just jog slow and you can make it!


most i've ran continously is 3 and 1/2 hours. 3 time state champion qualifier in Cross Country =)


@Bunzypoo Yes. I have(had) that too. Never smoke and I've always been active. When I was younger I played soccer and I used to skate everyday.
But I just couldn't run because of it.
I'm pretty sure you're running too fast. You're going too fast compared to what your body can keep up with. If you want to do this bad enough. You have to get there slow. My biggest "turn-off" when first running was that I'd almost die at the end of each run. Just find a better pace. Water is ofcourse also important


@finbomartini true. you do have to push yourself. i was surveying some of the 'couch to 5k' runners here on YT and some aren't progressing...they simply won't push themselves.


I run about 4 Miles a day just to be fit! training to run long distance
