Predestination, Election, and Foreknowledge

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In this episode, Dr. Betters answers the question, "Jerry asked, We are told that God is no respecter of persons, and that He looks at the heart, and that He seeks for those of a contrite heart. Predestination from the foundation of the earth without His foreknowledge seems to destroy all of this. To me it seems an even greater God who is able to determine before the foundation of the earth the final outcome of each and every man who would be given the freedom to walk the face of the earth and choose or reject when given that opportunity. Where am I going wrong?"

"Ask Doctor Betters" is video series where every Monday Dr. Charles F. Betters answers questions on suffering and the sovereignty of God in 5-8 minutes.

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Blessed are your eyes, for they see:and your ears, for they hear.


You quoted Romans 9:6-13 in its context, is God's purpose of predestinatio and election for salvation of individuals? I don't think so though I believe in God's absolute Sovereignty, this passage is talking about God's selection of the Messiah's bloodline coming from certain individuals from the Jewish nation. Thank you.


God made a choice in eternity past based on the choice he knew we would make in the future. God is not a dictator. Every man is born a free moral agent. God bases his choice on our choice.


If Calvinism is correct please explain Colossians 2:12 “having been buried with him in baptism, in which you were also raised with him through your faith in the working of God, who raised him from the dead.”


Ephesians 1 also talks about predestination.


Nobody disputes God's Sovernty.

However one of God's Greatest Commands was that we Love our neighbor As ourselves.

Are we to then Glory in the Condemnation of God's Predetermined or Prescribed - Unilateral Choice of our neighbors who are sentenced to eternal Damnation?

Conflicts with the Divine Love & Salvation through Christ our Lord...

Or so it seems...


Your teaching is I noticed is more inclined to Calvinism which I disagree. Thank you.


Bro am a Baptist and have taught and been taught the typical doctrine that salvation is by grace. Until recently have I had any new thoughts or doubts different from this. Listening to Dr John McAuthor and you explain this doctrine of predestinaion at length has made me think. I fully undestand that God is soverign (as you clearly state). The one passage that I cannot square with is the one that plainly states it is not GOds will that anyone should perish. If God has already made His selection, then why am I compelled and burdened to show others THE WAY. If your settled. Not being difficult just puzzled, thank love listening to your clear positive messages. Maybe I do remember you stating that you intend to address this at a later time?


Who is Paul talking to in Romans 8:28-29?


Bible Dictionaries - Baker's Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology - Foreknowledge

In his omniscience God knows what the future holds both for individuals and for nations. He knows and sees everything in advance and his will is carried out in accord with his plans and purposes. In the Old Testament God's foreknowledge is usually represented by the verb yada [[;d"y], which is the normal verb for "know." In the New Testament the main verbs are proginosko [proginwvskw], "to know in advance, " and proorao, "to see what is ahead." Foreknowledge is closely connected to election and predestination and to God's sovereign rule of his universe.


What if im seeking God and im not elected. Is this what is meant when Jesus said, many will say havnt we prophesied in your name .... and Jesus will say he never knew them? This is a horrifying thought, to be brought into the world destined for eternal damnation..and there is no escape from this


U getting mixed up bro that the method of salvation no one is chosen for salvation we’re are elected In Christ not to be in Christ if u right why would God ask a man to choose Christ was elected to be our saviour and we’re elected in him u need to read John and Charles weseley notes on this doctrine and u will see we’re u going wrong The best eg in scripture is the rich young ruler Christ offered him salvation if He sold his goods and follow him Forknowelge is not Gods will he knows what I’m going to with his Son That why salvation is a Gift not a inheritance


Please read the book of Romans in its entirety not just Chapter 8 and 9 looks like you agree with equal ultimacy which God choose one man to be saved and another damed to hell . When he could have chose differently Bad reading of the text Bro


Wrong! Go back to Romans 8:28; "TO THEM THAT LOVE GOD" !
And, because God "FOREKNEW" that Esau would despise his birthright because he did not LOVE God whereas Jacob did LOVE God he (God) predestined all things to work as he said for the good and according to his(Gods) purpose. So Esau served Jacob though he deceived Issac. The promise of the birthright did not diminish because of Esaus choice and God would not allow Esau who did not love him to interfere with what he had already promised!


GOD elects according to our freewill choices per his plan and will. Calvinism is false.


Revelation 17:8 says some people names wasn’t written in the book of life before the earth was made. Which I interpreted it as they were predestined to be evil.

Revelation 17:8 The beast you saw was once alive but isn’t now. And yet he will soon come up out of the bottomless pit and go to eternal destruction. And the people who belong to this world, whose names were not written in the Book of Life before the world was made, will be amazed at the reappearance of this beast who had died.
